(3 more)


Above the high altitude, the fire feather eagle flies forward.

There are several glazed cabins fixed behind it, and the three of Charlotte, Yue Feiyan, and Taico are playing Fighting Landlords.

This time out, the three of them led the team together with twelve air force soldiers.

"Cube Three." Yue Feiyan threw out the card in his hand excitedly.

"Six!!" Charlotte's eyes flowed, followed by the card.

"Nine!" Tai Keke randomly drew a card from his hand.

Charlotte turned her beautiful orange eyes, and threw out four cards: "Four of two."

"This is just the beginning, why did the bomb come out?" Tai Keke and Yue Feiyan stared at the same time.

"Hee hee, do you want?" Charlotte curled her lips, and the wings behind her sway gently.

The red-haired girl and Tacoco looked at each other, and then shook their heads together.

"No, you continue to play the cards." Yue Feiyan pouted.

"Then I will win." Charlotte laughed and put down all the cards in his hand.

"Huh?" Yue Feiyan exclaimed, why did it end?

"You can even make a pair."" Charlotte laughed crisply.

Tai Keke dismissed his beautiful blue eyes and exclaimed, "You are so lucky."

"Come again!" Yue Feiyan said unwillingly.

Charlotte Wenrun said: "Don't fight anymore, I'm going to the Ice City ahead, and we should make preparations for landing."

"Then wait until you leave the ice city, then continue fighting." Yue Feiyan stood up and said.

She still knows what is more important.

Even more short-term~~~

The fire feather eagle made a loud cry, and the ice city was about to be reached ahead.

Charlotte said softly: "Master Mu Liang said that he will pick up Meshako in Ice City and bring him back to Black Tortoise City."

"I remember." Yue Feiyan nodded.

Soon after, a big city appeared on the horizon, which was the first destination for this outing.

The fire feather eagle circled outside the ice city, and finally landed not far outside the city.

Ta Ta Ta…

The gate of Bingcheng opened, and Binglake strode out with the guards.

"Finally here",!" Ice Lake approached the Fire Feather Eagle.

He had already returned to Ice City a few days ago, and estimated the time, Black Tortoise City should have sent armor.

Yue Feiyan, Taikok and Charlotte descended from the Fire Feather Eagle, followed by Air Force soldiers.

They carried a pair of armor and boxes of weapons neatly on the ground.

"Your Excellency Binglake, the armor and weapons have been brought." Yue Feiyan hugged her arms in front of her, standing in front of the piles of armor.

Binglake's eyes lighted up, and he said clearly: "Very well, thank you for your hard work, you can give me the armor and weapons.

"Wait a minute, settle the balance first." Yue Feiyan said coldly.

The smile on Binglake's face narrowed, and he asked in a deep voice: "Your Excellency is worried that I will grab it?"

"It was agreed at the beginning of the transaction that the final payment will be settled upon delivery, including the delivery fee." Yue Feiyan's expression remained unchanged, and coldly warned him.

Binglake's face turned dark, thinking about something in his heart.

He glanced at the huge fire feather eagle and felt the ninth-order aura from it.

Ice Lake raised his hand and waved.

His subordinates stepped forward, put down a few large bags of fierce beast spar, and untied the bag to reveal the beast spar.

The red-haired girl lifted one bar, and the soldier knew it! Stepped forward and began to count the number of beast spars.

"Binglake waited patiently.

Ta Ta Ta

At the city gate, Mei Shake walked out carrying a huge glass bottle and approached Yue Feiyan and the others.

Binglake looked back, and then was stunned.How could Mesakko be in own ice city?

"Meshako, when did you come?" he asked with a frown.

Meshako responded vigilantly: "Yesterday.

Binglake frowned and asked with a sneer: "Interestingly, you don't stay in the city of Jiaoke, you are ready to face the virtual ghost tide, what are you doing in my Bingcheng?"

Mesak was silent for a long time before uttering a sentence with red eyes: "There will be no more city of Jiaoke in the future."

"What does it mean that there will be no Jiaoke Great City in the future?" Binglake looked blank.

"It means it literally." Mesakko replied casually, and stepped closer to the red-haired girl and others.

Charlotte whispered: "He seems to be Mesak."

"Your Excellency Mu Liang said, I can go to Black Tortoise City by way." Mesak said calmly.

Yue Feiyan nodded and said charmingly: "I know, go up, someone will arrange a space for you.

"Thank you." Meishako looked dispirited, and followed the soldiers onto the glazed cabin on the back of the Fire Feather Eagle.

Ice Lake pressed his mouth tightly, what had happened to make a strong man like Meshako frown. ?

The soldiers in charge of the count stood up, exchanged the counted amount with each other, and then made the count together.

The soldier came to the red-haired girl and whispered the result

Yue Feiyan looked at Binglake and said proudly: "Okay, the count is over, the amount is correct."

She raised her hand, ready to leave the ice city and go to the next place.

Binglake yelled: "々Wait a minute, do you know what happened in the city of Jiaoke?"

"I know." Yue Feiyan stopped and looked back at him.

"Can you tell me?" Binglake asked sincerely.

A little sly flashed under Yue Qin's blue eyes, and smiled: "I'll give you a discount. I will tell you a thousand junior and middle-level fierce beasts."

"Binglake's eyes twitched.

What did he think of? Messak had asked at the Sacred Land council that there was no more water in the holy spring in the great city of Jok.

The answer given by Mu Liang at the time was that there was a virtual ghost nest six under the Great City of Jiaoke.

Thinking of this, Blake couldn't help but make a bold assumption.

"Jiao Ke Dacheng was broken by the virtual ghost?" He raised his eyes and asked.

Messak appeared here, it is very likely that there is a virtual ghost nest in the underground city of Jiaoke, and the city of Jiaoke has been breached by the virtual ghost.

"Huh?" Yue Feiyan stared at her red eyes.

Binglake asked in a low voice, "So did I get it right?"

"Guess?" (Li Wang's) Yue Feiyan rolled her beautiful eyes, she couldn't make any extra money.

She snorted and turned back to the fire feather eagle.

The soldiers took away bags of fierce beast spar, and then returned to the fire feather eagle.

"Let's go, we are going to start." Tai Keke turned around and left with a grin.

Ou Minyan~~~

Before long, the fire feather eagle flapped its wings and flew high, flapping the wind brought by its wings, causing the guards of the ice city to stagger.

The Fire Feather Eagle hovered in the air, adjusted its forward direction, and went to the next place at the fastest speed.

"It looks like I got it right...Binglake looked solemn.

The big city of Jiaoke was captured by the ghost so soon, the future will be getting worse and worse.

He waved: "Take things back and start training in armor.

"Yes." The guards responded excitedly.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization. all,

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