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Black Tortoise, on the inner city street.

Bai Shuang wandered around, followed by Yao Er.

She was too boring in the palace and asked the little maid to take her out for a walk.

Bai Shuang frowned slightly, turning her head in confusion and asked: "Yao Er, what happened today? It seems that they are all nervous.

Yao Er said crisply: "Because the virtual ghost tide is coming, it's normal for them to be nervous."

"You have been talking about the ghost tide, when will it come?" Hoarfrost blinked her purple and golden eyes.

"There are still fourteen days, and they will come soon." Yao'er had concerns in his eyes.

But when she thought of the strength of Lord Santos, her heart suddenly settled down.

Hoarfrost pressed her lips and whispered: "No matter how terrible the ghost tide is, there is no Magical Beasts raging ~ turn it into terrible."

She has no idea of ​​what an imaginary ghost is, nor does she know what it will be like when the tide of imaginary ghosts arrives.

When the city people knew that the ghost tide was coming in 14 days, they all began to hoard a lot of food in case there was nothing to eat in the future.

Even if Yueqinlan has already published a statement in the newspaper that there will be no food shortage, the city residents are still willing to believe in themselves and still hoard food.

"Yao'er, take me to the commercial district." Bai Shuang said with his head sideways.

Yao Er asked in surprise, "Eh, what do you do in the commercial district?"

Hoarfrost lifted up one bar and said in a crisp voice: "I want to eat something delicious."

Yao'er looked up at the huge clock tower. It was ten o'clock in the morning.

She thought for a while, and said weakly: "Well, I will be back before dark that day, and I will cook dinner for Mr. Mu Liang."

"Understood, let's go." Bai Shuang waved his hand indifferently.

She stepped to the platform by the inner city square, and a carriage happened to be parked there.

The purple-haired girl lived in Black Tortoise for more than 20 days. She had a preliminary understanding of Black Tortoise and knew how to ride a carriage.

The two of them got on the carriage going to the outer city business district and talked quietly along the way.

Three hours later, the carriage stopped outside Wengcheng.

Baishuang and the little maid got out of the car and smoothly passed through Wengcheng into the business district.

"Go eat a bowl of hot and sour noodles first." Baishuang discerned the direction and walked straight to the noodle shop.

Yao Er had no choice but to follow.

In the next hour, the purple-haired girl ate hot and sour noodles, dumplings, and biscuits.


"So full!!" Hoarfrost rubbed his stomach! I couldn't help but burp.

At this time, she was not like a princess of a country at all, but like a carefree little girl next door.

Yao Erjiao asked, "Are you going back?"

"Don't worry, I still want to have an ice drink." Bai Shuang patted the little maid on the shoulder and walked towards the ice drink shop.

Yao Er asked softly: "Miss Baishuang, are you already full?"

"I'm full, but...you can drink slowly." Bai Shuang said with a smile.

"Well, Yao'er looked at the sky, calculating the time to go back, and staying in the commercial area for a while.

The two went to the ice drink shop, and generous Baishuang bought a glass of ice drink for the little maid.

"It's delicious~~~" Hoarsam inhaled bubble tea and continued to stroll along the street.


Suddenly, the rapid and loud drum sound came from the city wall, causing pain in the eardrums.

"What's wrong?" Bai Shuang's body shook, and the ice drink in his hand almost broke out.

"This is the drum of war was beaten." Yao'er looked serious.

The drums are rushing, making the heart beat faster and blood boiling.

"Everyone, go to the air-raid shelter!!"

The fox fairy came out of the treasure building and received the news from Shanhaiguan that another virtual ghost was approaching Black Tortoise.

Ta Ta Ta..

The staff all came out of the shop, locked the doors and windows and went straight to the Samsung Building and the Opera House.

"What's the matter?" Baishuangfen opened his lips slightly.

"A ghost is coming, let's go to the air-raid shelter, too." Yao Er urged anxiously.

"I'm not afraid, you go." Bai Shuang waved his hand, very interested in Xugui.

The last time she only saw a frozen ghost, she hadn't seen a live one, so it happened to be able to see it this time.

"No, this is too dangerous, let's go to the air-raid shelter!!" Yao Er said anxiously.

"What are you doing here?" Fox fairy frowned and walked.

Yao Er immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the Fox Fairy, and explained: "Master Fox Fairy, Your Excellency Baishuang is not willing to go to the air-raid shelter, I want to see the virtual ghost!"

The fox fairy glanced at the purple-haired girl, and asked in surprise, "Your Excellency is very interested in virtual ghosts?"

"Of course." Hoarfrost nodded.

"Then follow me." Fox Xian raised his eyes and gestured, turning around and walking towards Shanhaiguan.

"Master Fox?" Yao Er was stunned.

Baishuang raised her eyebrows lightly, and her senses to the foxtail woman became much better.

...For flowers...

The little maid looked back in the direction of Sanxinglou, hesitated, and quickly caught up with the foxtail woman.

A fox fairy led the way, and the three of them walked into Shanhaiguan unimpededly, and took the transportation ladder straight to the top of the city wall.

Bai Shuang whispered: "This wall is too high, like a mountain."


Ten seconds later, the transportation ladder stopped at the top of the city wall.


When the three of them walked out of the transportation ladder, the sound of the Black Tortoise drums became louder, as if they were ringing in their ears.

Bai Shuang frowned and covered her ears, and walked a few steps forward, her vision widened.

On the city wall, Dianes organized the city defense army to control the cannon, aiming at the virtual ghosts flying in the distance.

"It's not the first time to face a virtual ghost, who dares to back away timidly and kill without mercy." Dianes yelled with her hands on her hips.


"Yes!!" The city defense soldiers responded in unison.

"Chairman of the Party, there are virtual ghosts in the water!!" Wei Geng held up his binoculars and saw the low-level virtual ghosts swarming over the sea.

"There are holy beasts, it's okay."

Dianes calmly ordered: "Let Gao Cao pay attention to it, and don't let the imaginary ghost climb up."

"Yes!" Wei Geng nodded vigorously, then turned to arrange for his deputy to send a message.

"How is the situation?" "The Fox Fairy stepped forward.

Diane's face was surprised, and she said loudly: "My Excellency Fox Fairy, why are you here?"

"Come and see if you can help me." Fox Xianmei said.

Dianes waved her hand and believed: "No, there are not many virtual ghosts. The city defense army can solve it, and it can also train soldiers."

This is the third wave of ghosts that I have encountered recently.

"That's good." The fox fairy raised his lips, stepped to the front of the city wall, and stared at the sky in the distance. The virtual ghost was approaching quickly.

"So many virtual ghosts?" Bai Shuang's purple-golden eyes widened.

Looking around, she saw that the number of virtual ghosts exceeded a thousand.

The fairy fox said lightly, "When the tide of virtual ghosts arrives, there will only be more virtual ghosts."

"Is the virtual ghost strong?" Bai Shuang asked, turning his head.

"Those who can fly, the lowest are the sixth-order virtual ghosts, and those who can't fly are all virtual ghosts below the fifth-order." The fox said calmly.

"Hoarfrost has wide lips, automatically equating the sixth-order virtual ghost with the sixth-order Magical Beasts.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. So,

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