Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1034 Will be annihilated.

(3 more)

Wu Ansi was cold, calculating the distance between the virtual ghost and the city wall.

When the virtual ghost entered the range of the spirit weapon cannon, she decisively waved and ordered: "Fire the cannon!!"

Boom boom boom!!

A huge roar sounded, and shells flew out from the muzzle of the spirit weapon cannon, slamming directly into the virtual ghost in the air.

Bai Shuang stared in a daze, a patch of virtual ghosts fell from the air, and their screams echoed in the air.

She was shocked by the power of the psychic artillery cannon. If this cannon hits herself, she will not die or be maimed.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

Pieces of virtual ghosts fell from the sky, and fell into the sea before they got close to the city wall.

"Shoot." Dianes waved and ordered.


The city defense forces pulled their crossbows, and their arrows flew out, killing the virtual ghosts.

"It's amazing, what kind of weapons are these?" Bai Shuang's face was "seven zeros" in surprise.

Imagine that the Knights of the Kingdom of Haiting, if they encounter the city defense army in front of them, they will be defeated.

Ang Ang Ang~~~

Waves surged over the sea, and the sea dragon beast appeared, strangling all the approaching virtual ghosts.

It creates a whirlpool and drags the virtual ghost into the deep sea.

"What a strong Magical Beasts!!" Hoarshuang exclaimed again.

In less than half an hour, the drums of war slowly stopped, and all the ghosts had been resolved.

Dang Ansi issued an order: "The first, second, and third teams clean the battlefield, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth teams continue to be vigilant and don't slacken their efforts."

"Yes!!" The city defense soldiers responded loudly.

"Weigeng, count the wounded, and report to me before dark." Dianes said with a serious face.

She will report to Mu Liang, and will go to the inner city to report on her work before dark.

"Understand." Wei Geng raised his hand and made a military salute.

"Go ahead." Dianes waved her hand.

She remembered something again, and rushed away Wei Geng shouted: "Remember to report peace to the barracks, so Master Qin Yu doesn't have to send someone."

Every time the drum beats, soldiers from the barracks will be summoned to prepare for support at any time.

"Yes." Wei Geng looked back and nodded.

Bai Shuang watched quietly, surprised by the speed at which the city defense army handled the battlefield.

In less than half an hour, the corpse of the virtual ghost on the city wall was transported away.

She also saw someone taking a small bead, then mobilizing the sea water in the sea to start cleaning the city wall and flushing away the blood of the virtual ghost.

"Okay, it's late, let's go back." Hu Xianmei said.

"Yeah, it's time to go back." Yao Er nodded vigorously.

Bai Shuang did not refuse this time, and followed the fox fairy and the little maid to leave the city wall.

When they returned to the business district, the staff had come out of the air-raid shelter and returned to their posts one after another.

"In a few days, the business district will be temporarily closed." Foxxian said suddenly.

The virtual ghost tide is coming, to avoid accidents, people living in the business district must return to the inner city.

"After that, I won't be able to drink iced drinks??" Bai Shuang's eyes widened.

Fox fairy paused, and glanced at the purple-haired girl sideways, and said amusedly: "You obviously live in the Highland Palace. Xiaolan and Yao'er both make iced drinks. Why do you have to go so far to buy them?"

"Ah, I don't know... Bai Shuang was stunned and looked at the little maid with a faint look.

Yao Er puffed up her cheeks and whispered: "Miss Baishuang didn't tell me that she wanted to drink iced drinks."

Baishuang grinds the silver teeth, and said depressed: "I want to drink when I go back, can you make me a cup?"

"Yes, no problem." Yao Er nodded with a smile.

The three of them passed through Wengcheng, got on a carriage dedicated to the highlands, and headed straight for the inner city.

Yao Er asked softly, "Master Fox, where is Little Black Tortoise going now?"

The fox fairy lowered his eyes and said lazily: "Little Black Tortoise has stopped, waiting for Weiyan and the others to come back here."

Yao'er nodded obediently: "Count the time, Feiyan Miss and the others are coming back soon."

"I'll be back in two days." Fox Xian replied.

Hoarfrost asked curiously: "Who is Little Black Tortoise?"

"Little Black Tortoise is the holy beast of Black Tortoise City. We have always been on Little Black Tortoise." Yao Er said with a smile in a circle.

"Always on Little Black Tortoise?" Hoarfrost looked dazed.

"Yes." Yao Er nodded.

"Wait, wait, let me stroke it!!" Bai Shuang sat up straight, her purple-golden eyes looking out the car window.

She swallowed her saliva and asked in a bitter voice, "Isn't Black Tortoise built on an island?"

"The island you are referring to is Little Black Tortoise." The fox fairy glanced at the purple-haired girl.

"!!" Hoarfrost exclaimed, her breathing became rapid.

She always thought it was an island at her feet, never thought it was a living creature

Her eyes were empty, her heart turned overwhelming, and she was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

"Mute?" The Fox Fairy laughed lightly.

"I just think it's unbelievable." Hoarfrost twitched at the corner of her mouth.

She has made up her mind that in any case, the Kingdom of Haiding and Black Tortoise cannot be brought into conflict, otherwise the country will be destroyed.

She thought of something, her expression became tense, and she asked: "When the blood moon comes, will Little Black Tortoise become violent?"

"Why is it violent?" The Fox Fairy asked indifferently.

"After the blood moon comes, all Magical Beasts will be violent." Baishuang said seriously.

The fox fairy had weird eyes. The purple-haired girl was talking about creatures from their mainland.

The foxtail woman had heard Mu Liang's conjecture about the New World and knew that the purple-haired woman in front of her came from another road.

The Fox Fairy said with a certain tone: "Don't worry, Little Black Tortoise will not become violent.

"Then" Bai Shuang sighed with suspicion.

She can't convince herself to believe in the fox fairy, is there really Magical Beasts that won't be violent?

If such a big and small Black Tortoise becomes violent, it will be disastrous for the people with Life on its back.

Bai Shuang lowered her head, she had already thought about it, and when the blood moon came, she would tie up the golden bhikkhu and release it until the blood moon was over.

Three hours later, the carriage stopped at the first floor of the high ground, when the sky was slowly getting dark.

Before getting off the bus, the fox fairy turned his head and said, "Miss Baishuang, come to the palace restaurant for dinner.

"Huh?" Hoarshuang 2.1's beautiful eyes lit up, recalling the delicious food in the palace, and suddenly couldn't help swallowing.

She nodded quickly: "Okay, I will go.

The fox fairy smiled lightly, turned around and got out of the car, walked into the transportation ladder step by step, and returned to the palace.

The other party is the princess of Hai Ting Kingdom. She thinks it is necessary to build a good relationship, and it will be advantageous when she goes to the New World in the future.

The foxtail woman has replaced herself as a diplomat, paving the way for future transactions.

Hoarfrost watched the foxtail woman leave, and whispered in her mouth: "It's easier to get along with than expected."

"Master Fox Fairy is very good." Yao Er said obediently.

"Yes." Baishuang replied perfunctorily, and walked to the residence leisurely.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization. ,

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