Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1012 Humanoid tyrannosaurus.

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Over the Wankulin, the fire feather eagle flapped its wings and marched against the wind and sand.

Its destination this time is Wanku City, also for the delivery of armor and weapons.

"It should be here soon." Yue Feiyan stood on the edge of the glazed cabin with her hands on her waist, waiting for the fire feather eagle to descend.

She looked back at Xia Luo, and said, "Xia Luo, when we finish going to Wanku City, we will go to Flying Bird City. You can reminisce about the old days with your family.

When going out this time, the red-haired girl has to complete the task assigned by Mu Liang, which is to visit the transfer base, complete the inspection work, and bring the beast spar back by the way.

"Yeah, I miss the Big Brothers too." Charlotte's beautiful orange eyes lit up, and two Big Brother faces appeared in her mind.

Yue Feiyan nodded and looked at Tecoco who was still sleeping coolly.

"Takeco, get up soon, don't go to sleep." She yelled angrily.

"Ah, did something happen?" Tai Keke shook his body and gave a violent shot. He turned and stood up reflexively.

"Don't know to sleep all day long." Yue Feiyan looked like she hated iron and steel.

"What? Captain, I usually consume a lot of physical training." Tai Keco yawned.

"You don't have training now." Yue Feiyan doubled 573 hands on his hips, and Tai Keco became more and more disobedient.

Tecoco yawned long, scratched his forehead and sat on the ground, muttering, "Then I won't sleep."

Xia Luomei condensed her eyes and noticed that many black shadows appeared in the yellow sand in the sky, and Yingyingchuo couldn't see clearly.

"Captain, something seems to be approaching." Charlotte said uncertainly.

"Where?" Yue Feiyan became energetic, and quickly turned to look.

"Just ahead." Charlotte raised her finger to the front.

Tai Keke quickly stood up, followed by looking forward.

In the yellow sand in the sky, the black shadow became clearer and clearer. When the distance from the fire feather eagle was only a few tens of meters, the black shadow appeared in the eyes of the three women.

It was more than a dozen virtual ghosts, with a pair of huge wings behind them, fast approaching them.

"Void ghosts! They are all Tier VI ghosts!!" Yue Feiyan exclaimed.

"Great, I'll fight them." Tai Keke immediately became energetic, and was about to leave the glazed cabin excitedly.

Yue Feiyan grabbed the bi-fat girl and said with a serious face: "Don't be impulsive, you can't deal with so many sixth-order virtual ghosts, just let Xiaoyu solve it.

"Yes, be careful. There is too much yellow sand here, which will affect (cdcb) sight." Charlotte agreed.

Tecoco gritted his teeth and felt depressed.

Ou Minyan~~~

The fire feather eagle stopped its forward movement, and began to flap its wings vigorously, and the wind howled, rolling up a large amount of yellow sand and slapped it towards the virtual ghosts.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The virtual ghost also roared and continued to move forward against the wind.

The Fire Feather Eagle received the provocation of Xugui, and it flapped its wings vigorously again, this time with flames on its wings.

The flames mingled with the burning hot sand, slapped on the virtual ghost.

Xugui suddenly screamed, and his body was swallowed by flames, struggling to fall from the sky.

The flames that the Fire Feather Eagle now emits, with a temperature of more than 3,000 degrees, can easily make the virtual ghost die.

It's just that after the Fire Feather Eagle used his fire talent, everyone in the glass cabin behind it felt uncomfortable.

Although Liuli blocked part of the heat, the remaining temperature still hurt them.

"It's so hot, I can't stand it anymore." Charlotte was sweating and fainted.

"It's okay." Yue Feiyan blinked her red eyes.

"Captain, you are wearing Vermillion Bird armor, made of Kohane's feathers."

Tai Keke pulled his clothes, stuck his tongue out and said, "Not to mention that you are still a fire elemental awakener, and of course you are not afraid of heat."

"Be patient and wait for Xiaoyu to solve them." Yue Feiyan said blankly.

"I can't bear it anymore, let Xiaoyu stop, I will go out and solve the remaining virtual ghosts." Tai Keke yelled anxiously.

With a low growl, a pair of curved dragon horns grew on her forehead, wings grew behind her, and a powerful dragon tail also grew.

"Okay." Seeing that Charlotte was shaking, Yue Feiyan hurriedly took out the rattle and shook it twice.


The Fire Feather Eagle stopped attacking, the flames on his body disappeared, and the temperature quickly dropped.

In the air, there were only three or four virtual ghosts still alive. Although they were still alive, they were also injured by the fire feather eagle's attack.

"I'll deal with the virtual ghost." Tai Keke, who turned into a dragon, rushed out of the glazed cabin, holding a spear and rushed towards the nearest virtual ghost.

"Wait for me." Yue Feiyan couldn't bear it anymore, there was no reason to let his subordinates rush in front of him.

She took out the Vermillion Bird fan, the wings of the Vermillion Bird armor spread out, and took her out to catch up with the green-haired girl.

"I'll help too." Charlotte took a deep breath, cheered herself up, and then flew out.

Ta Ta Ta

All other Air Force soldiers took out military crossbows to provide fire support.

Taikok is very fierce, and the spear in his hand is used as a long stick to use force against the ghost.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The virtual ghost roared and approached the Bifa girl desperately.

"Get out!" Taikok shouted fiercely.

She shook her spear vigorously, smashing the wings of the sixth-order virtual ghost directly, spinning like a kite with broken wings and falling into the dense pinnacle forest.

Xia Luofen opened her lips slightly and exclaimed: "It's amazing!!"

"Don't get distracted." Yue Feiyan reminded.

"Good." Charlotte hit the spirit quickly.

Her beautiful orange eyes lit up, and she slammed the four wings behind her.

The orange feather flew out like a sharp arrow, shooting a virtual ghost attacking the red-haired girl.

The orange feathers flew quickly, piercing the virtual ghost's body accurately, and a violent explosion occurred at The next moment.

Boom boom boom~~

Every piece of feather is like a bomb, a series of explosions rang out, and the injured Tier 6 virtual ghost has turned into a sky full of coke.

This is Xia Luo's awakening ability. Feather has an explosive effect, which is not possessed by the rest of the Xia family.

Yue Feiyan was startled and exclaimed: "Charlotte, you are too fierce.

"My father usually doesn't let me use this ability." Charlotte said embarrassedly.

Yue Feiyan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Tai Keco's roar.

"Ah, go to hell." Tai Keke yelled, and the spear in his hand kept swinging, smashing at the other two virtual ghosts, fiercely messed up.

She is like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, after becoming a dragon, her fighting power is exploding.

In a short while, the other two ghosts were also resolved.

"Yue Feiyan held the Vermillion Bird fan in her hand and pulled at the corner of her mouth. Before she could make a move, the battle was over.

"Guru Guru~~~"

The Bifa girl was still majestic and majestic one second before, and the next second she called her belly twice, and her pretty face collapsed.

"Captain, I'm hungry, I want to eat meat!!" Tai Keke yelled loudly.

"I see, enough meat." Yue Feiyan smiled irritably.

She sighed in her heart that only Black Tortoise can afford a big appetizer like Tacoco.

o o o o o o o oo o

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization. .

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