Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1045 The toad eats swan meat. (1 more)

"I'm Fox Fairy, the manager of the business district." Fox Fairy smiled.

"I, my name is Luyan, I am from Yudao." Luyan looked at the other's charming smile, feeling a little nervous in her heart.

"I heard that you are going to settle down?" The Fox Fairy whispered.

"Yes, I don't know if it's okay?" Lu Yan nodded quickly.

"You can live here temporarily." Fox Xian said lightly.

"Thank you." Lu Yan clenched her hands and said gratefully.

"Someone will arrange it later." The Fox Fairy said with a smile, but his eyes were looking at the few people who came down the stairs.

Miuda, Daqi, and Kodola are stepping down the stairs. They are going to find something to eat and check for information.

Xiao Pei looked at a few people and quickly said to the Fox Fairy: "My lord, those people are from another group."

"Yeah." The Fox Fairy nodded calmly, seeing that the temperament and behavior of these people were somewhat different from those of others.

To put it simply, it is the temperament of a mess.

The Fox Fairy's tail swept across Nijisha behind him. The latter was appreciative of it, and stepped back quietly, leaving everyone's sight and then hiding.

Nijisha is responsible for monitoring and collecting the other party's intelligence.

Miuda also saw the people surrounding the hall, and their eyes were instantly attracted by the charming appearance of the fox fairy.

All of them were dumbfounded, almost drooling.

"Look, that half-orc is so beautiful." Da Qi hurriedly pressed his hand against his captain.

"I saw it, I saw it." Miuda's expression was also dumb.

"This woman is more beautiful than some noble Miss." Kodola muttered unconsciously and praised.

After hearing this, Da Qi retorted: "There is no comparability at all, even some princesses are not as beautiful as her.

"Go, let's go up and make friends." Miuda wiped her hair quickly and straightened her scarf.

"Cough cough, get acquainted." Da Qi coughed lightly and cleared his throat.

"Wait for me." Kodola straightened up to follow.

The three of them led the team members to move forward, squeezing Lu Yan and the others away frizzily.

"You" Lu Yan was anxious.

How could these people be so rude.

"Sorry, sorry." Miuda grinned insincerely, showing his yellow teeth.

"...The Fox Fairy Liu frowned and took a step back.

"My name is Miuda, and I am the captain of the adventure team. I have three ships under him.

Miuda smiled and looked at the unforgettable woman in front of him.

He came up to reveal the family background. When women in the past heard that they were the captain of the three ships, they would look at him differently.

"My name is Da Qi, and I am the deputy captain." Da Qi pretended to be profound.

"I'm a watchman." Kodola flushed, and was so nervous that he forgot to introduce own name.

"Welcome to the Samsung Building." Foxxian nodded indifferently, and took a step back again.

A foxtail rose from her back, covering her mouth and nose, so as not to smell the stench from a few people.

"Excuse me, Miss?" Muda just took a step and wanted to get closer.

"This is Master Fox Fairy, the manager of our business district." Xiao Pei stepped forward to stop Muda.

She rolled her eyes, and if she could not see the intention of Miuda, she was clearly attracted by the beauty of Master Fox Fairy.

"The manager of the business district" Miuda was stunned, his feverish brain cooled slightly.

If it is the manager of a hotel, his identity can make the other party envy.

But the managers of a region are going the other way around, and their wealth can't match each other.

Of course, you can use your adventures to brag and attract women's curiosity.

This trick is a tried and tested method of picking up girls.

Da Qi also thought of this, and smiled and asked: "Where are you here? We just came across the sea of ​​mist.

Being able to cross the sea of ​​fog, this is the biggest attraction.

"You came from the sea of ​​mist?" Fox Fairy's eyes lit up.

She didn't expect someone else to come from the sea of ​​mist, it might not happen to be able to inquire about the situation on the opposite continent.

The princess Hoarfrost, in many places asks three questions, and looks like a spoiled child.

But Fox Fairy's reaction caused Miuda's misunderstanding.

Muda and Daqi looked at each other, and both saw a smile in each other's eyes.

Another woman is going to be attracted by their adventure story, so it is possible to go further.


Miuda said contentedly: "We came alive after nine deaths, and we are the only adventure team that has crossed the sea of ​​mist."

"The only one? Are you sure?" The Fox Fairy looked strange.

"Of course." Miuda was very sure.

All that is left now is to record more about the human and geographical environment here. After returning home, he will surely become famous in the world and be received by the king and knighted.

"But we also have people here from the Misty Sea." Fox fairy squinted and said.

"What?" Miuda's expression changed.

"Impossible, I have never heard of anyone coming to the Sea of ​​Mist." Da Qi waved his hand.

They were all accidentally involved in the sea of ​​mist. Everyone was hiding from the sea of ​​mist. How could anyone come over.

"We don't know this, she said so." Foxxian arched the fire.

"Fox Fairy Miss, the other party may be a liar, don't be deceived." Miuda said anxiously.

If someone came here before them, then they wouldn't be able to fool the natives here.

Then how can you cheat money and drink?

"Yeah, let us see him, maybe we can expose each other." Da Qi's eyes turned, and he thought of something.

"E, it's okay." A hint of sly flashed in Fox Fairy's eyes.

She didn't say anything, and she didn't say any names. These people just said that Baishuang was a liar.

This is really interesting.

"Is it okay now?" Miuda said hastily.

"I can't do it now. I will bring someone to pick you up in the evening, just in time to see our Lord of the City." Fox Xian shook his head with a smile.

There are some interesting things for Mu Liang to take a look at.

She was already looking forward to the scene where Hoarfrost meets these people.

"Okay, then tonight." 713 Miuda thought about it and nodded.

They also want to get some information.

"Then I won't bother you to rest." The fox fairy turned around and left.

She could hardly bear the smell of these people. She was used to staying in a fresh environment. When she suddenly smelled a smell, it was very polite to leave without shaking her face.

"Wait." Miuda stretched out his hand, trying to keep it.

"Huh!" Xiao Pei spouted disdainfully as he watched the small movements of Miuda.

I didn't even look at the appearance of own, but also wanted to eat swan meat.

There have always been residents in the Samsung Building.

Many guests get up early for breakfast.

Some guests walked around Miuda and others disgustingly.

They started talking as soon as they left the Samsung Building.

"They smell so bad.

"Yes, I haven't had a bath for one or two months."

"Walk, it smells so bad that I have no appetite."

"...Muda and Daqi are not bad in strength, and they can hear some voices.

The few people looked at each other and felt embarrassed.

"It really smells so bad?" After recalling some movements of the fox fairy, Miuda understood why the other party would retreat.

"Captain, you can tell if you smell it yourself." Da Qi pulled off his collar and smelled it.

"I don't believe it" Miuda also smelled.


The few people sniffed carefully, and all of a sudden they retched, and the stench came out of their sister-in-law.

• o o o o o

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code. .

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