Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1052 Special interrogation method.

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High ground floor.

In the building where the Miuda three stayed temporarily.

Adazhu and Yueqinlan stood together and looked at the three Miudas who had died on the big bed.

Yueqinlan used misty pollen to make the three of Mudas unable to wake up in a short time.


She pulled over the chair and sat down, her slender legs folded together.

Yue Qinlan lifted one bar lightly and said gracefully: "Let's start, one by one."

"Okay." Adazhu let out a sigh of relief.

She raised her hand and asked the guards who followed to step forward and lifted Miuda up and sat down.

The white-haired girl took out a small bottle filled with sparkling healing secretions.

She poured a small half bottle of the healing secret medicine into Miuda's mouth to ease the effect of removing mist and pollen.

"Well Well

After a few minutes, Miuda woke up slowly, her stubby eyelashes trembling.

"Just now." A sister Zhu said coldly.

"Yes." The two prison guards stretched out their hands and opened Miuda's upper and lower eyelids.

Before Miuda could come back to his senses, Adazhu used his awakening ability, and his pure white eyes were like a whirlpool that attracted people, controlling his spirit.

"Humph, Miuda snorted, her expression gradually calmed down, her expression a bit sluggish.

Adazhu kept her eyes closed, and whispered softly: "It's successful."

Mu Liang issued an order to prevent the three Muudas from being aware of it, so she used this method 747.

Yue Qinlan nodded lightly, and said gracefully: "Let's start questioning."

"Yes!" Ata Zhu took out the "questionnaire" Mu Liang gave him and started asking questions.

She turned to the first page and read the question in a calm tone: "What are the high-value things on your side?"

Miuda had no gods in his eyes, and muttered stupidly: "High-end magic equipment, rare magic equipment, rare Medicinal herbs, high-level potion."

Yue Qinlan quickly wrote with a pen, writing down every word Miuda said.

Ata Zhu asked the second question: "What's in the misty sea?"

"I don't know. Our fleet didn't encounter any danger when entering the Misty Sea. It was quiet, with a lot of fog, and the visibility was only a few meters." Miuda replied.

Yueqin blue brows lightly raised.

She remembered that Baishuang said that it is said that there are Magical Beasts of order nine or more in the sea of ​​mist, and now it seems that the authenticity still needs to be verified.

Yue Qinlan remembered her words, and the third question asked by Adazhu sounded in her ears.

"Draw a map of the route from the Misty Sea to here." A sister Zhu said coldly.

"Okay." Miyada muran replied.

The prison guard handed a pencil and paper, and watched Miuda paint on the paper.

Five minutes later, a crooked line (cdcb) appeared on the yellowed paper with several symbols on it.

Yue Qinlan stood up, took the route map and looked at it for a while.

She pointed to the special symbols on the paper, raised her eyes and asked: "What do these pictures mean?"

Miuda's Wushen eyes trembled, and he said hoarsely, "Island.

Yue Qinlan twitched the corner of her mouth and understood the route map.

She Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: "Is the island as a sign of the way? This is too unreliable, right?"

In the vast ocean, if there is no reference, you only need to close your eyes for a few seconds, and then open your eyes, you will lose your sense of direction.

Fortunately, there is a rock tortoise on the route map drawn by Muida, which is directly in front of the Tianmen Tower.

"Keep asking." Yue Qinlan folded the route map, turned and sat back on the wooden chair.

Adazhu nodded and continued to ask the next question.

Time slowly passed, Yue Qinlan quickly filled four sheets of paper, and A Jiezhu's mind control over Miuda would also end.

Ada Zhu's eyes flickered, and she said anxiously: "Quick, misty pollen.

"Yes." The prison guard was quick with eyes and hands, and sent a small bottle of mist pollen into Miuda's mouth and nose.

Before Miuda was awake, he fell on the bed again and fell asleep.


Adazhu breathed a long sigh of relief, sat down and said tiredly: "Take a rest."

She uses the awakening ability for a long time, which consumes a lot of energy, and needs a rest to regain her energy.

Yueqinlan took out a piece of Star tea and said gracefully: "The task is urgent, drink high-level Star tea.

Star tea can restore the human spirit, the higher the level of Star tea, the faster the recovery.

"Good." Adazhu's beautiful eyes lit up.

She rarely drank high-grade Star tea, and can't remember when she last drank it.

Soon, a steaming cup of Tier 9 Star tea was brewed.


The white-haired girl picked up the tea cup, blew it a few times, tilted the mouth of the cup and drank the tea.

The hot tea went into the body along the throat, immediately refreshed her, the feeling of fatigue quickly dissipated, and her mental state became trembling.

"Continue to ask questions." Adazhu said in full spirit.

"Yes!" The prison guard lifted up Da Qi and started to operate skillfully.

After a while, the white-haired girl successfully controlled Da Qi's spirit and continued to question.

Time passed slowly, and the questioning process lasted four hours before it ended.

Yue Qinlan stood up holding a thick wad of transcripts, and said: "Feed more mist and pollen, so that they will wake up tomorrow."

"Yes." The guard nodded respectfully, and as instructed, used up all the mist and pollen in the bottle.


Ata Zhu and the others left, and the door of the building closed gently.

Yue Qinlan looked at the white-haired girl and said gracefully: "Go back and rest.

"Yes!" Adazhu nodded.

She watched Yue Qinlan leave, feeling complicated and happy. She still had the high-grade Star tea given to her by Yue Qinlan in her hand, which had not been brewed.

The white-haired girl was shocked by the existence of the New World, and was happy because she got half a catty of Star tea.

"Go back." Adazhu waved.

"Yes!" The prison guard stepped to follow the pace of the white-haired girl and walked towards the prison.

On the other side, Yueqinlan returned to the palace.

She opened the study door and walked straight to Mu Liang.

"Mu Liang, I have finished the question. This is the transcript." Yue Qinlan put the thick transcript in front of Mu Liang.

"So much?" Mu Liang was surprised, turning over the transcript and reading it page by page.

Yue Qinlan nodded and said gracefully: "A lot of important information, I wrote it down."

"Yeah." Mu Liang looked down.

Yueqinlan’s handwriting is very beautiful, so it’s easy to read it. You can read all the transcripts in ten minutes.

"An interesting kingdom." Mu Liang's lips raised.

The most written in the transcript is the information about the Kingdom of Tillan and the Kingdom of Alto, which are also the two kingdoms where Muda and the others often stay.

"This is the route map to the Misty Sea, I don't know if you can understand it." Yue Qinlan took out the route map drawn by Miuda.

Mu Liang took a few glances and quickly understood.

"This is the little Black Tortoise, these black dot patterns are islands?" He pointed to the pattern on the route map and looked towards Yueqinlan.

"I think so too." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

Mu Liang smiled and said, "His paintings are very abstract, but when the sea painting is done, he should be able to find this route."

"A chart?" Yue Qinlan was stunned. What is a chart?

"You will know later." Mu Liang smiled mysteriously.

"Spray, and mysterious." Yue Qinlan said in a maddening tone, and couldn't help but give Mu Liang a white look.

o o o o o o o oo o o

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization.

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