Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1069 Did you fart? (2 more)

Black Tortoise City, Shanhaiguan Office.

Diane Ribbon is busy with the city defense army, clearing the ghost corpses in front of the three-level fortress.

Mu Liang stood on the wall, waiting quietly.

The virtual ghost tide should not end so easily, he is waiting for the next wave of virtual ghost tide.

Bai Shuang walked towards Mu Liang with a tangled expression on his face, as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

Mu Liang glanced at her and said calmly, "Just say anything."

Bai Shuang laughed twice, and bit the bullet and asked, "What rank Mage Is Your Excellency Mu Liang?"

Mu Liang said calmly: "I am not a magician."

"Huh?" Baishuang was taken aback for a moment, isn't he a magician?

She was puzzled. She obviously used space magic, thunder magic, and ice magic, why didn't she admit that she was a magician?

The purple-haired girl opened her mouth and wanted to ask something, but Mu Liang was called away.

Da Da Da~~~

"My Lord, the news is coming from Gaodi." Wei Geng hurried over, still holding the Resonance Worm in his arms.

"What's the matter?" Mu Liang asked casually.

Wei Geng respectfully said: "It is said that the person who draws the chart is in danger!"

Mu Liang's spirits were shocked, and he quickly reached out his hand to wake up the Resonant Worm and contacted the Highland Palace.


The Resonant Worm awoke, and its wings vibrated.

"Mu Liang, are you there?" Yue Qinlan's anxious voice sounded.

"What's the situation?" Mu Liang asked straight into the subject.

Yue Qinlan took a deep breath and pretended to be calm: "Feiyan and the others have encountered a virtual ghost. They are still safe, but they won't last long."

"I know, go find them now." Mu Liang said in a serious tone.

"Okay, please." Yue Qinlan's voice trembled slightly, lacking the elegance of the past.

"Nothing will happen, don't worry." Mu Liang soothed.

He broke the connection with the resonance insects and felt the position of the worker bees through the sky king bee.

After a few breaths, Mu Liang opened his eyes and determined the current location of Yue Feiyan and Sibeqi. If they flew past at full speed, they would be there within two hours.

Mu Liang came down from the city wall and came to the foxtail woman: "Fox fairy, I want to go out.

"Why are you going?" The Fox Fairy asked subconsciously.

"Feiyan and the others have encountered virtual ghosts, I will bring them back." Mu Liang explained.

The fox's heart tightened, and hurriedly said, "Then you go quickly, here I am staring."

"Well, I'll be back as soon as possible." Mu Liang nodded.

He stopped staying, turned and rose into the sky, using the "eight times speed" ability, leaving a black shadow on the spot, and the person had already flown hundreds of meters away.

"Fast speed!" Hoarfrost widened her purple and golden eyes.

the other side.

In the huge glass ball, Sibeqi and Yue Feiyan held hands and watched nervously at the virtual ghost outside the glass ball.

The glass ball now has many cracks on the surface, is there a harsh cracking sound in the ear?

"Sure enough, my strength is too weak, I can't make Liuli harder." Yue Feiyan trembled.

The colored glaze condensed by Mu Liang is harder than some defensive high-level spiritual weapons, while the red-haired girl is only a sixth-order strong, and the hardness of the condensed colored glaze is much worse.

Xibeiqi said in a huff: "It's not the time to talk about this, just think about what to do?"

"I can't help it. I'm all trapped here. I can't escape even if I want to." Yue Feiyan shook his head dejectedly.

Liuliqiu was completely submerged by the virtual ghost, there was not even a gap, and he could only wait passively.

"Master Mu Liang, hurry up!!" Sibeqi prayed.

"Let's stick to it, Mu Liang will come soon." Yue Feiyan showed determination.

She took out the new empowering pearl, swallowed it without hesitation, and began to strengthen the glass ball.

She recondensed a new glass ball inside the glass ball that was about to burst, like a matryoshka, just a small circle.

"One more!" Xibeiqi did a good job and took the Empowering Pearl. In the second glass ball, the third glass ball was condensed.

Ten minutes later, the two let out a long breath.

"This time I should be able to hold on for a while." Yue Feiyan sat down with a sigh of relief.


At this time, the Resonant Worm awakened and heard a familiar voice.

"Are you okay?"" Yue Qinlan's voice came out.

"Mother!!" Yue Feiyan immediately became energetic.

She stretched out her hand and quickly held the resonance bug, and responded: "Mother, we are safe now."

Yue Qinlan breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that the call just now could not be connected. Now that she is sure that her daughter is still safe, the stone in her heart fell by one third.

"Master Qinlan, is Master Mu Liang here?" Sibeqi asked with a trembling voice.

Yue Qinlan said in a serious tone: "Wait a second, Mu Liang has already set off and will find you soon."

"That's good, that's good." Sibeqi was overjoyed, and her tone became lighter.

"Mother, Black Tortoise City is all right now?" Yue Feiyan asked about the situation in Black Tortoise City.

"It's okay for the time being, the virtual ghost can't come in." Yue Qinlan stayed in the inner city, not knowing the specific situation of the outer city, but subconsciously reported that he was safe.

"That's good." Yue Feiyan nodded gently.

"How is your situation there?" Yue Qinlan asked concerned.

"I used the empowering pearls given by Mu Liang to make a few glazed glass barriers to temporarily block the virtual ghosts." Yue Feiyan described the situation again.

Sibeqi added: "There are no casualties for the time being."

"You are doing very well." Yue Qinlan praised.

"It's just that the air is getting thinner." Yue Feiyan's words were a little more impatient.

The Liuliqiu is a closed space, and the virtual ghost can't enter in a short time, but it also keeps the open space out.

"Then stop talking, so that you can hold on for longer." Yue Qinlan became nervous.

"Yeah, don't say it." Yue Feiyan nodded obediently.

The glass ball became quiet, and only the sound of the resonant insects shaking their wings.

Yue Qinlan did not terminate the call and wanted to know Yue Feiyan's situation at any time.


Suddenly, an undetectable voice sounded.

Hibbeck had a weird expression, and she subconsciously reached out and covered her nose.

"? ?? "

Yue Feiyan was puzzled and looked at the vampire girl in confusion.

Before she could understand, she suddenly smelled a bad smell.

She couldn't help asking: "What's the smell?"

"I don't know." Sibeqi blinked her golden eyes, her face full of innocence.

"You fart?" Yue Feiyan stared at her red eyes, and quickly covered her mouth and nose 2.1, her voice became vague.

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense." Sibeqi flushed awkwardly, and shook her head guilty.

"It's you." Yue Feiyan gave the vampire girl angrily.

"I didn't." Sibeqi's tone became weaker, as if tolerating something.


." The vampire girl bit | her lower lip and turned around awkwardly.

"Ah, it smells so bad, you fart again!!" Yue Feiyan screamed.

Inside the glass ball, air force soldiers covered their mouths and noses one after another, with a depressed and speechless expression.

"...At the other end of the Resonance Worm, Yue Qinlan twitched at the corner of her mouth, and immediately determined that her daughter is really safe now.

O o o oo o o o

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. .

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