(2 more)


The sky is gloomy and the clouds are thicker than before, giving people the feeling that the sky is about to fall.

On the high ground, Mu Liang is about to leave Black Tortoise City and go to the salt water area to find a place to build a transit base.

To build a transit base in the salt water area, one is to prepare for the opening of the route, and the other is that after the Black Tortoise city goes to the Misty Sea, the transit base can be used to keep in touch.

"Mu Liang, I will go with you." Liyue said softly.

"Okay." Mu Liang nodded in response.

Outside the palace, Yueqinlan asked gracefully: "Mu Liang, when will you be back?"

"I will be back before dark." Mu Liang said gently.

Tomorrow is the time when the blood moon completely descends, and a wave of virtual ghosts will erupt, and he will sit in Black Tortoise.

"Okay, pay attention to safety." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

"Don't worry." Mu Liang returned with a relieved smile.

He stretched out his hand, hugged the silver-haired girl's waist, took her into the air, and flew into the distance of the outer city.


The wind was blowing, Liyue reached out and hugged Mu Liang's waist, her silver-white eyes looked into the distance.

"Mu Liang, the sky is getting darker." Li Yue said softly.

Mu Liang looked up at the sky, and said in a low voice: "Pin 23, it should be related to the blood moon."

In the dark sky, a faint blood color can be seen faintly. Although it was also gray in the daytime in the past, there is no blood color.

Liyue held Mu Liang's hands tightly, and you worried: "I don't know how many days this virtual ghost tide will last."

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "The last two virtual ghost tides lasted for about five days. This time it should be the same."

When he was chatting with several Elders in Oasis, he mentioned the previous virtual ghost tides. Although they did not last long, they caused countless human deaths and injuries.

"Five days" Liyue's eyes flickered.

She thought of the great city of Jiaoke, but in one afternoon, Xugui turned it into a dead city.

If the virtual ghost tide lasts for five days, what will happen to this continent?

Liyue didn't dare to think about it, and there was a scene of blood flowing into her mind.

"What do you think?" Mu Liang clenched his hands tightly and looked down at the beautiful eyes of the silver-haired girl.

Liyue pursed her mouth, and said in a low voice, "I'm thinking, if the virtual ghost tide lasts for five days, how many people will die?

Mu Liang gently squeezed the silver-haired girl's face, and sighed: "The arrival time of the ghost tide has been foreseen in advance, and the major cities have also made preparations. The rest is left to fate."

"Yes, Liyue nodded slowly.

She looked up at Mu Liang and sighed sincerely: "Mu Liang, it's nice to have you."

Mu Liang smiled and said warmly: "It's nice to have you.

Liyue's pretty face flushed, her beautiful eyes moved away uncomfortably.

The two flew north for more than half an hour and saw a small island.

The island is not big, and the part above the water is only more than 20 meters wide.

Mu Liang stopped, looked down at the island, and said clearly: "Just here, this island can just be transferred to the base of the base."

"Hmm." Liyue replied.

With a wave of his hand, Mu Liang displayed the ability of "cloud control", condensing a five-meter square cloud platform, allowing the silver-haired girl to settle down.

"You wait for me here," he said, turning his head.

Liyue stepped on the soft cloud and smiled, "Okay, you can go to work."

Mu Liang nodded, and his body fell towards the island.

He was standing on a small island, the surrounding sea was surging, and the sea was not calm.

Mu Liang's black eyes lit up, using various abilities, and starting to build a transit base.

The water element around him was surging, causing the sea around the island to move outward, and at the same time the island was rising, and there was a steady stream of sand and rocks coming from the bottom of the sea, making the island bigger.


The sea surging violently, alarmed the surrounding sea beasts.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

Groups of sea fierce beasts appeared, exuding the breath of Tier 6 and Tier 7.

These sea beasts are grouped, they look like turtles without shells, their limbs are covered with sharp stone horns, their teeth are sharp as knives, and they are all about ten meters in size.

Mu Liang's eyes glowed. In his opinion, these sea fierce beasts were evolutionary points of movement.

He stretched out his hand, the thunder element was beating in his palm, and with a wave of his hand, purple lightning appeared out of thin air, easily piercing the bodies of several sea monsters.


Purple lightning bounced in the sea, killing the sea beasts.

With Mu Liang's current strength, you only need to move your fingers to kill Tier 6 and Tier 7 Sea Fierce Beasts.

"So strong!!" Liyue was amazed.

In a short while, a pile of dead sea beasts floated on the surface of the sea, all of which were sealed in ice by Mu Liang and stored in the portable space.


The islands are getting bigger and bigger, and there are many vortexes on the surrounding sea, and the sea becomes turbid. This is caused by the vibration of the seabed.

After more than ten minutes, the island, which was originally only more than 20 meters in size, became an island with a length and width of more than 5,000 meters.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand to make the island begin to compress, reducing its volume by one-fifth, but making the island stronger.


With Mu Liang's thoughts, a 30-meter-high wall was built from sand and stone, with a thickness of 10 meters, which could resist the tsunami and the attacks of the sea beasts.

"Controlled by the crystal." He whispered to himself, the colored glaze condensed into a huge barrier, covering the entire island.

On the island, one hundred and eight huge glazed pillars rose from the ground to support the glazed barrier.

Each glazed bead is ten meters thick, and the adjacent glazed pillars are connected to each other to make it into a whole and make the barrier more stable.

Mu Liang nodded with satisfaction. The colored glass barrier built this time is not afraid of encountering Tier 9 Hai777 fierce beasts.

"Improve the soil quality next." He whispered to himself.

The sand and stones gathered from the sea are all acidic, and there are many substances that are not suitable for planting green plants. The soil quality needs to be improved.

Mu Liang used his life Realm, covering the entire transit base, and began to improve the soil quality.

This process lasted for more than an hour, and the sand in the transit base changed color. It used to be dark brown, but now it's black.

"Leave the rest to Star Tree to continue to improve." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he flipped his hand to take out a branch from the portable space.

This is the branch that split when the tree of life evolved.

Mu Liang planted the branches of the tree of life and drenched it with fresh water.

The next moment, the branches emit a green light, and then grow wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


After half an hour, the branches grew into a ninth-level Star tea tree, reaching a height of 640 meters, with a trunk of 120 meters thick, and a little green light lingering throughout.

The huge tree canopy reaches 1,500 meters wide and covers most of the transit base.

"Ninth-level!!" Mu Liang exclaimed.

Ten branches of the first-level tree of life can grow ninth-level Star tea trees, which are first-level higher than the previous branches.

Eighth-level Star tea trees are planted in the other three transit bases.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. .

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