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Mu Liang laughed bitterly, and said in a bad mood: "Qinlan, don't make trouble!'

"Okay." Yue Qinlan smiled playfully, restoring her elegant and dignified look.

Lu Yan pursed her red lips, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I can give you the secret medicine, but you have to work for Black Tortoise for three years."

Mu Liang said in a calm tone: "I will pay you a salary within these three years. After three years, you will be a free person. You can stay or leave."

Black Tortoise lacks people, especially managers.

Three years are enough for Black Tortoise to develop and grow, and then it will be easy to recruit a new Acropolis manager.

"Yes, I agree." Lu Yan nodded without hesitation.

She had nowhere to go, but it was a good thing to stay in Black Tortoise.

After all, the city of Black Tortoise is much better than she thought. There are green plants everywhere, there is no shortage of fresh water, and the food that can be eaten every day is diversified.

Mu Liang said softly "Sixty Six Zero": "Qin Lan, go to the laboratory, there is a finished secret medicine in Mayfair.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan stood up, turned and left the drawing room.

Lu Yan waited excitedly, focusing secretly on Mu Liang.

"Are there flowers on my face?" Mu Liang asked with a smile.

"No, I" Lu Yan opened her mouth.

She had a flash of inspiration, and she changed the subject and said, "My Lord, is the virtual ghost tide really coming?"

Mu Liang nodded and said calmly, "Well, just two days later.

Lu Yan asked seriously, "Can Black Tortoise city withstand the attack of the virtual ghost?"

"Of course, I have confidence." Mu Liang channeled himself.

Lu Yan looked at him blankly, wondering where he was so confident.

Soon after, Yueqinlan returned and brought back 23 secret medicines for the treatment of "virtual ghost infection".

The secret medicine is in liquid form and is packed in a glass bottle with a rubber stopper.

"Twenty-three copies in total, take them." Yue Qinlan put the wooden box in front of the green-haired woman.

"Thank you!!" Lu Yan said gratefully.

Mu Liang said clearly: "Go back, someone will come to you later and teach you how to manage the acropolis."

"Okay." Lu Yan stood up, saluted respectfully, and turned to leave.

After the green-haired woman left, Mu Liang got up and walked out.

Yue Qinlan quickly followed.

"Go and arrange to mass-produce the secret medicine for the treatment of "Xugui's infection". Mu Liang said clearly.

The tide of virtual ghosts is coming, and many people will be infected by virtual ghosts by then. Naturally, the more secret medicines, the more you can take precautions.

"Yeah." Yue Qinlan nodded seriously.

Before she left, she remembered something, and took Mu Liang's hand and asked, "By the way, where has Feiyan been in the past two days?"

"She didn't tell you?" Mu Liang was stunned.

"Say what?" Yue Qinlan blinked her blue eyes.

Mu Liang Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: "I asked her to lead a team to draw sea charts. I didn't expect that she left without telling you.

"This girl!!" Yue Qinlan twitched at the corner of her mouth.

She was a little worried, the wave of virtual ghosts is coming, and now my daughter is out, what should I do if I encounter a high-rank virtual ghost?

"Don't worry, I'll be there, it's okay." Mu Liang said gently.

"Well, I see." Yue Qinlan nodded lightly.

"With Xibeqi, at her speed, she can stay away as soon as she encounters a virtual ghost." Mu Liang continued to calm down.

"Feiyan is very clever, I am not worried." Yue Qinlan smiled gracefully.

"Well, let's go."" Mu Liang flicked Qin Lan's forehead with his fingers, turned and walked towards the studio.

Yue Qinlan was worried, but there were not many people available in Black Tortoise City, and Yue Feiyan, as the head of the air force, had to take responsibility.

Mu Liang returned to the studio, selected a few beast bones from the pile of beast materials, and prepared to continue making the spirit weapon to disperse the mist.

After the ghost tide, Black Tortoise City will go to the Misty Sea. Before that, the magic weapon to disperse the mist must be made.

The Rock Tortoise has now stopped advancing, waiting for the ghost tide to pass, and at the same time waiting for a large number of transport spacecraft to be built. This is to plan the route and avoid interrupting the connection.

"Even if there are two more senior craftsmen, you still have to do it yourself." Mu Liang muttered softly.

Gallo is supervising the construction of the transport spacecraft, while Ali Xue and Ali Ya are studying the locomotive, and there is no time to take care of other things.

After half an hour, Mu Liang discarded all the fierce beasts on the workbench, all of which were not suitable for making spiritual weapons.

"What kind of beast material is good?" Mu Liang felt a big head. For the first time, he felt that the knowledge of the beast material was insufficient.

"A fierce beast related to fog"

Mu Liang looked down and thought, without even thinking about it.

"There are no fierce beasts, but there are domestication and planting." He thought of the mist flower, its natural ability is the dream mist.

Mu Liang thought for a while, but he dispelled the idea of ​​using mist flowers as materials. I can't take the mist flowers off.

In the end, he got up and left the studio, and walked to the spiritual tool workshop on the seventh floor.

In Black Tortoise, Galo is the first to understand the material of the beast.

Mu Liang found Galo in the shipbuilding workshop. She is drawing the "pulse path" for the material of the beast to prepare for the enlightenment.

"Get one piece, and three hundred and twenty-five yuan!" Gallo let go and let out a sigh of relief.

Da Da Da~~~

When Mu Liang stepped forward, the staff and the spiritual tool master stopped their work and greeted Mu Liang in unison.

"Hello Lord City Lord!!

"Well, you guys continue to be busy." Mu Liang nodded in greeting.

Gallo smiled and asked, "My Lord, come to inspect again?"

"No, I have something to ask you." Mu Liang said calmly.

"What's the matter?" Gallo blinked, his beautiful sky blue eyes flowed.

Mu Liang asked in a gentle voice: "Do you know any beast that can control the mist or disperse the mist?"

"Control the mist and dispel the beast of the mist" Galo frowned slightly.

She tilted her head and thought about it, her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and she said gracefully: "Yes, it's called the Mist Beast, a kind of fierce beast with Life in the mist."

Fog beasts are born in Tier 3, look like a long-haired cat with wings, and the number of tails will change according to their level.

"Where is it?" Mu Liang's black eyes lit up.

Gallo said crisply: "Sir, Mist 2.1 has a very small number of beasts, and it has fewer fierce beasts. I have only touched it once in the future city."

"Just tell me where to find the fog beast." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Mist, it should be found in Wandry Forest." Galo whispered.

"Wankulin Mu Liang frowned, Wankulin is not close here, it is not realistic to run there personally.

He closed his eyes and sent a message to the wood clone far inland, asking him to go to the Wandry Forest.

Mu Liang's avatar is not far from Wanku Forest, and it can be reached by flying at full speed for half a day.

"Okay, keep busy." Mu Liang opened his eyes, dropped a word and turned to leave.

He has other things to be busy, so he has to go to the military workshop to see how the weapons are produced.

o o o oo o oo o o

ps: [1 more]: Ask for customization. .

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