Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 33 Haunted House (1)

This is not a product of familiar times.

'Mo Xiaofei' was holding a modern tool called a mobile phone and flipping it up and down. When his finger accidentally touched the screen of the mobile phone, the interface that suddenly opened and the sound coming from the mobile phone made him suddenly Throwing the phone on the table.

Throughout the whole process, Zhui Feng was in a daze, watching his elder brother's strange behavior.

That damn old man must have done something to the elder brother... Such a big strange centipede crawled into the elder brother's ear... Although he was dragged out in the end, who knows that the centipede didn't bite his elder brother's brain. ?

It was not that Zhui Feng had never thought about the possibility that Mo Xiaofei might be possessed by an evil spirit, but he quickly dismissed this idea.

Zhui Feng, who has part of the greed inheritance, actually has a lot of knowledge in his head, which naturally includes the situation of evil spirits entering the body.

But his big brother Mo Xiaofei is very special. Even those particularly powerful evil spirits may not be able to succeed, and ordinary evil spirits may not even be able to get close. This is not because of Brother Mo Xiaofei's powerful abilities, but because Brother Mo Xiaofei actually contains the blood of a true dragon in his body.

Because of the strengthening and transformation of the body by the true dragon's blood, Mo Xiaofei is able to withstand this powerful and ever-improving superpower without having to worry about the brain's evolution exceeding the body's load for the time being.

I'm afraid my brain was really bitten by a centipede... Isn't that what modern society calls it: schizophrenia.

"This thing can really transmit sounds thousands of miles away, talk to people thousands of miles away, and even communicate face to face?" 'Mo Xiaofei' suddenly looked towards Zhui Feng at this time.

"How about, brother, please call home and try with your uncle and aunt?" Zhui Feng said tentatively.

He dropped out of junior high school, and his educational level is not very high. A lot of his knowledge comes from hearsay... I heard that if you are mentally ill, it is best to communicate with your relatives more. Anyway, this is just a flash of inspiration from Zhui Feng.

"No need." 'Mo Xiaofei' shook his head at this moment, then stared at Zhuifeng again, and said calmly: "I just woke up, and there are many things I don't know about modern society. Although you are a monster, But you can still stand by when I am in danger, which shows your loyalty!"

"Hehe..." Zhui Feng scratched his head in embarrassment, "Brother, you said that, we are two brothers, didn't you say that! Besides, you and I didn't know each other at the beginning, so you risked your life just for me... …This is nothing!”

It was a scene that Zhui Feng will never forget. In the grand stadium concert, the young man wearing a large firefighting suit and risking his life to save himself... that persistent look.

'Mo Xiaofei' stood up at this time, walked around with his hands behind his hands, and said to himself: "Although I rule the world, there is no one around me who can be trusted. I can see the truest and most sincere in your eyes, It’s really rare… You said, your name is Zhui Feng, right?”

Zhui Feng nodded... Facing the psycho, should we just follow him first?

In fact, Zhui Feng has no better way now. He naturally knows that Mo Xiaofei's current situation is not good, but this is something that cannot be solved by his ability. In this case, it is better to keep an eye on him and at least not let Brother Mo Xiaofei run around, otherwise his ability will cause trouble and he may be even more terrifying than himself.

If we can find Master Long or Master Turtle, there should be a solution.

As for the other option, it was to go back to the pet hospital... But Zhui Feng had a headache thinking about it, because he and Mo Xiaofei sneaked out quietly while Sun Xiaosheng, the temporary coach, was having fun in the Pure Land of Paradise. Besides, if the eldest brother is sent home like this, it will only make his uncle and aunt worry, which is not good.

'Mo Xiaofei' walked up to Zhui Feng at this time, put his hand on his shoulder, and said calmly: "Tolerance is great, and the sea is open to all rivers. If I don't have this tolerance, how can I be a king? Although you are a monster, You are kind, but you are brave and loyal, and I can use you again! Now that I have just woken up, you are the only one I can trust... Well, I will make you a Taiwei, with a gold seal and purple ribbon, and be in charge of military affairs. But now you are simple and simple, gold Let’s leave the sealing matter to another day!”

"Scared...oh! Okay."

Although I don’t know what it is, I just agree... There should be no problem, right?

Brother, when will you come back...

