Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 34 Haunted House (2)

There are mountains, water, gods and ghosts, which seems to be a bad habit in remote areas, or an ancient superstition passed down from generation to generation.

Although Songjiacun cannot be described as a remote place, it can still be regarded as a remote place. In order to avoid the disaster of war, the ancestors of the Song family deliberately chose this place to be far away from the world.

"Haunted?" Song Haoran glanced at his family members, raised his eyebrows, looked into Song Bo's eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

Song Bo quickly said: "It was Wangjia Village in the next ditch that started the commotion. The commotion continued and the commotion came to our side."

"The ditch next door?" Song Haoran was stunned and subconsciously looked at his father.

Song Tianyou nodded and said, "I remember that there used to be several families with the surname Wang over there."

Song Haoran nodded.

Song Bo said nervously at this time: "I saw that my hair was growing that day, so I planned to go to Master Wang from the head of Wangjia Village to get a haircut. I passed by a house and happened to be doing some errands. I asked out of curiosity. It turned out that it was the whole family. They all died violent deaths. A family of six, big and small, all died in one night. I heard that the death was terrible! Are you evil?"

"A night of death..." Song Haoran suddenly frowned.

"Yes! I'm so miserable." Song Bo sighed, "I've met the head of the family who died a few times. He was a blacksmith, and he was pretty good at repairing iron pots. His name was Wang Dashun. Oh, that's quite good. Young, in his forties, it’s such a shame.”

"Since someone is dead, doesn't anyone from the local towns come down to investigate?" Song Tianyou asked in a deep voice.

"I'm here, but I can't find anything." Song Bo now told what he had inquired about: "But I heard that Wang Dashun picked up two men from somewhere earlier, and one of them was injured. He was injured, and one of them fell unconscious immediately. Not long after, all Wang Dashun's family were dead, and the two people he took in were missing. The police from the countryside said that it might be these two men who killed them. He is wanted, but I don’t know if he has been found or not.”

"What happened next? How did it get involved with ghosts?"

Song Bo said: "A few days later, during Wang Dashun's first year, an old man went to the toilet in the middle of the night and saw a white shadow coming out of Wang Dashun's house. He was frightened and fainted. When he woke up the next day, he said he had bumped into him. Ghost. Since then, people bumped into him one after another at night, and some people heard crying coming from Wang Dashun's house in the middle of the night. There was a brave man who didn't believe in evil and knocked on the door by himself in the middle of the night. The second result Tian was found unconscious outside the house, and he didn’t know how he fell asleep. But since then, this guy has been nervous all day long, and as a result, everyone in the ditch was panicked. "

After a pause, Song Bo continued: "Then Gouli invited a Taoist priest from nowhere to come back and start a ritual practice. The result was good, but Wang Dashun's evil ghost was driven away and came to our Songjia Village! "

"Uncle Song Bo, are you saying that Wang Dashun's ghost has come here...has anyone here seen it with their own eyes?" Song Haoran suddenly asked.

Song Bo nodded vigorously, "Why not! Many people have seen it, including me... Probably last week, someone in another ditch was doing an event and asked me to come over and set up a stove to cook. Because I came back late, when I entered Mr. Song's ancestral home in the middle of the night, I heard some strange noises coming from inside... I also drank some wine at that time, and I felt brave, so I walked quietly I listened some in front of the door. I heard some very strange sounds, like laughter. Then I touched the wall of your house and took a look inside! Oh my god, I almost scared people to death!"

"What did you see?" Song Ying swallowed her saliva and asked subconsciously.

Song Bo's face turned a little pale at this time, and he swallowed his saliva and said: "I saw a guy with disheveled hair and no face. He was lying on the ground like this, crawling, crawling, crawling, crawling so fast. ! Doesn’t look like a human being at all!”

"Is there anyone?" Song Haoran grasped the key point.

"There is a ghost!" Song Bo said in horror: "I saw it with my own eyes! The ghost suddenly pounced while it was crawling, grabbed a mouse, and stuffed it into its mouth. Oops! The mouse's tail is still there This ghost moved around in its mouth, and was finally swallowed alive! He later smiled at me, which scared me so much. I hid directly at home, and turned on the light all night in the middle of the night. I didn’t dare to close my eyes! Since then, the poultry and other things we raised here have often disappeared... It is said that this ghost was hungry and came to steal it in the middle of the night. Now everyone dare not go out at night for fear of being caught. A ghost is haunting me. No, during the day, we all had a meeting in the ancestral hall, discussing how to invite a Taoist priest to come back and drive away the ghost of Wang Dashun, otherwise we would not be able to live this life!"

