"Fang Xin, just tell me how you cured Xiaoyu. I promise not to tell anyone else about this."

After Xiaoyu's incident, Wu Zekai came to pester Fang Xin every day when he was free. He really wanted to know what Fang Xin did that day.

It was a medical miracle that Fang Xin successfully cured a terminal cancer patient so easily.

"Wu Zekai, I have explained the matter of that day very clearly. Now it is time to get off work. If you are harassing me, don't blame me for being rude."

Fang Xin looked at Wu Zekai impatiently. Now Fang Xin wished that Xiaoyu had never come, so that he could save such unnecessary trouble.

Fortunately, there is only one first aid kit. It seems that first aid kits should be used with caution in the future.

Fang Xin sighed in his heart. He never thought that the first aid kit given by the system would bring him so much trouble.

"A toast to freedom……"

While Fang Xin was driving, her cell phone rang suddenly. Looking at the name displayed on the screen, Fang Xin was surprised.

""Why did this kid Li Haode contact me all of a sudden?" Fang Xin thought to herself.

Li Haode was Fang Xin's classmate in college, but they hadn't been in touch since graduation. Not only Li Haode, Fang Xin had lost contact with all of his college classmates after graduation.

When Fang Xin was a class leader in college, he felt the sinister nature of people, so Fang Xin looked down on these people who were classmates in name but smart behind the scenes.

"Hello, Fang Xin, we haven't seen each other for such a long time since we graduated from college, so we organized a class reunion. I'll send you the location later, so hurry up!"

Before Fang Xin agreed, Li Haode hung up the phone. Looking at the text message on his phone, Fang Xin fell into deep thought. Fang

Xin really didn't want to go to this class reunion, but now that people just called him to tell him, if he didn't go

, it would seem that his attitude was problematic. But Li Haode's attitude just now, forget it or go, anyway, we are classmates and he can't do anything to me.

Thinking of this, Fang Xin turned the car around and drove towards the address in the text message.

At the same time, in a private room of a hotel:

"Brother Li, do you think Fang Xin will come back? I don’t believe that Fang Xin will come obediently just by your words!"

"You guys, don't disbelieve me, I had him under my control when I was in college, and now I still have him under my control even though I'm working!"

A greasy man with a big waist, a fat head and fat ears said at the main seat of the table. While speaking, he fumbled with the gold necklace on his neck from time to time, as if he was afraid that people around him would not notice.

"That's right, who is Brother Li? He is a big boss now. When I was in college, I knew that Brother Li would be the most promising student in our class."

"Come, Brother Li, I toast you with this glass!"

After saying that, the woman in the blue suspender skirt drank the red wine in her hand, while Li Haode kept staring at her proud breasts.

During college, Zhi Boyu was the dream goddess of every boy in their class, but at that time, Zhi Boyu's mind was on the rich and powerful boss outside the school.

Under the leadership of Zhi Boyu, everyone present toasted Li Haode and kept flattering him.

This was also the reason why Fang Xin hesitated just now. Nowadays, there is no friendship between classmates in class reunions. There is only endless showing off of wealth and comparison. To put it bluntly, everyone is showing off their good life and pretending to be rich.

"It seems that someone in the class is doing well, and the place they chose is also quite classy."

Twenty minutes later, Fang Xin parked the car and came to a relatively high-end restaurant in the city, and then walked in.

"Hello, please tell me where is 502?"

"Go straight and turn left!"

After learning the location of the party room, Fang Xin walked straight over.

On the way here, Fang Xin had already made up his mind. This time he would pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, so that those classmates who disgusted him in the past would see his current strength.

""I'm sorry, old classmates. There was a traffic jam on the road. I'm late!"

Seeing Fang Xin push the door open, the originally lively crowd suddenly became silent. They all stared at Fang Xin, and then laughed. Looking at the scene of everyone like this, Fang Xin was a little confused.

Although he came a little late, it wasn't that funny, right?

"Brother Li, you are worthy of being me. Fang Xin is here after all!"

"Look at what you said. It's a class reunion. Why can't Fang Xin come?"

""Fang Xin, go get a stool in the corner. You came so late and we've almost finished eating. So just order whatever you want. It's rare for us to get together today, so I'll treat you!"

Li Haode said, patting his chest. During college, Li Haode always secretly targeted Fang Xin, but Fang Xin didn't bother to argue with him at that time.

But who would have thought that this so-called class reunion was also to make a fool of herself, and it looked like she was not originally invited to this party.

When Fang Xin thought of this, she was furious. She had endured being bullied in college, but now she was trying to be clever. For a moment, an"evil" idea appeared in Fang Xin's mind.

Since Li Haode was so generous, Fang Xin would not be polite. Anyway, she just didn't have any food, so she might as well order something expensive and rip him off.

"Fang Xin, I think you are just an average person. Why are you wearing cheap clothes?"

"Look at the people from our class. Although they are not as successful as Brother Li, they are all doing well. If you have difficulties in your work, we will definitely help you.���We are all old classmates."

As soon as Fang Xin sat down, someone next to him said in a weird tone

"To be honest, I am not as capable as you. I am content to be a doctor. I have holidays and salary. Although it is not much, it is enough for me to live."

"I don't have any aspirations either."

Fang Xin smiled at the classmate beside her. On the way here, Fang Xin guessed that she would be excluded in the dinner party, so all these things were within Fang Xin's expectations.

"Doctor? After all these years, you are still a little doctor. What future can a doctor have? Can you buy a house or save money?"

"My class committee member Fang, be realistic. How can you marry a wife and carry on the family line without money? Are you going to be single for the rest of your life?"

Zhi Boyu said sarcastically.

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