'Mo Xiaofei' pondered for a moment, then sat down, closed his eyes and began to think quietly. Despite this, Zhui Feng still did not dare to speak loudly, or even shut up directly, because he felt that his elder brother had become so imposing. , which made him feel a sense of awe unconsciously.

Suddenly, 'Mo Xiaofei' opened his eyes and asked slowly: "Lieutenant Zhui Feng, I want to ask you, when are you, and who was the emperor back then?"

"Huh?" Zhui Feng scratched his head. He didn't care about the affairs of human society at all... If you asked him what time "Iron Armored Man" would be broadcast, he would be able to answer it.

"What? Lieutenant Zhuifeng, don't you know?" 'Mo Xiaofei' frowned at this time.

"Then what..." Zhui Feng had no choice but to say: "Brother, why don't you ask Du Niang?"

"Du Niang?" 'Mo Xiaofei' was startled.

Zhui Feng nodded and said half-knowingly: "Isn't that what they say? 'Ask Du Niang if you have anything.' You can find the answer to anything. Du Niang knows everything!"

'Mo Xiaofei' suddenly wondered, "Is this true? I didn't expect that there is such a knowledgeable person in this world. What's even more rare is that this person is actually a woman... Well, where is this person, how can he See?"

"Well, Du Niang seems to be in your mobile phone..."

'Mo Xiaofei' was stunned again, then looked at the smartphone on the table, staring deeply, "Now, there is such a strange magic that can trap people in this little box..."

Brother, wake up! !

The old house of the Song family is not far from Mount Tai, and the top of Mount Tai can be seen from here.

Having said that, it is still quite a distance from Mount Tai.

The Song family, Luo Qiu and others took the Zhang family's private plane. After getting off the plane, the special car arranged by Mr. Ah Qi was already waiting outside the airport.

This time, nothing strange happened at the airport. There was no conversation the whole way after boarding the special car. After about half a day's drive, Song Tianyou finally returned to his hometown after many years of absence.

This time, he came back with the blood of the Song family who had been living abroad. Even a person like Song Tianyou, who had spent half his life in iron-blooded life, couldn't help bursting into tears... Maybe it was a feeling called timidity near home?

Just after getting out of the car, Song Tianyou let go of the hands held by Song Haoran and Song Ying, took his crutches, and staggered to a small slope where he could overlook the village ahead.

The figure of the old man began to become elongated under the orange-red sky. Song Tianyou waved his crutch at this time, pointed to a place with people in front of him, and began to talk about the past many years ago.

"Actually, I didn't grow up here." Song Tianyou said slowly at this time: "But when I was a child, my family would take me back here once a year. My father, grandfather, and brother...that is, Your grandpa."

He looked at Luo Qiu and smiled with relief. He moved his crutch again and pointed at a mountain forest not far away, "The Song family's ancestral grave is there. Get some rest tonight and I will take you there tomorrow." "

Luo Qiu saw that the wind was strong, so he helped Father Song down.

From here, Song Tianyou chose to hike, "At that time, this place was called Songjiazhai, and now it is called Songjiacun. I heard my grandpa say that Songjiazhai is protected by gods, and it is the child of the Dragon God. It's called 'Wang', and it lives in the pool in the forest behind the mountain."

"The child of the Dragon God..." Luo Qiu was startled and asked curiously: "'ang'? Forgetting or seeing?"

"The hope of seeing it." Song Tianyou said, lost in memories: "When I was a child, I shouted to my grandpa to take me to see the Dragon God's child. Grandpa took me, and at that time I went to the water pool. It was connected to a small and medium-sized river. The waterfall. I was young at the time and had never seen a waterfall before, so I felt that the place was very majestic, and I was quite frightened. My grandpa and I stood there for a long time. Can we still hear the sounds coming from the depths of the waterfall? There were bursts of thunderous sounds. Grandpa told me that it was the child of the Dragon God who was shouting, and it was the roar of the dragon."

Hearing this, Song Ying stepped forward and said casually: "There should be a cave or something behind the waterfall. The wind passed through and formed a wind hole, so the sound came out."

Song Tianyou just laughed and gently tapped Song Ying on the head with his cane, "If you said this to my grandpa back in the day, he would definitely hit you like this and say you were disrespectful."

Song Ying had no choice but to stick out her tongue.

