After the live broadcast,

Lin Chuan added Yuan Zhong’s WeChat, with the note"Ma Ming,

Mr. Ma".

After a brief chat, he asked for Ma Ming’s address.

It turned out that he was also from Shandong, but the court where the lawsuit was filed was not in Luzhou, but in Jingzhou.

In fact, for this case, if it was just a not guilty defense,

Lin Chuan would still be very confident.

However, before that, he must meet with Ma Ming and ask all the details.


Ma Ming cannot hide anything.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the defense will fail.

In addition,

Lin Chuan has to go to the court and the procuratorate to make two copies of the case files.

As long as you have the case files, you can enter the legal space to check the information prompts to see if you can find any evidence that is favorable to Ma Ming.

Thinking of this,

Lin Chuan sent a message to Ma Ming: [Meet tomorrow morning. ]

After sending the message,

Lin Chuan looked for similar cases on the lawyer website and found that the success rate of not guilty defense in similar cases was actually quite low.

In ten lawsuits, only one defense was successful.

After reading several similar lawsuits,

Lin Chuan turned off the computer and prepared to go to bed.


The next morning,

Lin Chuan took the high-speed train to Jingzhou.

Lvzhou is the capital of Ludong Province, and Jingzhou is next to Lvzhou.

At normal speed, it only takes half an hour to reach Jingzhou High-speed Railway Station by high-speed train.

At nine o'clock in the morning,

Lin Chuan came out of Jingzhou High-speed Railway Station.

Although he had never met Ma Ming, he recognized the man waving not far away as Ma Ming.

Flat head, black glasses, shy smile, short stature, typical honest appearance

"Lawyer Lin, why did you come to see me in person?"

"Your time is so precious. Just tell me and I will go to Lvzhou to find you. Why do you have to come all the way to Jingzhou?"

Ma Ming walked forward enthusiastically.

"I came to Jingzhou not only to ask you about the case, but also to go to the procuratorate and the court to review the case files."

"Only after I get the files can I find out the suspicious points in this case and exonerate you."

Lin Chuan took off his mask.

He is now very well-known on the Internet and must wear a mask when he goes out, otherwise he will be recognized by fans.

At that time, many people will probably come to take pictures with him.

Lin Chuan doesn't have so much time to waste on meaningless socializing.

As a time traveler, his goal is to make a fortune.

"Oh oh oh, so that's how it is"

"Then, Lawyer Lin Chuan, can I drive you to the court now?"

Ma Ming pointed to an old Santana on the side of the road.

This was his car.

"Well, let's go to the court first."

Lin Chuan nodded and sat in the passenger seat.


Ma Ming stepped on the accelerator and the Santana started.

The navigation destination was Jingzhou City People's Court.


Half an hour later,

Lin Chuan and Ma Ming arrived at the gate of Jingzhou People's Court.

The gatekeeper stopped the Santana with an unfamiliar license plate.

Lin Chuan showed his lawyer's license and the gate opened.

"Hello, which floor is the collection room on?"

After Lin Chuan got off the car, a man in his fifties happened to pass by.

He looked at Lin Chuan and felt that he looked familiar.

"Are you...Lin Chuan from Luzhou?"

"The trainee lawyer who sent the top lawyer Zhang Changming and Judge Qi to prison!"

The man's pupils trembled slightly.

The battle at Luzhou People's Court made Lin Chuan's name well-known in the legal circles of Ludong Province.

Basically, everyone knew him.

"It's me, I'm Lin Chuan."

Lin Chuan did not deny

"It's really you. Why are you here in our Jingzhou Court? You didn't take the case, did you?"

The man's eyes were filled with fear.

His name was Feng Jianjun, and he was a judge in the criminal court of Jingzhou City People's Court.

For him, if Lin Chuan came to Jingzhou People's Court to sue, it would definitely be bad news!

Because this guy turned the case upside down, and Qi Jun from Luzhou was sent to prison by Lin Chuan because he was involved in the He Tianyi case.

"Yes, I took a case in Jingzhou"

"Defend the innocence of this brother next to me"

"You are the criminal court trial commissioner of Jingzhou People's Court, Chief Judge Feng Jianjun?"

Lin Chuan pointed at the party involved, Ma Ming.

"Oh my god! How do you know my name?"

Feng Jianjun's eyes were full of vigilance.

He and Lin Chuan had never met before, but it was incredible that this guy could call out his name and position.

"Your name tag."

Lin Chuan smiled and pointed to the name tag on Feng Jianjun's suit.

It clearly showed Feng Jianjun's name and his position.

"So that's it, hahahaha, I thought you investigated me."

Feng Jianjun suddenly realized that he had just finished a trial and forgot to take off his badge.

"By the way, what case did you take?"

"Does it belong to our criminal court?"

Feng Jianjun hoped that Lin Chuan would give a negative answer.

He didn't want to face Lin Chuan in court.

This guy had too many tricks.

After a trial, he could make the judge angry.

"My client Ma Ming has been charged with rape, which is a criminal case and should be tried by your criminal court."

"Oh, this case you're talking about, I'm relieved then."

Feng Jianjun's heart fell, because he had nothing to do with this case at all.

Even if Lin Chuan defended him in his court, it would not involve him.

"The file storage room is on the third floor"

"I would like to remind you that the chances of success in defending innocence in this case are very low."

"I remember the defendant seemed to have admitted the guilt."

"Moreover, the police recorded the confession and collected body fluid evidence. It is difficult to overturn the verdict in this case."

Feng Jianjun has tried similar cases before, and this is his experience.

As long as the plaintiff's lawyer holds on to the evidence, no matter how eloquent the defendant's lawyer is, his strength is like a fist hitting cotton, and it cannot shake the verdict at all.

"It's okay, I'll do my best."

Lin Chuan waved his hand and walked towards the elevator of the court building.

At 10:30 in the morning,

Lin Chuan came out of the file room with two large piles of files, returned to the car, and asked Ma Ming in detail whether he had concealed the case.

Ma Ming said that he had not concealed anything, and then Lin Chuan took the high-speed rail back to Luzhou with two large piles of files. As soon as he got home

, he couldn't wait to read the files of the bride price rape case, and then entered the legal space.

The text on the file was once again presented on the huge screen, and the text twisted its body to come alive.

After a systematic check, a The prompt information was suspended in the air like bubbles.

Every time Lin Chuan touched a prompt information, the big screen would show the suspicious points of the case.

It was not until the second half of the night that

Lin Chuan finally browsed through all the prompt information.

He called Ma Ming directly.

The trial was about to start, and

Ma Ming was so worried that he couldn't sleep, and he was smoking.

It was so late, and

Lin Chuan called, which scared him.

He thought Lin Chuan was going to give up the lawsuit after reading the files.

But unexpectedly,

Lin Chuan stunned Ma Ming as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I have finished reading the file"


"We don't plead not guilty."


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