After the trial, the scene erupted in warm applause.

Amidst the respectful gazes, Lin Chuan did not get carried away, but left the scene calmly.

A lawyer's duty is to uphold the fairness and justice of the law and to seek the legal rights and interests of the client.

In the eyes of others,

Lin Chuan is a great hero who made He Tianyi subject to legal sanctions, but from his perspective, he was only fulfilling his duties as a lawyer.

Moreover, today is Lin Chuan's first lawsuit.

It started with great headwinds and ended with great tailwinds.

There was overwhelming praise on the Internet, but Lin Chuan did not get carried away.

He knew very well that there was still a long way to go in the future, and he must not get lost in the applause and flowers.

Today's lawsuit is the beginning of his career, not his peak.

"Lawyer Lin Chuan, have you really interned at Xinyang Law Firm?"

As soon as he walked out of the courtroom door, he was surrounded by media reporters, each holding a microphone and wanting to put it in Lin Chuan's mouth.

"Yes, I was just fired by Xinyang Law Firm two days ago, and Zhang Changming, a lawyer, took my place through the back door and gave it to his son."

The reporter from Luzhou TV station was the first to rush to Lin Chuan. It was the first time for Lin Chuan to see such a scene, and he was a little uncomfortable, but he quickly adjusted himself.

"Ah? It was Lawyer Zhang Changming who was sent to prison by you!"

"This is big news!"

"Quick, quick, record it and publish it on the front page of the newspaper.

Before Lin Chuan finished speaking, the journalists in the backstage of major media outlets had already started writing.

Two minutes later, a series of eye-catching news reports immediately became a hot search.

【A game of grudges, a life-and-death battle between Lin Chuan and Zhang Changming!】

【Luzhou's gold medal lawyer Zhang Changming was defeated by trainee lawyer Lin Chuan, and the two were once colleagues!】

【Xinyang Law Firm loses talented lawyer Lin Chuan】


At the same time, reporters who were squatting at Xinyang Law Firm and fighting on two fronts also began to take action.

"Mr. Gao Yang, Chairman of Xinyang Law Firm, is what Lin Chuan said true? Has he really been treated unfairly?"

"Also, did you know that lawyer Zhang Changming used the backdoor?"

"In addition, is lawyer Zhang Changming’s son already working at Xinyang Law Firm?"


The reporters asked questions like a machine gun, but Gao Yang, the chairman of Xinyang Law Firm, was so depressed that he kept silent!

His mood was as cold as the snowy day in December! Not only was the sign of Xinyang Law Firm smashed, but the gold medal lawyer Zhang Changming was also imprisoned, and a great general was lost! The worst thing was that Xinyang Law Firm actually dismissed the genius lawyer Lin Chuan! This was the biggest loss.

"Get out of the way!"

Gao Yang was in no mood to be interviewed.

He pushed aside the reporters and rushed towards the Luzhou People's Court.

His goal was clear: to apologize to Lin Chuan and bring the Buddha statue back to Xinyang Law Firm.

By doing so, perhaps he could still save Xinyang's reputation.

Otherwise, he would just have to wait for bankruptcy!


At the same time, reporters were still asking questions at the gate of Luzhou People's Court.

"Lawyer Lin Chuan, do you have a girlfriend?"

The reporter from Lvzhou Entertainment Evening News handed over the microphone.


Lin Chuan was speechless.

He thought the reporters' questions were all about the law, but he didn't expect there were also personal questions.

"You are very popular on the Internet now, and there are many female fans who want to know about your emotional life."

"So, please answer."

The female reporter from Entertainment Evening News continued to ask.

This time, Lin Chuan responded with cold humor.

""Beauty, do you want to sentence me?"

This sentence immediately frightened the female reporter and made her retract the microphone.

He dared to ask about the lawyer's private life.

Isn't this just walking into the gun?


Lin Chuan's litigation skills have been uploaded on the Internet.

Even the judge was sent to prison by him.

Even on the dangerous person selection website, Lin Chuan crushed the five-star terrorist Bin Laden with a high vote advantage and topped the list.

He was listed as the most dangerous person in the country.

"Lawyer Lin Chuan, our TV station won't ask meaningless questions. Please give us a chance."

The reporter from Lvzhou TV finally squeezed over.

"OK, go ahead and ask.

Lin Chuan nodded.

"Lawyer Lin Chuan, it is said that the police have already taken action and arrested the suspect He Xiao"

"As of now, the stock price of Anxin Monitoring Group has hit the daily limit."

"What do you think about this matter?"

The female reporter asked a question neatly.

"How do I see it?"

"I can only remind all stockholders that the stock market is risky and investors should be cautious."

Lin Chuan had actually expected that once

He Xiao, the chairman of Anxin Monitoring Group, was involved in the case,

Anxin Monitoring's stock would definitely plummet.

"excuse me!"

"excuse me!"

"Please let me pass. I have something important to talk to Lawyer Lin Chuan about!"

A fat guy broke into Lin Chuan's office.

After a careful look,

Lin Chuan had no impression of this guy and didn't know him at all.

"Hello, Lawyer Lin Chuan"

"I am Luo Daqiang, the initiator of the online fundraising for Ms. Zheng’s case"

"Thank you very much for helping Ms. Zheng win the lawsuit. I would like to thank you on behalf of all netizens.

Luo Daqiang bowed and took out a bank card.

"After two days of online fundraising, a total of 1,080,000 yuan in donations were received."

"The original intention of raising funds was to hire an excellent lawyer for Ms. Zheng"

"Because at that time... as your trainee lawyer... everyone thought that you might get busted if you went against Zhang Changming."

"So, I launched this fundraising campaign."

"However, the facts prove that we were all wrong. I apologize to you!"

As he spoke,

Luo Daqiang bowed again.

"Lawyer Lin Chuan, please don't refuse, please be sure to accept this bank card!"


"Why should I refuse?"

Lin Chuan stared at the bank card with shining eyes, and without any hesitation, he took the bank card and put it in his pocket.

Are you kidding?

This is one million!

It is the duty of a lawyer to uphold legal justice, but it is human nature to like money!

Moreover, his litigation work was successfully completed.

Since he had put in the work, why should he be embarrassed to accept the reward?

"Uh... just accept it."

Lin Chuan's tricky behavior made Luo Daqiang unable to handle it.

On the way here, he had been imagining that if a lawyer as righteous as Lin Chuan was given a bank card, he would definitely refuse it.

But he didn't expect that

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