(2 more)

Outer city, Shanhaiguan office.

Qin Yu had already brought three thousand recruits, led by veterans in Shanhaiguan, ready to resist the next wave of virtual ghosts.

Dianes asked in surprise: "Master Qin Yu, you brought all three thousand recruits, are there still people in the barracks?"

She is still accustomed to calling Qin Yu an adult, a habit developed by Shancheng.

Qin Yu whispered: "There are still five hundred city defense troops left in the barracks, which is enough to deal with most emergencies."

"That's good." Dianes nodded slowly.

Qin Yu looked around and asked doubtfully: "Where is the Lord of the City?"

Dang Ansi casually explained: "The Lord of the City has something to do, go back to the inner city first."

After a while, she said: "But I have already contacted Gaodi, Lord City Lord should come soon."

A new wave of virtual ghosts is coming. There are too many high-rank virtual ghosts. If Mu Liang does not take action, the city defense army will not be able to cope with it and will cause serious casualties.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The virtual ghosts come in groups, and the number of high-rank virtual ghosts in the sky exceeds five thousand.

An electric arc flashed under Qin Yu's cyan eyes, and he couldn't wait to kill these virtual ghosts.

She stayed in the barracks for nearly two days. She was shocked that no ghost had crossed the city wall, and she had no chance to confront the ghost head-on.


The war drum, which had been stopped for more than two hours, was once again sounded, hurriedly and loudly.

"Call me!!" Dianes waved and ordered.


The city defense army shouted in unison, raised the crossbow in their hands, and started the first round of salvos.

Boom boom boom~~~

The spirit weapon cannon and the giant crossbow were activated one after another, and the artillery shells and thick crossbow arrows flew out to kill a large number of virtual ghosts.

Most of the recruits are facing the virtual ghost for the first time.

The veteran guarding the three-pass fortress couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly urged: "Don't stand stupid and shoot me."

"Me, my recruits cowered, and the hands holding the crossbow were shaking.

"What are you?"

The veteran stared angrily and said angrily: "Don't forget, your family is still in the city. If you don't repel the ghosts, they will be in danger."

The recruit shook his body, thinking of his family and children, and finally gritted his teeth fiercely, raised the crossbow and began to attack the virtual ghost.

"Kill, go to the ghost!!"

Scenes like this are not uncommon, and they are also the beginning of the transformation of recruits.

Qin Yu raised his head, the thunder armor on his body glowed with purple light, and there was a purple arc beating on the armor.


She moved and jumped up with purple lightning all over her body. The purple lightning ran across the sky, easily killing a large number of virtual ghosts.

"Really fierce!!" Mei Shake was speechless, startled by Qin Yu's power.

"If you can be a deputy commander, your strength will not be bad." Gallo replied casually, withdrawing his gaze to Qin Yu, focusing on killing the virtual ghost.

When Mu Liang arrived at Shanhaiguan, there was already a virtual ghost lying on the ground. Most of his body was charred, and he was killed by Qin Yu's purple electric bombardment.

Qin Yu is now a powerhouse at the eighth peak. After putting on the thunder armor, he can fight fiercely with the nineth-order virtual ghost.

The appearance of Mu Liang directly affected the situation of the battle.

Half an hour later, this wave of ghosts was all killed.

"Repair and replenish physical strength." Mu Liang's indifferent voice sounded in front of the Sanguan Fortress.

"Yes!!" Dianes and Qin Yu responded in unison.

The fox fairy sat down, looked up at the huge blood moon, and sighed: "This is the second day of the virtual ghost tide."

Riyue took off the helmet and draped her long, smooth silver hair behind her.

She looked at the tail of the fox fairy and said softly, "Your tail is stained with blood.

"!! "

Hearing this, the fox fairy looked at the furry tail, and several pieces of white fur were blackened by the blood of the virtual ghost.

The corners of her eyes twitched, pretending to be indifferent: "It's okay, I will wash it later."


Mu Liang flew down beside the fox fairy and said clearly: "There should be other virtual ghost nests nearby, I'm going to look for them.

In the past two days, there were seven or eight waves of virtual ghosts, large and small, which made him suspect that there were more than one virtual ghost lair nearby.

The goal of military training has been achieved, and the city defense forces must be given time to rest. The best way is to flatten the virtual ghost lair.

"Then you pay attention to safety!" Liyue said seriously.

The fox fairy raised his eyes and asked in a charming voice, "Do you need me to go with you?"

"No, you have a good rest."

As Mu Liang stretched out his hand, the life elements condensed and fell into small groups on the women to help them restore their physical strength and mental energy.

After doing this, he stopped staying, his body soared into the sky and flew towards the bloody moon-shrouded sea.

Mu Liang flew more than ten kilometers away and saw no ghosts appearing around him, so he plunged into the sea and swam into the deep sea.


Mu Liang's head and feet sank to the bottom of the sea, and the sea couldn't get close to him. He was always half a meter away from his body.

It didn't take long before he bottomed out.

The bottom of the sea is not dark, and the bloody moonlight still shines on the bottom of the sea through layers of sea water.

Mu Liang frowned and felt puzzled.According to the truth, his position is deep enough that strong sunlight can't penetrate the seawater and enter the bottom of the sea.Why is the moonlight of the blood moon OK?

""々Strange" He thought for a while, but couldn't get a reasonable explanation, so he shook his head and stopped thinking.

With a movement of Mu Liang's mind, the surrounding light elements converge, thoroughly illuminating the surrounding environment.

He felt the movement under his feet, and found no virtual ghost lair nearby, so he could only continue to look forward.

After half an hour, Mu Liang's forward movement stopped.

Not far in front of him, a huge cave with a diameter of about fifty meters appeared on the seabed.

Mu Liang felt the disgusting breath and obviously found the right place.

He walked a few steps forward and jumped directly into the cave without hesitation.


The light illuminates the surrounding environment, there are many marks on the cave wall, and many claw marks can be seen.

After falling more than ten meters, the cave became wider, and the water pressure here could make ordinary people instantly die.

The light element spreads out, gradually illuminating the entire underground space.

Mu Liang's eyes were densely packed with virtual ghosts (Qian Qian Zhao). According to a rough estimate, there are tens of thousands of virtual ghosts in the cave.

Mu Liang frowned and looked around the cave and found that many places were empty. Apparently most of the ghosts had left the lair.

Did they all attack Black Tortoise?

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The appearance of Mu Liang caused Xugui to wake up one after another, and then rushed at him desperately.

"This is the bottom of the sea, it's all water" Mei Liang said to himself.

The next moment, a purple arc erupted from Mu Liang's body, and the entire underground space was flooded with purple lightning in an instant.


Mu Liang's expression was indifferent, and the screams of virtual ghosts screamed in his ears.

Ten minutes later, the purple lightning disappeared and all the virtual ghosts were killed. No one was spared.

Mu Liang stopped staying, turned and left, looking for the next virtual ghost lair.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. .

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