Everyone looked at each other in shock. If someone was so weird in the middle of the night, there might be other reasons, but it was impossible for ordinary people to swallow a mouse alive.

"You said this ghost is still in our ancestral home?" Song Haoran asked again.

Song Bo said: "This... Master Song, you don't want to go and take a look, do you? Don't do it! It's very fierce at night... Why don't you just go there tomorrow? If you don't mind tonight If you want, you can come and stay at my house first, and I'll make room for you. I'm a couple, my son and his wife have gone to work in the city, so you can sleep anywhere."

Song Haoran glanced at Song Tianyou, obviously waiting to speak.

"No need for Song Bo." Song Tianyou said calmly at this time: "I, Song Tianyou, want to go home, and ghosts and gods can't stop me. What's more, as the saying goes, people are 30% afraid of ghosts, and 70% of ghosts are afraid of people. There are many of us, If you have strong yang energy, you won’t be afraid of any ghosts.”

"Oh, Master Song, don't believe in evil. Just wait a night...Master Song!" Song Bo shouted, but Song Tianyou had already led the people and walked directly towards the ancestral home of the Song family. He couldn't shout at all. live.

Song Bo took a few glances and saw that he couldn't stop him anymore, so he had no choice but to run back to his home angrily.

The Song family's ancestral home in Songjia Village is not small.

Although the mansion in front of me has been empty for a long time, the two stone lions placed in front of the door can still see some of its former grandeur.

But the plaque in front of the gate has tilted down. Song Tianyou took a look and breathed out slowly. When Uncle Wu saw this, he quickly asked someone to straighten the door sign.

The group of people then opened the door of the mansion and walked in.

There is a porch at the entrance of the mansion. When Song Tianyou came back more than ten years ago and renovated this ancestral house, he had electricity connected and a lighting system installed. The electric switch was also installed in the entrance hall. It's just that after turning on the power switch, there is still no electricity. I am afraid that it has been canceled automatically because it has not been used for too long.

"It seems that the people we invited to see the house last time probably didn't work properly." Song Tianyou shook his head.

In fact, he left money specifically for the person who looked after the house, but he has not come back in recent years. It is not impossible that the person took the money and did nothing, or even ran away.

"Lao Wu, take two people in and see if you can find some candles and the like." Song Tianyou thought for a while and said, "I remember there is a utility room in the back yard, let's see what it can be used for." Got it. Let's stay in the front yard now... Come, sit in the pavilion over there for a while."

Song Tianyou stretched out his hand and pointed. It was already night, and the night was hazy, but he could still vaguely see a pavilion with four corners.

Uncle Wu quickly went over with two bodyguards, while the rest of the bodyguards gathered around the pavilion and waited.

Mr. Ah Qi smiled at this time and said: "Mr. Song's people are indeed the elite of the elite. Just looking at the momentum of these bodyguards, there are many elite military battalions in the country that may not be able to find one."

Song Tianyou just smiled slightly and did not say anything more about his manpower. Instead, he asked: "Ah Qi. Song Bo just said that this house is haunted. What do you think?"

This Mr. Ah Qi is not from the Zhang family, but from Zhang Li Lanfang’s natal family. However, only Zhang Li Lanfang is now in power in both families. Even so, the business between the Zhang family and the Li family is basically separate except for antiques.

Although the Zhang family is secretly wealthy, many people in the country still know about it. The Li family is a kind of secret, hiding in secret activities.

After all, the Li family started out in the bucket business, so they have always kept a low profile and only do things to make money quietly. Since the opening of the country, more of the Li family's business has shifted abroad. After all, the protection of domestic cultural relics has become more and more stringent, and the tombs that can be dumped have also been dumped over the past thousands of years.

Despite this, the Li family would from time to time retrieve some cultural relics stolen during the war years from abroad and hand them over to the state through different raids.

It is through this method that Zhang Li Lanfang maintains a good relationship between the Zhang and Li families with the country, while continuing to manage the Li family's voice... and those above simply turn a blind eye.

After all, Zhang Li Lanfang is a person who survived that era. Zhang Li Lanfang's husband made many contributions in that turbulent era, and even paid his life for it...

Returning to his thoughts, Song Tianyou continued to look at Ah Qi, an expert who had long dealt with monsters, demons, and monsters.