Zhang Qingrui, who was following him, smiled slightly and said: "As the saying goes, 'If the mountain is not high, the dragon will be the spirit.' This place is surrounded by mountains, with green mountains and beautiful waters. It is indeed a geomantic treasure."

"Oh? Miss Zhang family also knows about Feng Shui metaphysics?" Father Song looked at him with a smile.

Zhang Qingrui smoothed her hair and said softly: "I can't say that I understand this. It's just that I have some old books on Feng Shui and metaphysics at home, and I read some of them when I have nothing to do. So I can only say that I know a little bit about it, but it's all superficial."

"Miss Zhang is so humble." Song Tianyou chuckled, "Feng shui is good, it can be said that it is your grandmother's family's specialty."

Zhang Qingrui just smiled and had no intention of continuing to discuss this topic.

"Is the house in front of you the ancestral house?" Luo Qiu suddenly looked at an old courtyard in front of him and asked.

Song Tianyou said: "Yes, that is the ancestral home of my Song family. When I returned here for the first time from abroad more than 20 years ago, most of the house was already occupied, and the things in the house had long since disappeared. Later I visited I hired some people to repair the house, and also hired a few housekeepers. When I came back a few years ago, I could still see some old people, but not so much now... Let’s go, it’s getting dark.”

"It's strange, why is it not dark and no one can be seen?" Song Ying looked at the head of the village and saw the archway with the words 'Songjia Village' written on it. "Grandpa, everyone here is so early. Rest?"

Song Tianyou said: "People in mountain villages work when the sun rises and rest when the sun sets. It is normal to rest early. is indeed a bit early today."

Song Haoran winked at this moment, and a strong man in a black suit beside him nodded directly and walked quickly into the village.

When he walked out of the archway, a group of people happened to reach the archway. This strong man also brought an old man back.

"Master, there seems to be something going on. I brought someone back." The strong bodyguard said respectfully at this time.

When the old man saw Song Tianyou, he was stunned at first, but finally took two steps closer and opened his eyes forcefully. His vision seemed a little blurry, probably because his eyesight had deteriorated.

The old man said at this time: "Are you...are you Master Song? The master of the Song family's mansion?"

"Song Bo?" Song Tianyou also frowned, obviously recognizing the old man, "Are you Song Bo?"

"It's me, it's me." The little old man patted his chest and gave a thumbs up: "Master Song still remembers me!"

Song Tianyou smiled and said: "Of course I remember, when we were building the house, you were the only one there. I also had dinner at your house... Later I came back several times, but I always saw you. How? , your body is in good shape."

"It's good, I can eat and sleep, and drink a few taels of white wine every day!" Song Bo patted his chest and said: "I went away to seek a living for more than ten years, and I only came back two or three years ago. .I’m too old to walk anymore, so I’m waiting to die here.”

Song Tianyou patted the little old man on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You're still very tough. It's too early to talk... By the way, I just came back. Let's talk while we're walking. You can come too and tell me about the village." Things... my people just said that there was something going on in the village, did something happen?"

Song Bo was hesitant at this time, and seemed to be a little afraid. He turned back and took a look inside the village, but hesitated to speak.

"Song Bo, I can be considered a person from this Songjia Village." Song Tianyou said calmly at this time: "I have also burned incense in the ancestral hall of this Songjia Village. If there are any difficulties in the village, I cannot pretend to be invisible. If you have anything to say, just say it. Are you having any difficulties in life?"

"Hey, Mr. Song, this is not a matter of helping or not." Song Bo shook his head at this time, "There are some things that cannot be decided by money."

Song Tianyou was startled.

Song Haoran smiled and said: "Uncle Song Bo, do you still remember me? Song Haoran, Master Song's son."

"Remember, young master." Song Bo opened his mouth and smiled with his scarce teeth: "You are so big. When I saw you, you were not even half as tall as me!"

Song Haoran smiled slightly, "I have grown up. But not only have I grown up, I have also become more capable. Uncle Song Bo, you just said that some things cannot be decided by money, so it just so happens that we can also decide things that are not controlled by money. . If you have something to say, you might as well just say it."

"This..." Song Bo hesitated for a moment, and then looked at the Song family.

Behind them were a number of burly men, who were quite scary... It seemed that this formation emboldened Song Bo, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Master Song, you don't know something. Recently, our Songjia Village... has been haunted. ! Very fierce!"

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