"I'm sorry, Lawyer Lin Chuan, we were so anxious that we didn't know there was someone in the car. We sincerely apologize to you."

"The court session was delayed, it was all our fault."

The two judges turned out to be the bad people that Lin Chuan mentioned.

No wonder they didn't dare to reprimand Lin Chuan.

It turned out that Lin Chuan's lateness was caused by their unethical parking.

"Ahem...Lawyer Lin Chuan"

"Excuse me, is this matter over? Can we go to court now?"

Feng Jianjun tapped his toes on the ground in embarrassment.

When the judge asked the lawyer whether to go to court, the audience burst into laughter.


Feng Jianjun slammed the gavel with a stern look.

He treated Lin Chuan with a flattering face, but he was rude to others.

"Well, let's turn the page and start the trial."

Lin Chuan didn't want to mention this at first, because he knew Feng Jianjun and Bai Jiahao didn't mean it.

But he didn't expect Feng Jianjun to pick a fight with him.


Lin Chuan had no choice but to fight back.

Now, the two judges were quiet.

"At 9:00 am on October 30, the defendant Ma Ming appealed against the first-instance verdict in the case of bride price rape."

"Jingzhou City People's Court held a second trial"

"This trial adheres to the legal principles of openness, fairness and justice. Citizens are present at the trial and the live broadcast is available online."

"in addition"

"After the trial, the judgment will be published in electronic form on the official website of the Jingzhou People's Court."

"Accept the supervision of the masses and the opinions of society."

The presiding judge Feng Jianjun read out the opening speech aloud.

After the speech, he set his eyes on the plaintiff's seat.

"In the first trial, the plaintiff demanded compensation of RMB 300,000 from the defendant. The result was approved, but the defendant appealed the second time."

"Today is the second court hearing. Could the plaintiff please answer whether they maintain the demands made in the first instance?"

"No, presiding judge, we have new demands!"

The plaintiff's lawyer Zhao Qiuxia stood up.

"Please state your new demands"

"After careful consideration, our client decided to change the appeal to sentence Ma Ming to ten years in prison for rape."

"In addition, our client suffered violent torture, mental intimidation, and serious mental and physical damage."

"Therefore, the defendant was asked to pay 300,000 yuan as compensation."

"Our litigation request is as above."

Plaintiff's lawyer Zhao Qiuxia waved her hand and ended the answer.

"Damn, this woman is so cruel. After all, they have been together for a while, so there is no feeling at all?"

"He wants money and also wants Ma Ming to go to jail. His heart is too vicious!"

"Probably because she didn't expect Ma Ming to appeal for the second time, Li Huihui didn't want to waste time any more, so she just took a ruthless approach."

"Ma Ming is also a money-conscious person. The first trial result has come out and he can just pay some money and that's it. But he is asking for trouble."

"Now people are going to put him in jail. It's not worth it!"

"Don't worry, we have Lin Chuan. I have confidence in him. He gave us a big surprise last time."

"This time the situation is different, there is irrefutable evidence! Ma Ming's tadpoles were extracted from the woman's body. I really can't think of how to change my confession."


After hearing the woman's appeal, the male viewers in the live broadcast room all had the same feeling: this woman looks quiet and gentle, but she is really ruthless when it comes to doing things.

"Excuse me, defendant, did you hear the plaintiff's request just now?"

Feng Jianjun's eyes fell on Ma Ming.

""Your Honor, I heard...I heard it clearly." Ma Ming was so nervous that he could not speak clearly when he thought about going to jail if his defense failed.

"Now that you have heard it clearly, defendant Ma Ming, do you agree with the plaintiff's request?"

"No - I don't agree!"

Ma Ming shook his head firmly.

If he agreed, why would he appeal for the second time?

"Please state the reasons why you disagree."

Feng Jianjun's eyes turned to Lin Chuan. It was obvious that Ma Ming could not answer this question.

"Mr. Judge, the reasons for our disagreement are as follows:"

"I do not agree with the rape charge."

"According to my communication with my client, I found that Ma Ming did not rape Li Huihui at all, so the rape charge was not established."

Lin Chuan came on stage.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the scene became silent.

"No way, are you really going to change your confession?"

"However, the police not only recorded a confession in which Ma Ming personally admitted to rape, but also Ma Ming's tadpoles were detected."

"This... Lin Chuan's intention is to force a change of confession?"

"The success rate is not high if you do this, right?"

"I have never seen a lawyer do this before. The risk is too great. Once it fails, all other avenues will be blocked."

"In this case, the best solution is to sacrifice a pawn to save the rook."

"Constantly bargaining with the other party's lawyers, trying to get more compensation so that the plaintiff would give up the request for a sentence"

"Yes, this is the most reliable defense."


Many lawyers from Jingzhou were sitting in the audience area.

It is not easy to change a confession, especially in the current situation where there is overwhelming evidence.

The success rate of forced reversal is too low!

They all thought that Lin Chuan was anxious, because if the reversal failed, the other lawyer would hold on to it and Ma Ming would definitely go to jail.

However, just when everyone agreed that the risk of Lin Chuan changing his confession was too great.

Lin Chuan said something shocking again.

This time, not only did the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room widen their eyes and were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths.

Even the jury, judge, and plaintiff's lawyer were shocked.

"presiding judge"

"Our defendant not only denied the charge of rape"

"We also need to correct the facts of that night. It was the plaintiff, Ms. Li Huihui, who raped Mr. Ma Ming!"


Everyone gasped!

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