Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1013 Leave the misty sea.

(1 more)

In the foggy sea, three big ships are being carried forward by strange ocean currents.

On the front ship, Kodola said weakly: "Captain, if you continue like this, you will starve to death."

"There is no fresh water on the boat, and the food is almost finished." Da Qi leaned on the barrel of the gun, holding half of the dried meat wet by the seawater in his hand.

"D ."

Miuda sighed, making her whole body haggard and looking more than ten years old.

"Captain, think of a way, don't just sigh." Kodola said desperately.

"I can't help it." Miuda raised his hand weakly and lay flat on the deck, looking hollowly at the endless fog.

Da Qi said hoarsely: "Captain, don't lose hope, we will go out."

"I thought so a few days ago, but I don't think so now." Miuda let out a sigh of relief and slowly closed his eyes.

After they entered the misty sea, they had been drifting with the current for six days. During this period, they had no sense of direction, nor-encountered other dangers.

"Captain, don't give up, we still want to go out." Kodola let out a sigh, sat up from the deck, and ran to Muda-beside.

A crack appeared in Miuda's eyes, and he sighed: "From today on, you will be the captain. You will find a way to take us out."

"Captain, when is this? You are still joking." Kodola cried.

The corner of Da Qi's eyes jumped, and he said in a huff: "What does a big man look like crying and crying?"

Kodola took a deep breath, sucked his nose back, and suffocated: "I don't want to die here, what is starving to death?"

"Then you go down to catch the fish." Da Qi pointed to the Misty Sea.

"I'm not going." Kodola crouched and sat back on the deck.

The unknown misty sea rushed into the water for fear of not knowing how it died.


Miuda's stomach screamed, he removed his eyes irritably, and turned sideways around his stomach.

"Captain, let's have something to eat." Da Qi tore the jerky in his hand in half and threw half of it to Miuda.

Miuda raised his hand and caught the jerky thrown by the deputy captain.

He sat up and looked at the soaked jerky with a disgusting expression on his face.

"Captain, forbearance is better than starving to death." Da Qi grinned.

"Oh" Miuda was depressed, and still opened his mouth and stuffed the soaked dried meat into his mouth.

He wrinkled his face, and the taste of the meat was sour that it was hard to swallow.


Kodo diarrhea also screamed. He looked at the captain and deputy captain eagerly. He was also hungry.

"Here, eat some, don't starve to death." Da Qi threw the remaining half of the meat to the watchman.

"Thank you, deputy captain." Kodola was moved inwardly.

He stuffed the meat into his mouth and whimpered in a low voice.

"Don't cry." Da Qi cursed angrily.

"Oh, Kodola took a deep breath, looked back in the direction of the bow, and then froze for a while.

He swallowed the food in his mouth, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes indiscriminately, rubbing away the tears, and his vision became clear.

"Captain, I seem to see hope!!" Kodola exclaimed and ran to the mast excitedly.

Hope was ignited in his heart, his movements became sharp, and he climbed to the top of the gun in one breath.

"What's wrong?" There was light in Miuda's eyes.

"I seem to have seen the exit, there is the light of lightning." Kodola said excitedly.

He stood on the top of the mast, casting magic and looking into the distance, the fog became thinner, and silver lightning could be seen.

Boom boom~~~

The thunder and lightning flashed, and the sound of thunder sounded in the ears, which made everyone on the boat refreshed.

It was the first time to hear other sounds after entering the sea of ​​mist for so many days.

"Are you going to leave the sea of ​​mist?" The crew became energetic, and quickly got up from the deck and happily came to the bow position.

The big ship was still moving forward, but the field of vision became wider, and the fog gradually disappeared.


Lightning flashed across the sky, the wind screamed, and the ship swayed vigorously.

It was raining heavily in the sky, and the rain slapped on the sails, causing the ship to shake more violently.

"It's coming out, it's really coming out!!" Kodola shouted excitedly.

Miuda yelled excitedly: "It's great, quickly control the sails, this time you must leave the misty sea."

"Yes!!" The team members shouted in excitement, and moved into action after running.

In violent storms, several large ships are like fallen leaves in the water, and they may capsize at any time.

After more than two hours of tossing, several large ships successfully left.

"Quickly, get out of here." Miuda shouted in excitement.

The three large ships sailed away from the foggy sea at the fastest speed, and the speed of the ships slowed down until they were free from the influence of the harsh weather.

...For flowers...

"Finally came out." Da Qi leaned on the mast and relaxed.

Kodola said with a serious face: "Captain, we still don't want to go to the sea of ​​mist in the future, it's terrible.

Miuda said with a black face: "You don't need to say, I won't go again.

Kodola breathed a sigh of relief and said with a low smile: "Hey, it feels so good to survive~~~"

"Captain, there don't seem to be islands around."

The other team members climbed to the top of the mast and looked around. Except for the fog, there was vast sea water.

"It shouldn't be, there are islands near the Sea of ​​Mist, so I frowned at Kodola.

He went back to the mast and looked around, but still did not see the island.

Da Qi didn't care: "It may be in different sea areas. First find a place with people, and you will know by asking.

"Then move forward." Miuda waved.

"Yes!!" The team members got busy again and let the boat go straight ahead.

Da Qi licked the corner of his mouth and said with expectation: "I hope I can find an island with people, so I can have a big meal."

"I'm almost hungry." The team members laughed and the atmosphere became relaxed and happy.

Da Qi laughed and said, "We succeeded in getting out of the sea of ​​mist, so no one would believe it."

Miuda said lightly: "You can write an adventurer's autobiography, and sell it in the kingdom. You should be able to earn a lot of gold."

"Good idea, let the captain write it, hahaha." Kodola joked.

Miuda yawned, waved his hand and said, "I don't know all the characters, just forget it."

"Okay, don't play anymore. Who will go into the water with me to catch fish." He raised his hand and patted.

There are no islands nearby, just in case, I still have to rely on my own efforts, lest my strength is exhausted, and I really can only starve to death.

"Uh, I'm not fluent, so I won't go." Kodola shrank his neck and took two steps back to hide behind the observation deck.

"Not promising!!" Da Qi curled his lips.

He stood up and said, "Captain, I will follow you."

Miuda grinned: "Okay, fasten the rope, let's go down to the sea.

Soon, the two tied the rope around their waists, jumped into the sea, and started diving to catch fish.

ps: [1 more]: the second more positive code. So.

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