Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1046 More expensive than imagined.

(2 more)

"What should I do now?" "Da Qi's cheeks flushed.

It was the first time that he was rejected by everyone in the public, and he was very welcome to return to the port in the past.

Especially those people in Fengyue places, they speak nicely, and they always hold on and don't dislike them.

"Go back to take a shower, and then change clothes." Miuda's face was dark.

"Let's go shopping first. The clothes on our boat are almost the same as what we are wearing now." Kodola whispered.

"Let's go, buy clothes. I just happened to attend the banquet of the city lord here tonight. You can't be ashamed." Miuda thought about it and found it reasonable.

A few people left the Samsung Building and inquired about the clothing store.

"Welcome, everyone can look around." The clothing store clerk greeted warmly.

She didn't look down on the clothes of a few people either, just the smell.

After all, I have seen too many outsiders, and they are too incompatible with the people around them. They will come to buy clothes soon after they arrive in the commercial area.

"Wow! There are too many clothes here." Kodola looked at the clothes in the store in surprise.

There are dozens of styles of long sleeves, shirts, robes, jackets, available for both men and women.

"We are the largest clothing store in the business district, and the most comprehensive." The waiter whispered.

Miuda dazzled, and said helplessly: "We are going to attend the banquet of the city lord and bring out your best dress.

"Participate in the banquet of the city lord?" The waiter looked at a few people in surprise.

This is not the first time that they have received such a request. Many people bought dresses a few days ago.

The requested dress was quickly found.

"This dress is the best we have here." The waiter brought a set of dresses.

"It's very grand and solemn," Miuda looked at and commented.

"Can I try it on?" Da Qi asked.

"The waiter looked at the dresses and smells of several people, and suddenly became embarrassed.

"How much?" Miuda's face darkened.

"A set of 10,000 Black Tortoise coins." The waiter smiled.

"Huh?" Miuda's eyes widened.

He learned about the value of Black Tortoise coins last night, and also understood how many Magical Beasts spars represented by 10,000 Black Tortoise coins.

"Just a set of clothes, you actually want 10,000 Black Tortoise coins? Why don't you grab them",?"

Daqi shouted, but he didn't see such expensive clothes.

No, it is much more expensive than he thought.

"Guest, our dress has used a lot of craftsmanship, and added a lot of fierce beast materials into it. The defense is no worse than the primary spirit weapon."

The waiter was not annoyed when he was questioned, and smiled and introduced: "Wearing it on the body is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it also has its own dustproof effect."

"It doesn't have to be so expensive," Kodola said impatiently.

"Yes." Miuda nodded quickly.

"Why don't you take a look at other styles of dresses?"

The waiter smiled and changed the subject, knowing that the other party could not afford it.

"Okay, you can introduce it again." Miuda was a little embarrassed.

Even if they can afford it, they are not willing.

"How do the guests feel about this set of 5,000 Black Tortoise coins?"

"Well red, I don't like this color very much."

"How about this set of three thousand Black Tortoise coins?"

"It's good, are there other colors?"

"Yes, there are three colors: black, white, and cyan."

"I like the big red one, you can introduce another one."

"This five-hundred Black Tortoise coin, a big red one.

In the end, the three of them hurriedly chose a dress of 500 Black Tortoise coins and left.

"Sigh." Miuda supported his forehead and sighed heavily.

They are afraid that if they stay any longer, they will be hit even harder.

"Damn it, is this a black shop? Why are the clothes sold so expensive?" Da Qi cursed.

"Those clothes are really good-looking, and the fabric is really soft and soft." Koda said while holding the dress.

"What's the use of looking good? We are not aristocrats, and we are not people who attend some banquets every day." Da Qi said in an unpleasant manner.

"Don't make any noise, as long as we go back this time, we will definitely make a lot of money. In the future, if you want to buy a few sets of dresses like that, you can buy a few sets." Miuda said in a deep voice.

What are they going to sea for?

Adventure? No! Everything is for wealth.

"Yes, we are going to make a fortune." Da Qi grinned.

As long as the route is well recorded, they will continue to earn wealth with energy.

Earn the difference between the two sides, and one trip back and forth can make fortune that others can't make for several lifetimes.

"First find out what is missing here, and then see what is missing on our side." Miuda scanned the surrounding shops.

"The dress is not needed anymore, it's too expensive, no one may buy it if you take it back." Da Qi vomited.

Good-looking is good-looking, but it's too expensive, they can't make a lot of money.

"Captain, it's too early to think about this now.

Kodola reminded: "The person who came from the sea of ​​fog, I am afraid that it will expose our situation?

"Yes, if people here know what we lack, they will definitely increase the price." Daqi's face was difficult to look.

The price increase means less profit, and some price differences can reach more than ten or twenty times.

"々Don't worry, that person may be a liar."

Miuda expressionlessly said, "Even if it is true, it doesn't matter, we can cooperate with each other."

"Yes, that person must go back, if he doesn't cooperate," Da Qi Yinyin smiled.

If you don’t cooperate, stay here forever.

Even, you can find an opportunity to get rid of the opponent, the route is absolutely confidential.

"Let's go back to the oral message, don't let people talk about it." Miuda reminded.

"Don't worry, we have experience." Da Qi shrugged.

They deceived the natives of many islands and made a lot of money every time.

If you didn't want to buy a noble title, and you would have gone back inland to enjoy your blessings, how could you still venture out?

"Inquire separately, remember, ask for a large and cheap one."

Miuda said: "Hurry back and take a shower when you are done."

"Understood." The two nodded.

Where the few people were separated, the ground again lifted the starting point of dust, but no one (Zhao Dehao) was seen.

Nijisha is invisible, and she keeps writing words on her hand: The purpose is to make the difference between the two places, buy low and buy high

Aisha is not very rich

They don't know the identity of Hoarfrost, and they want to threaten to cooperate to deceive us

Seeing the money is open, you can try to buy

Evaluation: Low hazard, sustainable follow-up.

Every time it is monitored, an evaluation report will be issued.

Then hand it over to the professionals in the professional department for sorting out, and then analyze and speculate, and the valuable will be followed up for a long time.

"Send someone to follow separately and see what they are looking at."

Nijisha wrote an order and handed it to her subordinate Xin.

She knows that Master Mu Liang has already planned to go to the other side of the Misty Sea. Some more profitable items must be made and stored in advance, so that you can make a lot of beast spar at that time.

"Yes." Someone soon followed.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization.

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