CXTV, News Channel

"Our reporter reported that the victim of the car accident on the Luzhou Expressway on September 26 was revealed by enthusiastic citizens to be the widow of the late singer Cheng Fei."

"Singer Cheng Fei is a public welfare person who has devoted his life to social welfare."

"He has performed more than 300 charity shows, volunteered for more than 6,000 hours, and sponsored 183 poor children in mountainous areas."

"He also selflessly donated to more than 150 out-of-school children and disabled people, adopted 37 orphans, and donated more than 3 million yuan"

At six o'clock in the evening, the CXTV news channel broadcast on time.

The first news reported was the car accident on Luzhou Expressway some time ago.

At that time, the car accident on Luzhou Expressway did not attract widespread attention, and it was not even reported in the newspaper.

Because car accidents on highways are very common.

But a month after the car accident,

CCTV suddenly received a tip-off from enthusiastic citizens.

It turned out that the deceased in the car accident on Luzhou Expressway was the widow of the late singer Cheng Fei. Although

Cheng Fei was not a first-line singer when he was alive, he was quietly committed to public welfare.

After being exposed by the media for his public welfare and good deeds, he also won many medals awarded by the government. The name of singer Cheng Fei has become more and more well-known.

But good people don't live long.

Cheng Fei, who was only 37 years old, died of stomach cancer.

At that time, many enthusiastic people also launched a memorial event on the Internet to commemorate Cheng Fei.

His wife, Ms. Zheng, also publicly stated in front of the media that she would inherit Cheng Fei's will and continue the public welfare.

But unexpectedly, time passed, and

Ms. Zheng also died in a car accident.

When CCTV announced the news, more and more viewers watched in front of their TVs.

"According to police investigation, Cheng Fei's widow, Ms. Zheng, was on the Lvzhou Expressway on the evening of September 26 when she was hit in the face by a stone and lost consciousness, which led to the car accident."

"As we all know, the combined force of the inertia of the stone and the high-speed power of the car is very terrifying."

"Therefore, according to the police's simulated scene reconstruction video"

"The stone directly shattered the front windshield of the car and hit Ms. Zheng in the face, which may have indirectly caused the death."

"Because the on-site monitoring is out of repair"

"Therefore, there is no direct evidence to show whether Ms. Zheng's direct cause of death was due to the stone hitting her face or the secondary injury caused by the car accident."

"Why do stones suddenly hit vehicles on the highway?"

"According to the police's testimony, on the evening of September 26, a minor came to the no-man's land on the Lvzhou Expressway to relieve his depression."

"The person threw the stone unintentionally."

"But by mistake, Ms. Zheng lost her life."

"Our reporter reminds all viewers"

"Highways are dangerous areas. Any personal behavior that may lead to safety hazards may lead to traffic accidents."

"Everyone should think twice before acting"

"in addition"

"Teen depression is a group phenomenon. We call on our viewers and parents to pay attention to the group of teenagers suffering from depression."

"Timely guidance of adolescent depression is urgent"

"at last"

"Let us pay tribute to Ms. Zheng who is dedicated to public welfare."

"May there be no suffering in heaven"

As soon as CCTV finished reporting the news, the popularity on the Internet rose like a rocket.

Netizens' attention to the 9.26 traffic accident in Lvzhou rose rapidly.

In fact,

Cheng Fei, Ms. Zheng, and the Lvzhou highway traffic accident formed a network association word.

Just search for one, and related news will be automatically linked and pushed.

And on major mainstream news platforms,

Weibo, Zhihu, Tieba, Hupu...

Netizens started to discuss related topics

"Hey, I heard about Ms. Zheng going to the mountainous area to donate money some time ago."

"Cheng Fei and his wife have always been committed to charity, but they both died young, which is really a pity"

"What kind of world is this? Good people don’t live long, but bad guys live for a thousand years!"

At first, netizens on all major media platforms were sighing for Ms. Zheng's death. But at nine o'clock, a video on the Douyin platform suddenly went viral. The video content was about the September 26 Luzhou Expressway car accident, the cause of Ms. Zheng's death, and whether the minor who threw the stone should be punished. This viral video once again sparked widespread discussion

"The naughty kid dared to throw stones on the highway. He is so mean. I support sentencing him! It would be best if he could be sentenced to life imprisonment."

"Yes, they must be sentenced, and the parents are also jointly responsible."

"Sentence? How? He's still a child."

"What happened to the child? If it were up to me, he should be sentenced to prison or shot. A life for a life."

"Didn't you hear the police report? He is suffering from depression."

"People with depression have many uncontrollable behaviors. Maybe this child doesn't want to hurt others subjectively."

"The police also said that it might have been unintentional."

On the Internet, netizens are basically divided into two groups.

The first group supports sentencing, accounting for 90% of the number of people.

The other minority believes that the person involved suffers from depression and is a minor, so he cannot be sentenced.

When the Internet was heatedly discussing whether the naughty child should be sentenced, someone broke the news that the trial time of the 9.26 Luzhou Expressway underage stone throwing car accident case.

Two days later, on October 25, a public trial will be held at the Luzhou Municipal People's Court.

As long as you are a local citizen, you can go to listen.

In addition, the trial footage will be broadcast simultaneously on the Internet.

Make sure the public is informed and open and fair.

At the same time, all netizens began to care about who the lawyer who sued Ms. Zheng is.

Then someone on Zhihu broke the news first.

Because Ms. Zheng's money was used in public welfare, she had no money to hire a lawyer after her death.

Therefore, the government provided free legal aid.

After the authenticity of this revelation was verified, the netizens who supported the sentencing of the naughty child immediately became depressed.

"Free legal aid provided by the government? Does anyone know what this means?"

"Meaning, you get what you pay for."

"The ability of a lawyer is linked to his or her attorney's fee. Free lawyers are all rookies. When facing off in court, they are pure experience."

"The above is right. Only unknown lawyers will accept free legal aid."

"So... the naughty kid doesn't get the punishment he deserves?"

"I am a legal practitioner. From a professional perspective, there is no chance of winning this case."

"Minors, especially those suffering from depression, will be given lighter sentences"

"Those who commit serious crimes will be sent to correctional institutions for ideological education."

"As for those whose crimes are minor, they are usually released in court and will be supervised and disciplined by their parents in the future."

Netizens who supported the sentencing were disheartened after listening to the explanations of professionals.

Then, the final revelation on Weibo made them feel even worse.

"9.26 Lvzhou Expressway Car Accident Case Trial Personnel Information"

"Plaintiff: Ms. Zheng"

"Defendant: He Tianyi"

"Plaintiff's lawyer: Lin Chuan, trainee lawyer, just dismissed by Xinyang Law Firm, zero defense experience"

"Defendant’s lawyer: Zhang Changming, the third-ranked gold medal lawyer in Luzhou, has a 100% winning rate in court defense!"

When this news became a hot search on Weibo, many comments went viral.

1. The enemy is the strongest champion, and we are the stubborn bronze.

2. Five-star General MacArthur commented on both players. If Zhang Changming is compared to boxing champion Tyson, then Lin Chuan is Mr. Ma, the founder of Lightning Five Whips.

3. Lin Chuan's chance of success in the lawsuit is no less than spending 100,000 to buy a lottery ticket and winning a 200 million jackpot. Understand the applause!

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