On the Internet, public opinion about the 9.

26 Luzhou Expressway car accident case fermented, and Lin Chuan, the plaintiff's lawyer, also received a lot of attention on the Internet.

However , because Lin Chuan is currently only an intern lawyer, netizens do not have a high opinion of him based on subjective impressions alone , and they all think that he is not competent for the work of a plaintiff's lawyer.

Even some enthusiastic people have launched a crowdfunding campaign on the Internet, hoping that everyone will raise funds to hire a respected and experienced lawyer for Ms.

Zheng to fight the lawsuit.

But unfortunately, there are only two days left before the trial, and no well-known lawyer dares to wade into this muddy water.

The hope of winning is too slim!

And once you lose, you are likely to be subjected to online violence by netizens.

Moreover, it will add a failure to your career and damage your reputation.

Even if the lawyer's fees given by crowdfunding are very considerable, it is still not cost-effective.

Because reputation is the foundation of making money for lawyers.

In addition, this case caused an uproar on the Internet.

If the plaintiff's lawyer loses the case, his reputation will be ruined.

Once his reputation is ruined, no one will hire him as a lawyer in the future, and even the law firm will reduce his position.

Therefore, faced with high attorney fees, no one in the lawyer circle was willing to take this case.

In the end, the plaintiff's lawyer remained the same, and it was still Lin Chuan.

However, Lin Chuan had no idea about the heated discussions on the Internet.

Due to time constraints, he is now huddled in his small nest of 20 square meters, flipping through files and working late into the night, trying his best to find evidence for the defendant's sentencing.

"At about 8:20 p.m. on September 26, the plaintiff, Ms. Zheng, was driving a Lavida car at a speed of 100 on the Lvzhou Expressway."

"At 8:21, the defendant He Tianyi appeared on the side of the Lvzhou Expressway, holding a stone in his hand."

"At 8:23, the defendant He Tianyi threw a stone in his hand, which shattered the front glass of the Lavida and hit Ms. Zheng in the face. The car lost control and hit the guardrail."

"As the surveillance cameras on the road where the incident occurred were out of repair, the crime scene was not captured."

"Therefore, it is impossible to determine whether the defendant He Tianyi threw the stone intentionally, and we can only make a judgment based on the police interrogation."

"During the interrogation by the police, He Tianyi insisted that the stone throwing was unintentional."

"The autopsy was made more difficult because the car exploded after losing control."

"After the forensic autopsy, it was still not confirmed that the stone thrown by the defendant He Tianyi directly caused Ms. Zheng's death."

"According to the hospital certificate provided by the defendant He Tianyi, he suffered from severe depression two years ago."

"This year, He Tianyi is still under the age of 16 and is a minor."


Lin Chuan flipped through the files, his expression becoming more and more serious.

The defendant He Tianyi is a minor, and he is under the age of sixteen.

According to the Law on the Protection of Minors, any minor who violates the law must be dealt with leniently after considering the evidence of the crime from multiple perspectives.

What's even worse is that He Tianyi also has a depression certificate issued by the hospital.

He insisted that throwing stones was an unintentional act caused by depression, and his status as a minor meant that, from a legal perspective, he did not subjectively commit a criminal offense and could not meet the sentencing standards.

The only litigation requirement of the plaintiff is to sentence He Tianyi.

But in this extremely unfavorable situation, everyone in the legal circle knows that there is no lawyer who can turn the tide.

"Enter the legal space."

Lin Chuan closed his eyes and activated the [Lawyer] system.

A huge screen suddenly appeared in his mind, and the text on the file was spread out on the screen, as if it had come alive.

There were constant prompts floating in front of Lin Chuan from the big screen.

【He Tianyi's age】

【He Tianyi's identity】

【He Tianyi's Depression Proof】

【Dilapidated surveillance video】


Lin Chuan touched the first prompt information [He Tianyi's age].

Then, the picture on the giant screen in his mind suddenly switched, the file disappeared, and

He Tianyi's information appeared on the big screen.

