Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1007 Cried secretly. (1 more)

"There is no news from the Sea of ​​Mist, so annoying

Hoarfrost walked out of the palace, worrying in her beautiful eyes.

She just went to the study to find Mu Liang and inquired about the Misty Sea and the Haiting Kingdom, but there was still no news.

"Father and mother must be worried to death." Bai Shuang sat on the steps, feeling depressed.

She missed Haiting Kingdom and everything in the palace.

The purple-haired girl began to regret it and shouldn't run out of the palace willfully.

"Miss Baishuang, would you like to try the new biscuits?" Yao'er walked out of the palace holding the plate and saw the purple-haired girl sitting on the steps.

"Ah, I don't want to eat it." Bai Shuang shook her body, raising her hand and stepping on her eyes casually.

"Miss Baishuang, what's wrong with you?" Yao Er asked caringly.

"I'm fine!" Bai Shuang took a deep breath, stood up and looked at the little maid, her purple-golden eyes were still a little red.

Yao Erfen opened her lips slightly, and guessed in her heart that the girl with purple hair should have been crying just now.

She pretended not to see it, and asked sweetly: "The biscuits are very fragrant, don't you really taste it?"

"Then I'll try it." In order to cover up, Baishuang had to twist a light green biscuit and put it in his mouth.


The crispy biscuits were chewed, and the taste of Star tea floated out, which shocked the purple-haired girl.

"This is too delicious!!" Bai Shuang covered her mouth and whispered.

Yao Er obediently said: "There are many more, Miss Baishuang can get more."

"560 Thank you!" Baishuang did not hold back, reaching out and grabbing a handful of small biscuits.

Yao Er said crisply: "If Miss Baishuang is bored in the palace, I can take you to the inner city.

"Can you?" Bai Shuang bulged her cheeks, and the corners of her mouth were covered with cookie crumbs.

She lived in the palace for more than ten days, and she was already bored.

"Yes, but wait for me for half an hour." "Yao Er said softly.

Mu Liang gave an order that the girl with purple hair can leave the palace, but someone needs to follow.

"Okay, I'm waiting for you here." Hoishuang nodded vigorously, still holding a small biscuit in her mouth.

Yao'er turned around and returned to the palace, finishing his work before leaving the palace.

Hoarfrost was in a better mood, and sat at the gate of the palace to taste some biscuits.

"How can it be so delicious?" She chewed on the biscuits, waiting for the little maid to take her out for a walk.

Time passed slowly, half an hour later.

Yao Er changed his clothes and walked out of the palace in small steps.

"Are you finished?" Bai Shuang quickly stood up, looking at the little maid with gleaming purple-golden eyes.

"Yeah, it's over." Yao Er responded softly.

She looked at the corner of the purple-haired girl's mouth, smiling like a flower: "Miss Hoarfrost, there are cookie crumbs in the corner of her mouth."

"Ah, is there?" Bai Shuang Qiao's face turned red, and she quickly raised her hand to rub the corner of her mouth.

The feeling from her hand told her that there was something.

"No more now, let's go." Yao Er smiled sweetly and stepped forward.

The purple-haired girl hurriedly followed, and then left the high ground and strolled down the streets of the inner city.

"Wow, the houses here are neat and tidy, and the ground is very clean. It's cleaner than our palace over there." Baishuang admired along the way.

Yao Er asked curiously: "Is the palace dirty?"

Bai Shuang shook his head and said softly: "Not really, but it's not clean here either."

"Is the palace similar to the palace?" Yao Er was like a curious baby.

Baishuang whispered: "It's not as good as a palace, but it is bigger than a palace and has more buildings."

"So it's like this." Yao Er blinked beautiful eyes.

Bai Shuang changed the subject and pointed to the square: "It's so lively, what is it doing there?"

"That's a big market, where you can buy Life products and all kinds of food." Yao Er explained.

"Can I go and see?" Baishuang's beautiful eyes lit up, and he was very interested in the big market.

"Yes." Yao Er し replied.

"Let's go, then." Hoarfrost walked toward the big market happily. Before entering, he was driven by the lively atmosphere (cdcb), and was very curious about everything.

"Hey, there are also biscuits sold here." Her beautiful eyes lit up and she saw the counter not far away.

The purple-haired girl stepped forward and bought a catty of small biscuits apart from anything else.

"It smells so good." Bai Shuang twisted a biscuit and stuffed it into his mouth.

Just chewing and chewing his face became confused, why is the taste different?

Yaoer whispered: "Although they are all small biscuits, the palace biscuits are better."

"That's it." Baishuang thought for a while, and then realized that the little biscuits I ate in the morning should be a special version of the palace.

Yao Erjiao said: "If the palace biscuits are sold in the big market, it will cost 500 yuan per catty."

Hoarfrost grinned, feeling that the little biscuits in his mouth were even more dull.

She went around in the big market, planning to buy some food, but remembering what the little maid had just said, she could only dispel the idea.

The two left the Black Tortoise City Market and walked along the square.

Bai Shuang exclaimed: "Many people, how do you keep the streets clean?"

Yao Er said crisply: "Everyone is very conscious and will throw rubbish in the trash can. There are also sanitation workers who are responsible for cleaning up the rubbish on the street.

"It's great." The white cream powder opened her lips slightly.

She remembered that in Haiting Kingdom, the streets were all dirty and rubbish was thrown away randomly.

"Where is it over there?" Hoarfrost pointed forward, which was outside the residential area.

Yao Er said softly: "There is a school."

"School?" Hoarfrost blinked her purple and golden eyes.

Yao Er explained softly: "It's a place to teach children to read and understand the world."

"Do you also teach civilians?" Bai Shuang asked in surprise.

"Yes, as long as you want to read, you can go to school." Yao'er nodded.

"" Hoarfrost powder has a wide lips.

In the Haiting Kingdom, only the children of the nobles will be sent to learn to read, and few common people can get such a good education.

"Would you like to go to school to see?" Yao Er asked, tilting his head.

"Can you?" Bai Shuang's spirit was shocked, and she was very curious about the school in her heart.

Yao Er smiled and nodded: "Yes, as long as it doesn't disturb the children's study, there will be no problem."

"Then hurry up," Bai Shuang said excitedly.

Yao Er quickly followed.

The two walked into the gate of the school, and they heard neat chanting in their ears.

"At the beginning of man, nature is good"

"It looks like a lot of people." Baishuang Meimu walked to the nearest classroom with curiosity.

In the classroom, Mino was standing on the podium, preparing to teach the children to sing.

"Hey, it's her!!" Baishuang's eyes were surprised, but she didn't expect the girl with rabbit ears to appear in the school.

Yao Er said softly, "Miss Minuo is now a music teacher.

"It seems very powerful!!" Hoarshuang was amazed.

Yao'er showed her eyes and admired: "Mino Miss sings very well. When performing in the opera house, the tickets will be sold out quickly."

ps: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. .

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