Ah Qi was pondering at this time. He suddenly took out a palm-sized compass from his clothes, placed it on the stone table under the pavilion, and began to mutter something.

This was the first time for Song Haoran and Song Ying to see this kind of operation, and they couldn't help but become more interested. On the other hand, Zhang Qinrui didn't seem to care when Ah Qi took the compass. She was a little absent-minded and didn't know what she was thinking.

At this time, Luo Qiu looked into the depths of the Song family's ancestral home with a thoughtful expression.

After a while, Mr. Ah Qi slowly said: "Mr. Song, there is a so-called 'Looking for Dragon Points' in our industry. The dragon in this generally refers to mountains and spiritual veins. There are real dragons and false dragons. . In ancient times, many emperors and ministers had more than one tomb. These were the so-called true and false cemeteries, to prevent latecomers from tampering with the real tomb and destroying the real dragon."

As he said that, Ah Qi stood up, pointed to the mountains outside the outer wall of the mansion, and said: "Look, the undulating mountains outside contain a lot of vitality, so the land here is fertile. Green mountains and beautiful water, this must be a real dragon. After finding the real dragon, you need to find the place where the real dragon rests. If the place of rest is far away from the dragon head, this dragon is the dragon of wealth. The tomb or residence is located on the dragon of wealth. , is a place full of vitality, and future generations will have good fortune. Obviously, the ancestral home of the Song family is on this dragon of wealth. I see the structural direction of this house, and it also means Dinglong Cave. Look The person who originally built this house must have been a master of metaphysics."

"Oh?" Song Tianyou said: "Listen to what you said, not only is this not a haunted house, but it is also a blessed place?"

Mr. Ah Qi nodded and said: "Although the Song family was in some decline in the past few years, it has continued to have good fortune. Later, after Master Song returned to China, he had people renovate it, which was regarded as re-righting the house. After that, the Song family went smoothly, which is wonderful. .”

"Oh? Listen to what you say, if someone wants to deal with my Song family, there is no need to do it personally. As long as this ancestral home is destroyed, then our Song family will be in danger, right?" Song Tianyou looked at Ah Qi, and suddenly He sneered.

At this moment, Ah Qi felt a chill in her heart, and a slight sweat broke out on her forehead. She secretly thought that Song Tianyou, who had already passed his sixtieth birthday, still had such a terrifying aura. He couldn't help but open his mouth, not knowing how to deal with it for a moment.

He had clearly felt that there were several eyes with murderous intent looking at him outside the pavilion.

He had heard the legend of 'Iris'... that was a terrifying guy who directly overturned a small country!

However, Zhang Qingrui smiled slightly at this time and said: "Mr. Song, this is just a Feng Shui theory and cannot be taken seriously. Besides, no matter how good the Feng Shui land is, the main thing is to look at the people. If the person in charge is just a pustule, no matter how much wealth the family has, it will only be dispersed. , only smart and capable people can persevere. No matter how good the blessings of the ancestors are, the descendants must be able to rely on their true abilities. Under the hands of the old man, the Song family is prosperous. Even in the country, it is difficult to find anyone who can match them. This is enough to show that the old man He is a person with profound blessings and great talents. Besides, as the saying goes, man can conquer nature. Master, isn't it just like this that you have come all the way to be where you are today?"

"Oh, you are so beautiful." Song Tianyou smiled at this time and sighed: "Sister Li is really lucky. When you talk about it, what can I say?"

"The old man is still very strong." Zhang Qingrui said softly.

At this time, a fire suddenly came from not far away, illuminating everyone. It turned out that Uncle Wu had returned with someone, and at the same time he was holding a companion in his hand.

"Master, I found some kerosene and some candles. It should be enough for tonight." Uncle Wu came back with a torch and said, "Tomorrow, I will ask someone to buy some things." Well, let’s see if we can connect the electricity.”

Song Tianyou nodded at this time, stood up and said, "Okay, let's go inside the house. It's cold outside, and my old bones can't stand it anymore."

"Grandpa, let me help you." Song Ying stepped forward quickly.

Everyone began to follow Uncle Wu into the mansion.

Luo Qiu suddenly looked at a big tree in the front yard and saw something flashing past at an extremely fast speed.

Crawling, huge, disheveled, like a frightened mouse... And also looking at Song Haoran.

But Song Haoran didn't say anything. He just patted Luo Qiu's chest and made a silence gesture. Then he turned around and chased after him. He suddenly laughed and said, "Uncle Xiaoying, will you tell me a bedtime ghost story tonight?" good?"


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