Two days later, a notice was published on the official website of the Jingzhou City People's Court.

【Criminal case: bride price rape case】

【Second trial date: October 30, 8:30 a.m.】

【The judges are as follows:】

【Presiding Judge: Feng Jianjun】

【Judge: Liang Zhiyuan】

【Judge: Bai Jiahao】


【Plaintiff: Li Huihui】

【Lawyer: Jingzhou Huayun Law Firm, Zhao Qiuxia】

【Defendant: Ma Ming】

【Lawyer: Lvzhou Mingjing Law Firm, Lin Chuan】


As soon as this notice was released, it instantly attracted many enthusiastic netizens to the website to verify.

They are all fans of Lin Chuan.

They didn't expect that he hadn't live-streamed for several days. It turned out that this guy really took over the case. It is estimated that he has been studying the case at home these days.

"Is there anyone in the group who knows this? Is it difficult to defend the innocence in this case?"

"Nonsense, of course it’s difficult!"

"Ma Mingdu, the innocent man, admitted to the crime of rape and it is difficult for him to change his confession, which means the success rate of his innocent defense is extremely low."

"Then Lin Chuan still took this case?"

"At that time, everyone in the live broadcast room urged him to accept the offer, and the eldest brother promised to give Lin Chuan Yuanzi if he successfully defended the case, so he accepted the offer."


Someone forwarded the notice published by the Jingzhou People's Court to the fan group, and the group immediately started discussing it.

At the same time, the media on the Internet also reported the news.

Although Lin Chuan was not as popular as he was at the beginning, his fans on the entire network added up to at least a million, and the traffic was still good.

"Wow, Luzhou’s lawsuit just ended a few days ago, and Lin Chuan took on another lawsuit?"

"Yes, he really loves his job, haha."

"I guess it's for the lawyer's fees. I heard from my friends in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau that Lin Chuan really opened a law firm and even got his business license."

"That’s right, the vacant shop at the intersection of Longhu Street and Xigang Street is being renovated. It seems to be Lin Chuan’s law firm."

"By the way, is Lin Chuan's opponent strong? Do you have any friends in the lawyer circle?"

"I just searched on Baidu, Zhao Qiuxia, female, 48 years old, lawyer at Lvzhou Huayun Law Firm"

"It seems that in the Jingzhou legal circle, she has a nickname, called Miejue Nun Tai"

"Judging from this nickname, it must be quite powerful"


The heat about this lawsuit gradually increased on the Internet.

In another place, someone also quietly paid attention to Lin Chuan. In the provincial party committee compound in eastern Shandong Province, an old man with gray hair and glasses wrote Lin Chuan's name on a notepad with a fountain pen and drew a circle.

"Teacher Gao, what do you mean?"

A government official in a suit and tie bowed his body, waiting for Gao Yuliang's instructions.

"This young man named Lin Chuan is a top student who graduated from Kyoto Law School."

"He actually won the lawsuit for the 9.25 highway accident in Lvzhou. He is quite capable and a useful talent. The Political and Legal Affairs Commission should pay special attention to him."

"Go check what he's been up to lately."

"Always report to me."

Gao Yuliang put the cap on the pen.

As the head of the Political and Legal Committee of Ludong Province, his hobby, besides watering flowers and farming, is watching lawsuits.

Many people paid attention to the Luzhou 9.25 highway car accident lawsuit, and he was among them.

But he didn't watch the live broadcast of the trial because he was too busy.

But after hearing about Lin Chuan's methods in court, he actually sent the judge to prison by himself.

It must be said that he is outstanding.

Gao Yuliang also studied law, and he felt that Lin Chuan was a great talent.

Send his men to pay attention for a period of time.

If there is no problem with his character and morality, Gao Yuliang is happy to recruit Lin Chuan to the Political and Legal Committee.

After all, as the department handling local regulations, the Political and Legal Committee needs high-level lawyers to join, and Lin Chuan is a very suitable candidate.


Four days later, on

October 30, at 8 a.m., in front of the Jingzhou People's Court

""Huo! Why are there so many reporters?"

Feng Jianjun, the presiding judge of the trial, was shocked. He didn't expect that there would be a traffic jam in front of the court.

"They all came to interview Lin Chuan. He is very popular on the Internet, with millions of fans.

Judge Bai Jiahao likes to surf the Internet.

He knows that this lawsuit has attracted a lot of attention on the Internet.

Therefore, he has a feeling that there will be a traffic jam in front of the court today.

"Presiding Judge, let me interview you. With your many years of experience in court trials, is Lin Chuan's success rate in defending his innocence high?"

The reporters did not see Lin Chuan, so they had nothing else to do, so they interviewed the Presiding Judge first.

Maybe, like last time,

Presiding Judge Feng Jianjun would also be sent to prison by Lin Chuan.

By then, this interview would be exclusive news and could be uploaded to the Internet as soon as possible.

"Uh... In my experience, the success rate of a not guilty plea is extremely low."

"In similar cases, the success rate of defense is only about 10%."

"Of course... that's for other lawyers"

"If it is lawyer Lin Chuan... He often does not play by the rules in court, so I am not sure about the chances of a successful defense."

Presiding Judge Feng Jianjun told the truth.

In order to firmly control the rhythm of today's lawsuit and grasp the right to speak, he even reviewed the trial of the Luzhou Expressway car accident case, just to study the"thorny lawyer" Lin Chuan.

This guy is different from other lawyers.

Other lawyers defend in accordance with laws and regulations, and strictly abide by the order of the court.

But Lin Chuan is different.

When he goes to court, he will first throw a trump card of evidence to the other party, which will not only dispel the other party's arrogance, but also make the other party feel guilty.

Then he launches the offensive for the second time.

I don't know if it is a feint or a real trump card, which makes the other lawyer dare not take it.

For example, in the legal case of Luzhou People's Court In court, he clearly did not invite an expert to conduct a depression test on He Tianyi.

However, he was so eloquent at the scene!

As a result, everyone thought that a doctor was really invited.

The defendant He Tianyi was intimidated and could not bear the pressure.

He directly revealed his cards and admitted that the depression certificate was false.

At that time, the defendant's lawyer Zhang Changming was directly confused by Lin Chuan's combination of real and fake punches during the laning period, and he did not even dare to refute.

It was only when the presiding judge Qi Jun waved his hand that he reluctantly stood up to defend.

When he thought of this,

Feng Jianjun broke out in a cold sweat, and was glad that he was a judge, not a lawyer, and did not have to confront Lin Chuan.

"By the way, presiding judge, what do you think of Lin Chuan?"

The reporter asked another question.

Feng Jianjun thought about it carefully and said something surprising.

"Lin Chuan...he is like a con man in the lawyer circle"

"Ah? Lin Chuan looks like a con man, presiding judge, why do you say that?"

The reporter was shocked.

Do lawyers and con men really have something in common?

"Because suing him feels like playing cards."

"Sometimes he would use tricks"

"Sometimes he will cheat you."

"You never know what his trump card is."

"Whenever we judges are involved in a lawsuit with him, we feel exhausted, not to mention the lawyers who are dealing with him!"

"I heard no"

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