Twenty minutes before the trial began, presiding judge Feng Jianjun and two judges, as well as jurors and law enforcement police entered the courtroom one after another.

As required, the court staff connected the video equipment and turned on the live broadcast.

In an instant, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 60,000, and more people were still coming in.

The amazing speed broke the court live broadcast time and number of people record.

"The court session will begin in twenty minutes. Why hasn't Lin Chuan come yet?"

"Didn't he come on time last time? I'm used to it. This might be his tactic."

"The plaintiff and Nun Miejue didn't show up either. I guess there was a traffic jam because there were too many people going to the scene and they were all stuck at the entrance of the court."


As soon as the live broadcast room was opened, the comments were all about Lin Chuan.

Since Lin Chuan won the lawsuit for Ms. Zheng, he signed a contract with Douyin and became a legal education anchor, with a fan base approaching one million.

Therefore, most of the viewers in the live broadcast room are Lin Chuan's fans.

At 8:15.

The plaintiff Li Huihui and her lawyer Zhao Qiuxia came to the trial scene

"Damn, no wonder the two brothers were willing to pay 300,000 yuan for the bride price, Li Huihui has a good figure!"

"The close-up shot just now shows that she is pretty, and men all like this type of girl."

"What's the point of being pretty? Will she marry you? She only wants money!"

"Right, right, right, when looking for a wife, you should look for a virtuous woman. Beautiful women like CPU men, and they can't control them at all."


Through the camera,

Li Huihui's appearance appeared in the screen of the live broadcast room.

Although everyone knows that it is immoral for her to use the charge of rape to seek a betrothal gift of 300,000 yuan, to be honest,

Li Huihui's appearance and figure are indeed good, and she doesn't look like a 30-year-old woman at all. No wonder Ma Ming was played around by her.

At 8:20, the on-site staff debugged all the equipment and retreated behind the scenes.

The plaintiff's lawyer Zhao Qiuxia was making final preparations at the plaintiff's seat.

She heard about Lin Chuan's deeds and felt like she was facing a great enemy.

Jingzhou is her home court.

If she loses to lawyers from other cities at home, it would be a great shame.

Moreover, there are currently two pieces of ironclad evidence in this case.

One is the recording of the defendant Ma Ming, in which he personally admitted to rape and confirmed the charge of rape.

The other piece of evidence is more direct.

The police detected residual tadpoles in Li Huihui's body fluids.

With these two pieces of ironclad evidence in hand, plus the home court, the 28-year-old lawyer will never allow herself to lose to Lin Chuan, who has just finished his internship.


It was 8:30.

The court was about to start.

Presiding Judge Feng Jianjun craned his neck and looked toward the courtroom door, but there was no movement.

"What’s going on? Has Lin Chuan... given up?"

"Lin Chuan, did he feel that this defense had no hope of success, so he fled in order to maintain a 100% chance of winning?"

"Impossible! Don't you know Lin Chuan's strength? He is a man who fought three people in court and sent the judge to prison. How could he back down?"

"What was going on? It was half past eight and the presiding judge had already struck the gavel. Wasn’t this a signal for the trial to begin?"

"Is there anyone who knows something about the consequences of a lawyer being late? Will he be sentenced?"

"Hahaha, what sentence? Not that serious."

"If you are late by less than 30 minutes, the judge will at most reprimand you. If you are late by more than 30 minutes, the court may reschedule the trial."


The audience in the live broadcast room did not understand the consequences of being late for court, and they all thought it was very serious.

After all, the court is a solemn place.

But in fact, as long as the lateness is within thirty minutes, there are no consequences at all. At most, the judge will reprimand you.

However, the audience was worried about

Lin Chuan's lateness

, but the presiding judge was ecstatic.

Because Lin Chuan was the defense attorney in this trial,

Feng Jianjun was very nervous.

He was always worried that he would not be able to control the rhythm of the court and be led by Lin Chuan.

However, now that Lin Chuan was late, he just used this excuse to kill Lin Chuan's prestige! As long as Lin Chuan's prestige was destroyed,

Feng Jianjun would not worry about the rhythm of the trial later.


At 8:55, the judges and juries were all yawning and about to fall asleep.

Because Lin Chuan had not shown up, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room also dropped sharply, leaving only 20,000 people.

There were still five minutes left.

If Lin Chuan and Ma Ming did not show up in the courtroom within five minutes, the case would have to be heard on another date.

Just when everyone thought there was no hope, the door of the courtroom creaked and was pushed open.

