Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1053 Spread panic remarks.

(1 more)

High ground floor, in a building.


Miuda grinned, opened his eyes slowly, and yawned long.

"Sleep really comfortably" Miuda slapped her mouth, raised her hand and wiped the corner of her mouth, her saliva was already dry.

Da Qi also woke up, there were still marks of dry saliva on his face.

Da Qi raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, yawning and said, "How do you feel like you have been asleep for a long time."

"Are you fainted?" Miuda glanced at the deputy captain.

"Maybe," Da Qi said in a humble voice.

He turned around, looked at Kodo, who was still snoring, and grinned.

"Fool, wake up, don't sleep." He raised his hand and patted the watchman's head hard.


"Ah, it hurts!!" Kodola woke up in an instant, subconsciously stretched out his hand to rub his head, cursing in his mouth.


Da Qi smiled triumphantly, making Kodola glaring.

"Why, have any opinions?" Da Qi raised his eyebrows and put his hand on the shoulder of the lookout.

Kodo pulled the corner of his mouth, and said weakly, "No, no."

"Get up quickly, go out and find something to eat." Muda got off the i-bed with both hands, put on his shoes and walked out.


"I'm hungry too." Da Qi pursed his chapped mouth and lip, got out of the i-bed quickly, and walked out hurriedly.

Kodola moved his mouth, cursing secretly, but got out of bed neatly.

The three of them pushed the door and left the building. The sky outside was gray, although it was noon, it was not bright at all.

Kodola curled his lips and said, "I don't like this side. The sky is always gray.

"Although the environment is a little worse, Black Tortoise City is still very good, I like it very much," said in a bewildered voice.

Miuda nodded in agreement: "This place is more prosperous than the Tielan Kingdom, which is not bad."

"Let's go for a walk, take a look at the situation by the way, and go back to prepare for reselling the goods." Da Qi said in a low voice.

"Go." Miuda waved his hand and walked out.

Not long after the three of them left, dust rose on the ground, and the person in charge of monitoring them followed.

At the gate of the high ground, A Qing and A Man on duty did not stop the three of them, allowing them to leave the high ground smoothly.

"This tree is really big. Kodola looked up and looked at the huge tree of life.

His eyes condensed, he saw the colored glaze palace on the tree of life, and exclaimed: "Eh, is there a palace on that branch?"

"I can't see clearly, there seems to be a building." Da Qi squinted in surprise.

"The palace is like crystal, it's gorgeous." Kodola's eyes flickered, and he used the magic of clairvoyance to see the palace clearly.


Suddenly, a soft voice came from the ears of the three of them.

The green light flashed by, Kodola's eyes stung, and his vision suddenly became blurred.

"Ah, my eyes!!" Kodola cried out in pain, and quickly reached out to cover his eyes.

He bent over and squatted down, his eyes kept running out of tears! His eyes were swollen and painful.

"What's the matter?" Da Qi said in astonishment.

Miuda became vigilant, looking around the lake for possible enemies.

It's just that he looked around and didn't see any suspicious characters.

"Hmph, look again, I'll goug your eyes." Tsundere's voice rang in Kodola's ears.

"I didn't watch it, so I dare not." Kodola hurriedly begged for mercy.


A sweet snort sounded, a green light flashed across the crown of life tree above his head, and the life element spirit disappeared.

Kodola felt the tingling in his eyes disappear, and he slowly lowered his hands, his eyes had returned to normal.

"I was scared to death." He breathed a sigh of relief, and stood up with palpitations.

If his eyes were really blind just now, he would have lost his role in the adventure team.

A lookout who can't use the "clairvoyance" magic is like a waste.

"Is it all right?" Miuda frowned and asked concerned.

Kodola shook his head and said with palpitations: "It's okay, just don't spy."

"Then don't look indiscriminately, lest you irritate the one named Mu Liang." Da Qi exclaimed with a serious face.

"Well, I know." "Kodora nodded repeatedly.

Miuda nodded slowly, his face solemnly said: "You can get hurt if you don't even see anyone. The strong in Black Tortoise City is more powerful than imagined."

"Be careful." Kodola shrank his neck.

"Counsel!" Da Qi raised his hand and knocked the watcher's head, and left without angrily.

"" Kodola grievedly followed behind.

The three of them walked in the direction of the inner city square.

After arriving in the inner city, the streets became more prosperous. Although the city residents were in a hurry, they could see that they were doing well.

Da Qi wondered: "Why are they all walking in such a hurry?'

...For flowers...

"I don't know, it doesn't matter, let's go there and take a look." Miuda replied indifferently, and pointed to the direction of the Black Tortoise City Market.

It is the place with the most people in the inner city, and there is an endless stream of people lining up at the door.

"Black Tortoise big market, weird name," Da Qi muttered, and followed Miuda to go forward and lined up behind the line.

The few people in the front of the line whispered and chatted, their faces serious and a little apprehensive.

"In three days, the ghost tide is coming, so hurry up and get a little bit red.

"Yeah, I am afraid that the ghost will attack the inner city, and there will be nothing to eat by then."

"Yes, I think so too"

Just because the ghost wave is coming, there are so many people in the big market every day, all in order to deal with the ghost wave and snap up goods.

"Virtual ghost tide?" The three men of Miuda glanced at each other and muttered in their hearts.

It's a virtual ghost again, is it really so terrible?

Kodola rolled up his sleeves, looked at the blackened wound and the growing scarlet lines, feeling uneasy.

"Don't spread panic words, do you want to go to jail for a few days?" Cheng Mao came up with a black face.

The people with broken mouths were immediately stunned, and they said the promised words in a sorrowful tone.

"Deputy Chief Guard, let's stop talking, stop talking

"We also listen to what others say, not intentionally, don't arrest us."

"Yes, I heard what Aniu said."


Cheng Mao said solemnly: "There will be a fine of one hundred yuan next time and detention in jail for one month."

"Yes, I promise not." The people nodded vigorously.

Cheng Mao said in a deep voice, "If you don't believe that Lord City Lord can stop the virtual ghost tide, you can send you away now."

Several city residents panicked and shouted: "No, no, we won't leave. If even the lord of the city can't stop the ghost tide, then no one can resist it."

"Since you all think so, why do you spread panic remarks?" Cheng Mao said angrily.

"We are just worried, this is instinct." Someone said dazedly.

Cheng Mao's mouth moved, feeling helpless.

He solemnly said: "Okay, remember, don't say such things anymore."

"Yes, we got it." The citizens nodded vigorously.

O o o o o 0 o o

ps: [1 more]]: The second is more positive. So.

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