"It doesn't matter. I don't like materialistic girls anyway. I can't accept second-hand things, let alone more than ten-hand ones."

"Although I am a small doctor, I don't pick up trash, right?"

After Fang Xin poured himself a glass of water, he looked at Zhi Boyu with a sincere face.

Fang Xin also had a deep memory of his classmate Zhi Boyu. Relying on her good figure, she was free and easy, and often mixed with middle-aged men.

Once she didn't come to school for a month, Fang Xin reported it back for safety reasons. Who would have thought that when the school checked, she actually went on a trip with an unknown wealthy businessman.

Therefore, Zhi Boyu was criticized by the school, and it was at that time that Fang Xin and her had a complete feud.

"Fang Xin, what do you mean!"

"What do you mean? I don't know what you are talking about."

After saying that, Fang Xin put on an innocent look.

"Okay, okay, Fang Xin, hurry up and order the food. You're late and you're still talking so much."

"Boyu, don't be angry and don't go."

Looking at Li Haode's actions of groping Zhi Boyu, Fang Xin almost vomited out of disgust. It's true that people are like birds of a feather. At the moment, he wished he had never received Li Haode's call.

In this way, he would not have seen such an eye-catching scene.

"Since Brother Li is treating me, I won't be polite."

"Bring me one of this page, one of this page, and one of this page, and bring me your best wine."

Seeing Fang Xin closing the menu with satisfaction, everyone present was shocked, especially Li Haode, who was sitting at the main seat. He wanted to rush over and slap Fang Xin.

Who would have thought that Fang Xin would order food this way? Didn't Chunchun think that Li Haode was a big enemy?

"Fang Xin, can you eat it?"

""You can eat it, Brother Li, do you not have enough money?"

Seeing Fang Xin's annoying expression, Li Haode forced a smile.

For this class reunion, Li Haode had advanced his salary for five months, just to pretend to be a successful person. Now he couldn't let all his efforts go to waste.

After the dishes were served, Fang Xin ignored the eyes of the people around him and started eating.

Seeing the people wolfing down their food, the classmates around them couldn't help but pick up their chopsticks. They were not full at all with what Li Haode ordered just now, but they were too embarrassed to say it out of face.

"I thought you were all full, but now it seems that there is not enough food. Waiter, serve again as before."

When Li Haode heard Fang Xin's words, he could no longer hold back. If he continued to eat like this, he would go bankrupt sooner or later. If he was really the boss, he would not care, but now he was just pretending to be rich.

"Fang Xin, you are targeting me on purpose!"

"I invited you to the class reunion with good intentions, but as soon as you came in, you started to criticize this and that, and even called Zhi Boyu a slut. Now you're eating and drinking like crazy, so we owe you something."

Looking at the furious Li Haode, Fang Xin elegantly picked up a tissue, wiped the oil stains from the corners of her mouth, looked around, and said slowly:

"I'm afraid you didn't plan to invite me to this class reunion from the beginning. Did you respect me when you gave me the last-minute notice?"

"Besides, who did I target? When did I say Zhi Boyu was a slut? What I said was that I didn't want second-hand goods. Did I name anyone? Instead, you are here to accuse others."

"Also, I can eat all the food I ordered, and everyone is still hungry, so what’s wrong with ordering a little more?"

"What do you mean by spending your money? I, Fang Xin, never said I would spend your money. You said you would treat me. Why do you feel bad now?"At this moment, everyone looked at Fang Xin in disbelief. They never thought that Fang Xin, who was always kind and honest, would completely explode at this moment.


"What do you mean by"you"?

Looking at the furious Li Haode, Fang Xin retorted

"Sir, do you still want to open this bottle of the most expensive Lafite?"

"We don't want it!"

Wiping the sweat off his head, Li Haode quickly refused. The price of this bottle of wine was not enough for him to pay even with his annual salary.

"Who said no, open it!"

"I see if you dare to open it!"

For a moment, the waiter was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

"I'm driving, so I won't drink. But those of you who are not driving can drink as much as you want. This wine is rare!"

After saying that, Fang Xin snatched the wine from the waiter, and then picked up the bottle opener in front of everyone.


After a crisp sound, the cork covering the red wine fell to the ground.

"Take it to sober up!"

Looking at the opened red wine, Li Haode collapsed on the chair. He regretted calling Fang Xin. This guy didn't come to attend the class reunion, but to make him bankrupt.

"Fang Xin, you have already bought a car. Why didn't you tell me earlier? I have an acquaintance who can give you a much lower price. So what car did you buy?"

When Fang Xin opened the red wine, she suddenly became the focus of the whole audience. Regardless of whether Li Haode had the money to pay, Fang Xin's courage alone was enough to impress them.

You know, the market price of the bottle of red wine that Fang Xin just opened is more than 20,000 yuan.

"He is a poor doctor, how can he afford a car? It just so happens that he wants to buy a BMW worth more than 300,000 yuan. Can you introduce your friend to me?"

As he spoke, Zhi Boyu moved his chest closer.

""Fang Xin, tell me what car you bought!"

Seeing this, Li Haode put his Land Rover car keys on the table.

He rented this car at a high price just for face.

Anyway, things have developed to this stage, and he is determined to make things difficult for Fang Xin and make Fang Xin look bad in front of everyone. As an adult, money can be earned again, but face must not be lost.

"I am just an ordinary vehicle, of course I can't compare with your Land Rover"

"Humph, I'm glad you know it!"

Seeing Fang Xin's submissive look, Li Haode felt much more relieved. This was exactly the result he wanted. The focus of this class reunion could only be him, Li Haode.

"You misunderstood me. What I meant was that I'm not used to driving such a cheap car, so it can't be compared with your Land Rover. But the fact that you can drive a Land Rover also shows that you did well after graduation."

Fang Xin said casually. In the past, Land Rover was definitely something that Fang Xin didn't dare to pursue, but now, in Fang Xin's eyes, Land Rover is just a piece of trash. How can a car worth less than a million have the qualifications to speak!

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