"You bastard, you went through my safe when you were interning at Xinyang!"

Zhang Changming looked at Lin Chuan with disbelief in his eyes.

In his safe, there was indeed the contract.

But no one knew about it, not even his wife.


Lin Chuan actually accurately described the contract and where it was hidden.

This made Zhang Changming suspect that

Lin Chuan must have visited his office during his internship at Xinyang Law Firm.

"Cough cough cough, silence!"

"Lawyer Zhang Changming, I remind you again that the court is a solemn and sacred place, not a vegetable market, please be civilized."

Chief Judge Qi Jun was sweating profusely.

Lin Chuan seemed to know everything.

As long as he sent the police to Zhang Changming's office to search for the contract,

Zhang Changming would be finished. He would be sentenced to at least three years in prison.

"Presiding Judge, is our second appeal approved?"

Lin Chuan didn't feel sorry for Zhang Changming at all, not only because of the grudge between the two, but also because

Zhang Changming, as a lawyer, had lost his legal bottom line.

Twenty minutes later, the law enforcement officer found the original evidence in the safe in Zhang Changming's office. The news was passed back to the court, and after the jury and the judge discussed it, the criminal law result of Zhang Changming was announced on the spot.

"The police collected evidence on the spot and found that lawyer Zhang Changming had committed a crime."

"According to the plaintiff Lin Chuan's request, it is reasonable and legal to sentence Zhang Changming to five years in prison."

"As a lawyer, Zhang Changming is familiar with the legal provisions, but he used legal loopholes to help the suspect get away with it."

"Lost the bottom line of a legal person"

"Therefore, the court ruled that Zhang Changming's lawyer qualification will be revoked from today and he is prohibited from engaging in the legal profession."

The presiding judge Qi Jun read aloud, constantly glancing at Lin Chuan with a flattering smile.

At the beginning of the trial,

Qi Jun thought Lin Chuan was crazy.

The three demands were all very outrageous.

According to common sense, he would definitely lose the case.

But now Qi Jun knows that Lin Chuan came prepared.

He has a lot of evidence in his hands, no wonder he is so confident!


Qi Jun only hopes that Lin Chuan can let him go and not disclose the transfer of interests between him and He Xiao.

At the beginning, he was also the chief judge of the He Tianyi arson case.

Two days before the trial,

He Xiao sent him two boxes of The yellow croaker was golden.

He was obsessed with money and accepted the gift.

From then on, he became more and more out of control.

Not only did he turn a blind eye to the crime committed by He Tianyi in the arson case.

Moreover, all legal disputes of Anxin Monitoring Group, as long as they were heard in Luzhou, have maintained an undefeated winning rate.

People gave it the nickname,

Luzhou Pizza Hut!

He Xiao also promised that as long as Qi Jun retired, he could work as a legal consultant in the legal department of Anxin Group with an annual salary of one million.


Qi Jun's criminal evidence was easy to find.

The two boxes of yellow croakers at home were hidden under the bed and could be found with a search!

"Damn it, are you really going to sentence me?"


"I will now become a tainted witness and expose the interests of the presiding judge and Anxin Monitoring Group."

"Starting from 2020, when He Xiaolong committed arson, Chief Judge Qi Jun and Chairman of Anxin Monitoring Group He Xiao established a connection."

"He Xiao gave gold bars to Qi Jun, so He Tianyi was sentenced so lightly!"

"in addition"

"Judge Qi Jun is also the legal advisor of Anxin Monitoring Group."

"No name on the record"

"But He Xiao paid him a salary every year."

"You can check it out. Anxin Monitoring Group has never lost any lawsuit in Luzhou."

"Humph, with Chief Judge Qi Jun here, how can we lose!"


Zhang Changming blew himself up.

Qi Jun, the sixth brother, actually sold out his teammates!

Although he and Qi Jun pretended to be strangers in court, in fact, they were secretly connected and had gray interests with He Xiao.

When Zhang Changming saw that Qi Jun flattered Lin Chuan and sold him out in order to protect himself, who could bear it?

Let's all go to jail! Let's fight to the death

"Shut up!"

"Roaring in court is an even more serious crime!"

"Add three years of fixed-term imprisonment without probation."

The presiding judge Qi Jun stood up with his eyes wide open, and confronted Zhang Changming passionately.

Suddenly, the solemn courtroom turned into a vegetable market, and the presiding judge and the top lawyer turned into aunties bickering in the vegetable market.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed.

"Damn it! Zhang Changming turned against us and the two of them started fighting!"

"It's amazing! Lin Chuan easily turned the two people against each other."

"I just felt that there was something wrong with the presiding judge. It turns out that he and Anxin Monitoring Group also have interests transferred."

"No wonder he looked at Lin Chuan with fear."


Thirty minutes later, the law enforcement police restored order at the scene.

The former presiding judge Qi Jun put on a silver bracelet and stood in the dock with Zhang Changming and He Tianyi.

After investigation by the law enforcement police, the former Lvzhou City judge Qi Jun was convicted of taking bribes for profit.

He broke the law knowingly, which was aggravated.

"The People's Court of Lvzhou City pronounced"

"He Tianyi, guilty of premeditated murder, sentenced to death"

"Zhang Changming, convicted of exploiting legal loopholes, sentenced to five years in prison and revoked his lawyer's license"

"Qi Jun, as a judge, knew the law but broke it, abused his power for personal gain, was sentenced to life imprisonment for multiple crimes, and deprived of his political rights for life!"


When the court verdict was announced, the courtroom was filled with cheers.

No one had expected that in such a big disadvantageous game, a trainee lawyer would not only beat the top lawyer without any chance of fighting back, but also single-handedly challenge the entire court, sending the defendant, the defendant's lawyer, and even the judge to prison.

This was incredible.

After the trial, everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Chuan, and tears were boiling in their burning eyes.

"Brother Lin Chuan, thank you for seeking justice for Aunt Zheng."

At the plaintiff's table, eight mountain children hugged Lin Chuan and choked up.

At this time, thunderous applause broke out at the scene, and even fellow lawyers gave thumbs up.

At the same time, countless newspaper reporters and media people were rushing to the Luzhou Municipal People's Court.

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