Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1061 Mankind is extinct. (3 more)


The ninth-level Star tea tree displays Star Realm, which covers the entire transit base and continues to improve the soil quality.

"I still need water." Mu Liang thought.

The ground 500 meters away from the ninth-level Star tea tree is sunken to form a huge circular lake with a depth of 50 meters.

"Water is coming!"

Mu Liang shouted, the water element quickly condensed and turned into a stream of water into the circular lake.

In the future, he will also send small crystal fish over to provide a steady stream of fresh water for the transit base.

Mu Liang continued to work and built high walls in the transfer base to demarcate areas for foreign transactions, planting areas, residential areas, and so on.

When the ghost tide passes, he will send people to station at this transit base.

When Mu Liang finished busy, the sky became darker.

On the Yunwu platform, Li Liyue lowered her head and asked, "Mu Liang, are you going to be finished?

"Well, it's almost there." Mu Liang replied.


Suddenly, the clouds in the sky surging up like boiling water, bringing a strong visual impact.

"What's wrong?" Liyue stared at her beautiful silver-white eyes.

Wherever she could see, the clouds were surging.

Mu Liang's face became serious, and his body rose into the air, coming to the side of the silver-haired girl.

He guessed: "It should be a sign before the blood moon comes.

"Let's go back soon." Liyue took Mu Liang's hand and leaned against him.

"Yeah." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he withdrew his gaze to the sky.

He picked up the silver-haired girl, and the two of them rose into the air and flew in the direction they had come.

After half an hour, the two returned to Black Tortoise and flew to the inner city high ground.

In Black Tortoise, the people in the outer city were all looking up at the sky. The people in the inner city couldn't see the strangeness of the sky because of the canopy of the tree of life.

"Mu Liang, the color of the cloud has changed." Liyue exclaimed.

Mu Liang looked up, and the surging clouds slowly turned dark red, as if a drop of red paint was dripping into the gray boiling water.

He raised his hand to condense the cloud platform, put down the silver-haired girl, and exhorted: "You are waiting for me here."

Riyue opened her mouth, and a thousand words turned into an exhortation: "You pay attention to safety!!"

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled assuredly back.

He flew high into the sky, approaching the surging clouds, and through the clouds, he came to the sky above.

The next moment, the bloody light enveloped the whole body.

Mu Liang looked up and saw a huge blood moon right in front of him, giving people the illusion of being within reach.

His face became solemn, and the appearance of the bloody moon proved that Jin Feng's act was true.

Mu Liang stared at the blood moon, wondering if it was an illusion, but felt that it was slowly approaching.

"It's harmless to people."

He stayed in the air for half an hour and was sure that the bloody moonlight was harmless to people, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Mu Liang sank and returned to the silver-haired girl.

Seeing him come back, Liyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mu Liang, how is the situation above?" she asked curiously.

"It's a huge blood moon, getting closer and closer." Mu Liang said calmly.

Liyue's pupils contracted, and the bloody moon was really coming.

"Let's go, go back." Mu Liang picked up the silver-haired girl and flew towards the inner city high ground.

After the two returned to the high ground, the sky was completely dark, and the blood enveloped Black Tortoise.

"Mu Liang is back." At the gate of the palace, Yue Qinlan saw Mu Liang and Li Yue land, and the worries on her face disappeared.

"Give the order, Black Tortoise City enters a first-level combat readiness state." As soon as Mu Liang landed, he gave several orders.

"All air-raid shelters are open, allowing city residents to enter in advance

"Schools and major workshops will be closed from tomorrow until the ghost tide passes."

Yue Qinlan's face became solemn, and she answered earnestly: "Yes, I will make arrangements now."

Mu Liang turned his head and said: "Li Liyue, led the Ghost Special Forces to start martial law, and beware of people with bad intentions."

"Yes." Liyue raised her hand for a military salute, turned and walked away quickly.

Yueqinlan and the silver-haired girl were gone, and the palace became much quieter.

Mu Liang raised his head and said softly: "Ling'er, pay attention to the movement in the city, don't let the virtual ghosts in."

"Oh, I got it~~~"

A light voice rang above the palace.


The huge tree of life lit up, and the Realm of Life enveloped the entire turtle back, dispelling the darkness, and blocking out the bloody moonlight.

This situation made the city people feel more at ease, thinking that the lord of the city was protecting them.

Da da

Baishuang sensed something was wrong and hurried out of the palace.

She saw Mu Liang, walked forward quickly, and asked, "Your Excellency Mu Liang, has the blood moon come?"

"It's coming." Mu Liang nodded.

Bai Shuang's heart trembled, and the blood moon descended. How was Haiting Kingdom?

Mu Liang remembered something, and asked, "By the way, how long will the blood moon on your side last?"

Bai Shuang said absent-mindedly: "About five days, but there are also records that say that the blood moon appeared for nearly half a month.

"Half a month!" Mu Liang's black eyes opened slightly.

If the blood moon really lasts for half a month, the people on this continent will be on the verge of extinction.

"々How did the virtual ghost come from?" Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he was always curious, how did the first virtual ghost come from?

He thought of Yueqinlan's Big sis again.

In order to find the so-called truth, Yue Qinyi went to the New World. Does the New World have the truth?

Bai Shuang raised her eyes and asked in a serious tone: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, when the ghost tide passes, will you really cross the sea of ​​mist?"

"Well, I will go." Mu Liang nodded seriously.

"That's good." Hoarshuang bit his lower lip, holding back the mood of missing his parents.

"Don't worry, I already got the route map, and when I finish drawing the chart of the salt water area, I can set off." Mu Liang said calmly.

Bai Shuang stared at her beautiful eyes and said in astonishment: "Eh, really?'

"Well, keep it secret." Mu Liang chuckled.

"Yes." Hoarfrost curled up the corners of her lips.

She thought of the Damn it faces of the three Muidas. If they knew that Mu Liang already knew how to get to the Misty Sea, they would be mad.

Thinking of this, Bai Shuang suddenly felt (Zhao Zhao Zhao) feel comfortable.

Mu Liang suddenly asked: "Wait when I pass through the sea of ​​mist, can you take me to Haiting Kingdom to see?"

Bai Shuang's heart trembled and asked vigilantly: "Your Excellency Mu Liang won't attack Haiting Kingdom, right?"

"I'm not a belligerent person. If you don't offend me, I won't offend anyone." Mu Liang shrugged.

He smiled and said, "I just want to go take a look and get to know the customs."

"What kind of customs?" Hoarfrost tilted her head, her eyes puzzled.

…" Mu Liang coughed dryly and replied casually: "It's just hanging out. "

"Oh, that's what it means." Bai Shuang suddenly realized.

She raised her head and said clearly: "When it comes to Haiting Kingdom, I can take you to see your father and mother.

"Good." Mu Liang's lips rose.

He was a little weird in his heart, how could he have the feeling of agreeing to see his father-in-law.

o o o oo o

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization. .

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