【He Tianyi, falsified his age. His ID card showed he was 15 years old, but his real age was 18 years old.】

【In 2020, at the Chengnan District Police Station in Lyuzhou, He Tianyi changed his date of birth. 】

Browsing the information on the big screen,

Lin Chuan's eyes showed joy.

When facing the law, minors are equivalent to a death-free gold medal.

But the system prompts that He Tianyi is not a minor, so it's easy to deal with.


Lin Chuan's mind moved, and the record of He Tianyi's modification of his birth certificate was printed out.


Lin Chuan touched the second prompt information [He Tianyi's identity].

The huge screen immediately responded.

【He Tianyi, son of He Xiao, chairman of Anxin Monitoring Group, a Fortune 500 company in China】

【Formerly known as He Xiaolong, he changed his name to Luzhou Chengnan District Police Station in 2020】

【Criminal record: In 2020, he was sent to a correctional facility for one year for arson.】

【During the reeducation through labor period, He Xiao's father used his social connections to get He Tianyi out of the labor camp in just three months, and changed his name from He Xiaolong to He Tianyi.】


"Sure enough, it's not his first offense."

Lin Chuan is now more confident.

Evidence is the key to success in court for lawyers.

With another thought, the system printed out the evidence of He Tianyi's name change and his criminal record.

Then there was the depression certificate issued by the hospital.

After a systematic check, it was found that He Tianyi's depression was fake, and it was also a fake certificate issued by his father He Xiaodong using his connections.

But what was strange was that when Lin Chuan clicked on the [Depression Certificate] prompt information, there was actually something about [Zhang Changming].

But it was not clear what the specific thing was, because the prompt information of [Zhang Changming] was gray and could not be displayed specifically.

It could only be known through personal contact.

"Forget it, let's ignore Zhang Changming for now."

In order to collect more evidence,

Lin Chuan stayed in the legal space and continued to browse the prompt information.


Lin Chuan's attention was focused on the [Dilapidated surveillance video].

Just now, when Lin Chuan was browsing He Tianyi's identity, he obtained a hidden information.

He Xiao, that is, He Tianyi's father, is the chairman of the Anxin Monitoring Group.

It just so happens that the surveillance on the section of Luzhou Expressway where the car accident occurred was broken.

Lin Chuan vaguely felt that there was something fishy.

After entering the Luzhou Public Security Bureau website and searching, it turned out that since 2010,

Anxin Monitoring Group and Luzhou Public Security System have had a cooperative relationship.

Luzhou's surveillance equipment, whether it is a traffic artery or a government building, is provided by Anxin Group.

In other words, if the surveillance on the Luzhou Expressway section really captures something that is harmful to He Tianyi,

With He Xiao's power , the unfavorable evidence can definitely be destroyed.

Thinking of this,

Lin Chuan quickly touched [Dilapidated Surveillance].

Then, the video screen appeared on the big screen in his mind.

In the clear picture,

He Tianyi was throwing stones at the passing vehicles on Luzhou Expressway.




Every time a stone hits a vehicle, a smile appears on the corner of He Tianyi's mouth.

Obviously, throwing stones at the speeding vehicles on the highway was his intention.

An eighteen-year-old teenager definitely knows the consequences of throwing stones at vehicles on the highway.

But he still uses this method for fun!

Lin Chuan feels that this is not the first time He Tianyi has done this. He doesn't know how many times he has done this in secret, but he is so fearless, he definitely knows that his father He Xiao can help him settle the matter.

"Is man inherently good at birth?"


"Some people are just bad at heart!"

After learning the truth,

Lin Chuan couldn't hold back any longer.

Thinking of a good person who was dedicated to public welfare and died from a naughty kid's prank,

Lin Chuan's eyes were about to burst into flames.

Originally, he took this case just to avenge Zhang Changming.

But now, the motivation deep in his heart that supported him to win this case has changed.

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