Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1005 Youth stays forever.

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High ground, in the study.

Mu Liang leaned on the dragon chair, tilted Erlang's legs relaxedly, and listened to Yue Qinlan's report on the recruitment situation.

"This time, a total of 16,000 people have been recruited from Funeral Valley. Among them, there are more than 2,000 young and old, most of whom are young and middle-aged family members." Yue Qinlan said item by item while holding a notepad.

"More than two thousand young and old, it's acceptable." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

If only young adults are allowed to come to Black Tortoise, and their families are excluded, it will not win over the hearts of the people.

Besides, if the elderly want to work, they can still do some manual work, such as weaving baskets and pottery.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "These 6,000 people have been placed in batches. After the buildings in the Acropolis are decorated, they will be arranged to go to the Acropolis."

"Well, you can arrange it." Mu Liang nodded.

He thought for a while and exhorted: "Do a good job of propaganda and let them know that the laws and regulations of Black Tortoise are not decorations. You can grab a few thorns as a warning."

"Okay, I will arrange it." Yue Qinlan nodded and noted it down.

"Is there anything else?" Mu Liang put down his cocked legs and sat up straight and looked at the elegant woman.

"There is one more thing, it is about the 23rd guard branch of the guards in each acropolis." Yue Qinlan turned over the next page of the notepad in her hand.

The Acropolis is improving its infrastructure, among which the patrol guard branch is very important and can maintain order in the city.

"Eight people from the inner city patrol guards are transferred to the acropolis, two people from each acropolis, serving as the first chief and deputy minister of the patrol branch."

Mu Liang thought for a while and said, "Let's recruit some more people from the military camp to become patrolmen."

The head of the patrol branch is under the deputy head of security, that is, the rank is lower than Cheng Mao, but higher than other patrol guards.

"This is equivalent to promoting eight people. It is better to conduct assessment and selection." Yue Qinlan said seriously.

"Well, let Cheng Mao pick it." Mu Liang said gently.

Yue Qinlan curled her lips and responded gracefully: "I understand."

Cheng Mao, from the police chief to the current deputy guard of the patrol guard, had been promoted several times during the reform of Black Tortoise, and he had the right to arrange the personnel of each patrol guard's branch.

The chief and deputy guards of the patrol guard, the chief and deputy ministers of the branch, the third-level sergeant of upper, middle and lower, and the first, second and third class patrols.

A perfect promotion channel.

"Today's work has been reported." Yue Qinlan said, closing the notepad.

"I have been working hard recently." Mu Liang stretched out his hand, condensing a group of life elements, enveloped the elegant woman.

Yueqin's blue and aqua blue eyes were shining, and she said softly: "Fortunately, it's not heavy work."

Her body became extraordinarily relaxed, and she seemed to have been washed inside and out.

"Recently, I found that my own skin seems to have become better." Yue Qinlan gently pinched the skin of her cheek.

Mu Liang explained: "The element of life is part of the reason, and part of it is because of drinking the water from the tree of life."

"Water on the branches of life?"

Yue Qinlan asked in surprise, "Is that water good for my skin?"

Mu Liang said gently: "Well, the water outside the Liuli Palace has been nurtured by the tree of life. That water is no longer ordinary water, and it can keep people young."

This effect is still the life element and he said.

"Keep your youth!!" Yue Qinlan stared at her beautiful aqua blue eyes, her face full of shock.

She whispered softly: "No wonder, the skin condition is getting better and better recently, as if it will not grow old."

"Keep drinking, and you won't get old." Mu Liang laughed clearly.

The corners of Yueqin's blue lips rose, and she smiled like a flower: "I will never grow old, I will be treated as a monster."

Mu Liang reached out and squeezed the chin of the elegant woman, and asked softly, "Then you want to be a monster, or are you not an old woman?"

Yue Qinlan rolled her beautiful eyes and said in a grotesque voice: "What an old woman is, it doesn't sound good at all.

Knock knock~~~

At this time, the study door was knocked.

Buff’s soft voice sounded: "Master Mu Liang, Dianes Miss is here."

"Let her in." Mu Liang responded casually.


The little maid's voice fell, and the study door was pushed open.

Diane walked in wearing her armor and raised her hand to salute Mu Liang: "Master Mu Liang, I have something to report."

"What's the matter, I want you to come back from Shanhaiguan." Mu Liang asked calmly.

Three barriers fortresses usually have problems, and they will contact the highlands through resonance bugs.

"There is a ghost near Black Tortoise!" Dianes said seriously.

Mu Liang tapped his finger on the tabletop and raised his hand to signal: "Go on."

"Eight ghosts appeared near Tianmen Tower. Among them, the strongest was Tier 7. They went into the water to check it out and almost had an accident. Fortunately, the Holy Beast took action." Dianes described what happened in Tianmen Tower.

"I see, well done." Mu Liang looked down and thought.

Recently, there have been more and more virtual ghosts, and there have been news of virtual ghosts near the three major transit bases.

In the direction of the oasis, I also met a few virtual ghosts. This was the news from Baize Lion and Shakov.

"There are more and more virtual ghosts." Yue Qinlan's eyes were a little sad.

"With me, it's okay." Mu Liang patted the elegant woman's hand.

Yueqinlan's pretty face turned red, and Dianes was still in front of her.

"With the sea dragon beast, the Tianmen Tower will be very safe, don't rush into the sea again." Mu Liang warned.

"Yes!!" Dianes nodded respectfully.

She kept watching her nose, her nose, her mouth, her mouth and her heart, and she did not dare to see Mu Liang interacting with Yueqin Lande.

"Go back." Mu Liang waved his hand.

"Yes." Dianes raised her hand to salute, and turned to leave.

"Wait, you should be breaking through soon?"" Mu Liang stopped her.

"Yes, but I can't make breakthroughs all the time" Dianes sighed.

"Come here." Mu Liang stretched out his hand to condense a mass of life elements.

560 Diance showed excitement in her eyes and walked quickly to Mu Liang.

Mu Liang waved his hand, and the life element fell on the ice-haired woman's head.

Dianes was shocked, and quickly closed her beautiful eyes, feeling the changes of life elements in her body.

The life elements dissolve like water and are absorbed by her body.

"It looks like a breakthrough!" Yue Qinlan said in surprise.

Mu Liang said warmly: "It's just a breakthrough in a small Realm."

Yue Qin turned blue and white. Mu Liang glanced at it and said gracefully: "One more breakthrough, she is an eighth-level master."

Mu Liang smiled, Black Tortoise City's high-end combat power is getting more and more.

Dang Ansi closed her beautiful eyes tightly, and the breath emanating from her body was gradually rising.

After a few minutes, the rising momentum reached a critical point, and finally settled at the 7th-order peak.


Dianes let out a long sigh, and a gleam of light flashed in her icy eyes.

She excitedly said: "Great, finally breakthrough!"

"Be calm and consolidate Realm." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Yes." Diane shook her heart, and quickly calmed down.

She bent down and said gratefully: "Thank you Mu Liang-sama!!"

"Well, let's go back." Mu Liang lowered his eyes.

"Yes." Dianes took two steps back and left the study happily.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization.

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