Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1070 Thank you, I was offended.

(3 more)

Yue Feiyan raised her hand and knocked on Xibeqi's head, and said in a bad mood: "What did you eat today, fart is so smelly?"

"I didn't eat anything." Sibeqi's eyes drifted, remembering that she had eaten a large bag of small biscuits by herself yesterday.

Yue Feiyan stepped back two steps, clutching her nose and said: "It smells too bad, please stay away from me."

"Hee hee, aren't we good sisters?" Xibeqi narrowed her eyes slightly, and moved forward in three or two steps.

"No, not anymore." Yue Feiyan screamed.


A crisp sound rang in the glass ball.

Sibeqi and Yue Feiyan's playful expressions solidified, and they quickly raised their heads to look at Liuliqiu.


In the fierce and crisp sound, the outermost colored glass ball burst, and the colored glass fragments splashed into the salt water area.

"Broken!!" Sibeqi swallowed her saliva, put away her playful mood, her pretty face became dignified.

Yue Feiyan said solemnly, "There are two more layers, I don't know how long it can last.

Hibbeck felt the darkness in front of her eyes, and squatted down and said, "I don't know how long I will hold on. I only know that the air is almost running out.

"I can't go on like this, we will all be suffocated until 23 Xugui eats us." Yue Feiyan's face paled slightly.

The draftsman turned pale, and asked timidly: "Why don't you open a hole in the colored glaze?"

"It may not be strong after opening." Yue Feiyan rebuffed.

"Will it?" Hibeck turned her head, with a suffocating expression on me.

"I, I don't know either." Yue Feiyan pursed her lips.

She looked at the virtual ghost outside the glass ball. The sharp nails left scratches on the glass ball.

Sibeqi sat up and suggested: "Open a small mouth, let the air in, you can't suffocate.

"I, I will try." Yue Feiyan hesitated before taking out the empowering pearl and swallowing it.

There was a coolness in the abdomen, and the energizing pearls worked.

She courageously came to the edge of the Liuli Ball, looking at the ugly face of the ghost outside the Liuli, she couldn't help feeling worried.


Yue Feiyan swallowed her saliva and carefully put her hand on the colored glaze, controlling the colored glaze under the hall to decompose and disappear.

Soon, a round hole the size of a fist was broken into the glass ball.

"There is another layer." Yue Feiyan hit the spirit and began to make holes in the second layer of colored glaze.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

It seemed that he was aware of the red-haired girl's actions, and more than half of the virtual ghosts gathered in front of her, staring at the hole that was getting closer and closer.

Yue Feiyan became nervous, so many ghosts outside made her hands tremble.

"Fight!" She gritted her teeth and moved her mind, causing the colored glaze under her to decompose and disappear.

The next moment, the air with an unpleasant smell poured into the glass ball.

"It's so stinky, the smell of these virtual ghosts is worse than Xibeiqi's fart." Yue Feiyan retched twice, and took a few steps back quickly.

"" Xibeqi's eyes jumped, thank you for shooting, she was offended.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The roar of the virtual ghost became clear, and they pushed their claws deep into the hole, trying to attack the vampire girl and others.

The hole is not big, the virtual ghosts are all piled up outside the hole, and the hand that goes in quickly blocks the hole.

"It's blocked again!" Sibeqi's golden eyes widened.

"Damn it." Yue Fei was annoyed.

She leaned in front of the hole, took a deep breath, puffed up her cheeks, aimed at the hole and sprayed flames, burning the virtual ghost outside the hole.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The virtual ghosts cried out in pain, and hurried back. The air rushed into the glass ball again, but it also entrained a lot of heat.

"No, you have to open another hole on the opposite side to change your breath." Sibeqi said anxiously.

Yue Feiyan said helplessly: "There is no empowering pearl that can make colored glaze."

"Ah, there is no other way, you have to get rid of the ghost outside the cave to let the air in." Sibeqi said seriously.

"I'm coming." Yue Feiyan took out the Vermillion Bird fan, aimed at the hole and started to fan hard.


The flame filled the hole, burning the approaching ghost.

Ten minutes later, the red-haired girl was a little tired, put away the Vermillion Bird fan, her face turned pale and turned away.

Sibeqi waved her hand and yelled: "Come here, give me an explosive arrow to aim outside."

The Air Force soldiers looked at each other, and finally bite the bullet and walked forward, raising their crossbows and aiming at the hole.


A crossbow arrow flew out, accurately hitting the virtual ghost outside the hole.

In the blink of an eye, the explosion sounded endlessly, causing the glazed ball to sway.

This suddenly angered the virtual ghosts completely, their attacks became fierce, and the second layer of colored glaze soon appeared cracks, which might break at any time.


Five minutes later, the second layer of colored glaze burst open, and fragments fell into the sea.

Only a layer of colored glaze remained, and the voice of the virtual ghost became clear.

In the glazed globe, Yue Feiyan and Sibeqi endured fear and did not retreat.

Sibeqi lowered her voice and asked with a trembling voice: "Fiyan, you said that after Master Mu Liang came, are we still alive?"

"Don't talk nonsense, we can survive." Yue Feiyan rolled her eyes beautifully.


However, the sound of the third layer of colored glaze cracking gave her a slap in the face.

"It broke so soon!?" Yue Feiyan's red eyes widened, her face full of consternation.

Jie Jie Jie~~

A disgusting voice sounded, and the eighth-order virtual ghost attacked the colored glaze ball with all its strength, which caused the cracking speed of the colored glaze to increase.

Yue Feiyan's face turned pale, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Damn it, I thought I could hold on for more than ten minutes."

Sibeqi was in a low mood and said weakly, "If Mr. Mu Liang appeared now, that would be great.

She thought of Mu Liang, and her mind was full of that Yangguang face.


Suddenly, everyone in the glass ball felt that the air temperature was dropping. In the blink of an eye, the temperature dropped from more than 20 degrees to minus.


Xibeqi stared at the outside of the glazed ball in a daze. The ghosts were motionless, and their bodies were covered by ice.

The next moment, all the ice burst open, and all ghosts outside the glass ball turned into a piece of ice slag and fell into the sea.

The cracked glass ball decomposed and disappeared, the suppressed breath disappeared, and the air was no longer thin.

"It shouldn't be too late for me?" A clear voice rang above everyone's heads.

Yue Feiyan looked up, her familiar face made her exclaimed: "Mu Liang, you are finally here!!"

"Master Mu Liang!" Xibeiqi's golden eyes turned red, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"My Lord of the City!!" The Air Force soldiers quickly raised their hands to salute.

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded calmly.

He descended from the sky and came to the vampire girl and the red-haired girl.

"Are you okay?" Mu Liang asked softly.

Xibeiqi shook her head vigorously, her eyes flushed with bewilderment: "It's okay, it's fine."

"Sorry, you shouldn't be allowed to come out and draw during the blood moon." Mu Liang apologized.

Yue Feiyan shook her head vigorously and said with a serious face: "It's okay, I know you will come to save us."

"Of course." Mu Liang smiled, and stretched out his hand to rub the heads of Xibeqi and Yue Feiyan.

Mu Liang said gently: "Clean up, let's go back."

"Good." Yue Feiyan and Xibeqi nodded vigorously.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization. .

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