Lin Chuan and Ma Ming appeared in everyone's sight, panting.

"Wow, these two look like they ran a hundred meters"

"Lin Chuan finally arrived, and there’s another good show to watch!"

"Let the trial begin soon. I can’t wait to know how Lin Chuan clears Ma Ming of the charges!"


As soon as Lin Chuan appeared, the lifeless live broadcast room immediately came alive, and the number of people in the live broadcast room also began to pick up.

"Ahem… Plaintiff Ma Ming and plaintiff’s lawyer Lin Chuan, please return to the plaintiff’s seat quickly."

Presiding Judge Feng Jianjun knocked the gavel gently.

When the two took their seats,

Feng Jianjun began his plan.

"Plaintiff and plaintiff's lawyer, the court was originally scheduled to open at 8:30 am on October 30. Did you know this?"

"I know."

Lin Chuan glanced at Feng Jianjun, his brain working rapidly, he immediately understood what Feng Jianjun meant, he was going to use him as a target

"I won't say anything about Ma Ming"

"Lin Chuan, as a lawyer, don’t you know the importance of punctuality?"

"Anyone who studies law knows that the first lesson of the political science and law major is to discuss punctuality. Punctuality is the most basic requirement for a legal person."

"Lin Chuan, as a top student at the top law school in China, you wouldn't not know this, right?"

Feng Jianjun's eyes widened, and he slammed the gavel hard, trying to act angry.

"Mr. Judge, as a lawyer, I certainly know that being punctual is a basic requirement for a lawyer."


"Lateness can be divided into subjective factors and objective factors."

"If you are late due to subjective factors, it is disrespectful to the court, the jurors and the judges."


"If the lateness is caused by objective factors, it is not considered contempt of court."

Faced with the fierce Feng Jianjun,

Lin Chuan did not panic, and resolved his offensive with careful logic and clear speech.

"cough cough……"

Feng Jianjun didn't expect that the big move he had been holding back for half an hour would actually miss.

"in addition"

"presiding judge

"According to the court's late rules"

"Anyone who is late for less than 30 minutes and has a legitimate reason does not need to be reprimanded by the judge."

Lin Chuan was very confident.

He had a legitimate reason for being late, so he was not panicked at all.

"Okay, tell me your reason."

Feng Jianjun felt that Lin Chuan was difficult to deal with.

This guy was not afraid of him at all.

"An accident occurred on Linxi Road, the only way to the Jingzhou People's Court. A large truck hit a van."

"The road conditions are not good"

"Ma Ming and I wasted a lot of time here"

"in addition"

"There are unscrupulous people parking in the court parking lot"

"I arrived at the court parking lot at eight o'clock, thinking of sorting out the documents in the car."

"My goodness, two cars on the left and right directly stuck my car in the middle, even the door could not be opened, Ma Ming and I were trapped in the car"

"If the security guard hadn't passed by, we would still be in the car now!"

Lin Chuan stated the reason for being late.

His tone was quite normal at first, but the tone that followed was a bit sarcastic.

"After I came out, I wrote down the license plates of the two evil cars. One was Lu B33TY6 and the other was Lu B58NN1."

""Chief Judge Feng Jianjun, Judge Bai Jiahao, do you recognize these two license plate numbers?"

Lin Chuan's mouth curled up into a wicked smile.

The two judges he named did not dare to say a word, and buried their heads deeply, like two ostriches.

"Hey, what’s going on? Didn’t the guy just say that those who are late will be reprimanded by the presiding judge?"

"How come it’s the other way around now!"

"The lawyer reprimanded the judge? ? ?"

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't understand, but Feng Jianjun and Bai Jiahao knew clearly that the two bad cars mentioned by Lin Chuan were their cars.

The parking spaces of the court were empty before, but many reporters came today and occupied all the parking spaces, so Feng Jianjun and Bai Jiahao had to squeeze in. However, they didn't expect that there was someone in the car, and it happened to be Lin Chuan.

This was a misunderstanding!

He wanted to reprimand Lin Chuan for being late, but he didn't expect that he was reprimanded by him instead.

Facing Lin Chuan's questioning,

Feng Jianjun, the presiding judge, lost all his prestige in the court!

"I'm sorry, Lawyer Lin Chuan, we were so anxious that we didn't know there was someone in the car. We sincerely apologize to you."

"The court session was delayed, it was all our fault."

When these words came out, there was an uproar.


Two judges actually apologized to the lawyers in court!

And they were the defendant's lawyers...

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