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Ta Ta Ta

Holding the resonance bug in his arms, Yun Xin hurried to the palace study.

Knock knock~~~

Yun Xin knocked on the door of the study and said clearly, "Master Mu Liang!'

"Come in." Mu Liang's clear voice sounded.

Yun Xin opened the door and walked into the study room, and said clearly, "Master Mu Liang, there is news from the Oasis. Your Excellency Sujin wants to talk to the adults."

"Well, let's establish contact." Mu Liang put down his pencil, raised his head and raised his chin lightly.


Yun Xin nodded obediently, and reached out his hand to gently pat the roots of the resonance bug's wings.


The Resonant Worm wakes up, flaps its wings quickly, and establishes a connection with the Resonant Worm on the distant oasis.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang?" Su Jin's suspicious voice sounded.

"Your Excellency Sujin." Mu Liang responded softly.

The other side was quiet for a few seconds before I heard Su Jin's slightly joyful voice: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, have you eaten yet?

Bai Yu's depressed voice came: "Master Sujin, it's important to talk about business, why do you still ask if you have eaten?"

Although she lowered her voice, she was caught by the resonance bug and passed it back to Mu Liang without missing a word.

"I have eaten it." Mu Liang responded amused.

"His Excellency Mu Liang, I have known about the refugees 700 times.

Su Jin said softly: "Jinyuan City will accept those refugees, but their food and drinking water are a problem. Can His Excellency Mu Liang help solve it?"

Mu Liang thought for a while and said calmly: "The transfer base will help and will provide them with enough food.

"Free??" Bai Yu's startled voice sounded.

Mu Liang said calmly: "After the refugees settle down, help with work to repay the food owed."

"Your Excellency Mu Liang, you are too kind!!" Bai Yu exclaimed.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang has always been very good." This is Su Jin's deliberately lowered voice, which Mu Liang has heard.

Yun Xin blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Mu Liang with a dull expression.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose, and he was in a good mood.

Bai Yu slammed and reminded: "Master Sujin, pay attention to your image."

Su Jin gave a light cough and said softly: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, let your people contact the deputy head of the guard of Jinyuan City, and help tell me what I mean."

Mu Liang asked calmly, "Your deputy chief of security, won't you suspect that my person is pretending to be a pretender?"

Su Jin said elegantly: "Your Excellency asks your person to bring two different fruits, and he will know that the message is true."


"Understood." Mu Liang nodded slowly. It turned out that Su Jin had already made preparations for this.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang, where are you now?" Su Jin asked curiously.

Mu Liang leaned back and relaxed and said, "In the depths of the salt water area."

Su Jin was silent for a while, then sighed and asked, "When will you come back to land?"

Mu Liang said gently: "Wait for the ghost tide to pass, and then plan again. It shouldn't turn back in a short time."

He thought of the Misty Sea and another continent that might exist. When the ghost tide passes, he must first go to the Misty Sea to investigate.

"That's it." Su Jin's words were mixed with a tone of regret.

"Anything else?" Mu Liang asked softly.

"No more." Su Jin pursed her lips.

Mu Liang tilted his head for a moment and said warmly, "Be careful. I hope that after the ghost tide is over, I can see you again.

"Yes, I will find you then!!" Su Jin said in a serious tone.

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled.

"Master Su Jin?" Bai Yu's startled voice sounded again.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang, I still have something to do, so let's hang up first." Su Jin said hurriedly.

"Mingming, Master Sujin, don't talk."

Mu Liang listened to Bai Yu's whistling sound from the other side, and hilariously interrupted the connection with the resonance insects.

He handed the Resonance Worm to the little maid, and said calmly: "Take it back, and then send a message to the transit base of Jinyuan City, let the person in charge go to Jinyuan City and tell them what to do."

"Okay." Yun Xin nodded obediently, left the study with the resonance bug, and sent him back to the side hall.

Mu Liang stayed in the study for a while, thinking of the blonde girl with ponytails.

"I don't know how Yufei's research is going. He stood up and planned to visit the research institute.

Mu Liang came out of the study and just saw Bafu coming out of the toilet.

The little maid bit|bited her lower lip and walked slowly against the wall, her knees slightly flexed and stretched.

"Is it uncomfortable?" Mu Liang asked in surprise.

"Master Mu Liang." Buff saluteed obediently, his pretty face was full of embarrassment, and he twitched and didn't know how to say it.

Mu Liang said gently: "If you feel unwell, take the healing secret medicine, and then go to rest for a day."

"Master Mu Liang, I'm fine.

Buff lowered his head awkwardly, and said in a small voice: "It's just that I have been squatting in the bathroom for a long time, and my legs are a little numb."

"Squatting leg numb" Mu Liang jumped around the corner of his eyes, feeling a little funny inexplicably.

He held back a smile and said warmly: "The toilet in the palace is going to be improved. Let's replace it with the toilet."

Buff blushed and asked in surprise, "Master Mu Liang, what is a toilet?"

"A thing that makes you comfortable in the toilet." Mu Liang turned and walked towards the toilet.

The toilet in the palace is very large. Two people are holding hands, and they can't touch the walls on both sides at the same time when they raise their hands.

The toilets in the palace are dry toilets, which are squatting toilets.

Mu Liang walked into the toilet and did not smell any peculiar smell. Thanks to the little maid cleaning it every day, the toilet was kept clean all the time.


Mu Liang stretched out his hand, condensed a stream of clear water, and flushed the toilet.

After doing this, he made a toilet with colored glaze, and glued it to the squatting pan with spider silk.

Buff blinked beautiful eyes and looked curiously.

Mu Liang kept moving, redesigning the water inlet and connecting the glazed water pipe on the wall to the toilet tank.

"Go get a piece of rubber."

He exhorted without lifting his head.

"Okay." Buff turned to leave the toilet and went to the studio.

Soon after, the little maid returned with the rubber and handed it to Mu Liang.

Mu Liang thought for a moment. According to the habits of previous lives, he made a water stop valve with rubber and spider silk to facilitate toilet flushing.

He tried to press the flush button.


The water rushes out of the water tank, forming a vortex and flowing away from the sewage pipe.

"The effect is not bad." He raised his lips, admiring his own hands-on ability.

"Huh?" Buff's eyes widened in surprise.

Mu Liang also used colored glaze to make toilet seats and toilet lids, which are hygienic and clean.

"Okay, done."" Mu Liang clapped his hands habitually.

Buff tilted his head and asked curiously, "Master Mu Liang, how do you use this?"

"Let the toilet seat down when you use it, then take off your pants and sit on it." Mu Liang casually explained.

"Okay, I'll try..." Buff blushed.

"Okay, then you can try it." Mu Liang was stunned, his eyes walking out strangely.

Buff breathed a sigh of relief, closed the door, and stayed in the toilet to study the toilet.

0 o o o o o o o

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code. .

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