Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1087 Destroy the oasis in one breath?

(3 more)

Over the boundless salt water area, the oasis is advancing at the fastest speed.

On the third floor of the oasis, the people of Beihai Dacheng are placed here.

"Cough cough"

In a certain room, Bu Weier's face was still pale.

She looked at the dying guard lying on the bed, her eyes flushed.

There is no secret medicine for healing in the oasis, and many seriously injured people are almost unable to hold it.

"" Bu Weier sighed, and a deep sense of powerlessness surged into my heart.

In a small room, there were six wounded people lying down. They were already weak and snorted. The air intake was less than the air exhaustion, and they were almost exhausted.

Bravel encouraged: "You hold on a little longer, and you will be in Black Tortoise soon."

A weak voice sounded, and the older guard said in a low voice, "My Lord, it's okay.

"Hold on a little longer." Bu Weier's eyes became redder, and the mist floated on the bottom of her eyes.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm her down: "I'm going to ask, I should be close to Black Tortoise."

Bouvier left the room and hurriedly walked towards the fifth floor of the oasis.

Before she reached the top floor, she ran into Oasis Three Elder on the road.

Bellian frowned and asked, "Your Excellency Buvel, what happened, in such a hurry?"

Bravel's eyes lit up and she asked anxiously: "I just want to find you, when can I get to Black Tortoise?"

Bellian's frowning brows loosened, and he said peacefully, "I should be able to arrive in the afternoon."

Bu Weier said anxiously: "Can't 887 be faster?"

"It's the fastest speed now." Bellian shook his head helplessly.

She sighed inwardly, and realized that Bu Weier was for the sake of the citizens and subordinates.

"That's it." Bu Weier opened her mouth, her beautiful eyes dimmed.

Bellian asked softly: "Did their condition worsen?"

"Well, I don't know how long it will last." Bu Weier was depressed and felt very uncomfortable.

Bellian patted her shoulder, not knowing what comfort to say for a while.

"I'm fine." Bu Weier slowly shook her head, turned and left.

Bellian's mood is not high, and his hatred of the ghost is higher.

She turned and walked back to the top of the oasis, facing the wind and looking in the direction of the oasis.


Bellian controlled the wind and pushed the oasis forward.

Time passed slowly, two and a half hours later.

"this "

Bellian's eyes widened, and a large black shadow appeared at the end of her sight.

After a while, the oasis got closer, and she saw clearly what the dark shadow was.

"This is Black Tortoise City!?" Bellian's red lips opened wide, and she was stunned by the size of the rock tortoise.

She saw many familiar places from the rock tortoise, and she dared to be sure that it was the city of Black Tortoise.

"It's getting bigger again!!" "Berlian couldn't believe it, but I haven't seen it for more than 50 days, and the size of the rock tortoise has doubled ten times.

After a while, exclamations continued to sound from the oasis.

Ta Ta Ta

Several other Elders from the oasis all appeared, staring at the giant rock tortoise in shock for a long time.

"Is this Black Tortoise city?"" Bouvier looked at the sea in astonishment. The most conspicuous thing was the huge tree of life in the center of the city.

She was so excited that she finally arrived in Black Tortoise. Her citizens and guards were saved.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

The heat rushed to the face, the magma dragon suddenly appeared, the country circled the oasis twice, and the breath of the ninth order made Bellian and the others difficult to breathe.

The magma dragon looked bad, and he had a breath of intention to destroy the oasis.

Oasis Elder's face became serious, watching the magma dragon vigilantly, and his hand holding a cane was soaked with sweat.

He had no bottom in his heart, but the Tier 9 fierce beast in front of him, if he attacked the oasis, would he be able to stop it?

"Xiaoyan, step back." A calm voice rang in the ears of the magma dragon.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

The magma dragon roared and dived back into Black Tortoise.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Mu Liang appeared high in the sky, looking calmly at Bellian and others on the oasis.

Elder of Oasis sighed in secret and saluted: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, meet again."

Mu Liang nodded and said calmly: "Get down first, just stop in the outer city.

"Yes." Bellian answered.

She controlled the wind and let the oasis descend at a constant speed.

"It's too slow." Mu (cdcb) raised his brows lightly, feeling that the oasis was falling too slowly, and decided to help.

He stretched out his hand, gravity blessed on the oasis.

"what "

Bellian and others exclaimed, the speed of the oasis's descent suddenly accelerated, and she was not under her control at all.

Ten seconds later, the oasis slowly stopped again, only five meters away from the ground of Black Tortoise.

"I really thank you so much." Bellian's eyes were faint, and she was really frightened.

As soon as the oasis stopped, Bu Weier couldn't wait to rush down the oasis.

She found Mu Liang, hoarse and sincerely said: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, help me, I need a healing secret medicine."

"How much?" Mu Liang stared at her.

"One thousand copies" Bu Wei'er stared at Mu Liang with utmost anxiety, with desire in her tired eyes.

There are too many injured people, and a thousand copies may not be enough, but she dare not ask for too much, for fear that Mu Liang will refuse.

Mu Liang tucked his brows slightly. A thousand medicines of healing secrets are not too small.

Buvir hurriedly said: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, I have the fierce beast spar and the blue devil crab armor, all for you."

"Let's talk about this." Mu Liang replied indifferently.

He turned his head to look behind him, and Yue Qinlan hurried over with medical soldiers.

Yue Qinlan did not wait for Mu Liang to speak, and asked first: "Where are the wounded?"

Bu Weier was stunned, and subconsciously replied: "Still on the oasis."

"The wounded should not move, lead the way quickly." Yue Qinlan urged.


"Quickly give in, don't get in the way." Bu Weier screamed and rushed to the fourth floor of the oasis with a smile on her face.

The medical soldiers followed with the secret medicine for healing, and went unimpeded along the way, smoothly entered the fourth floor of the oasis, and proceeded to treat the wounded.

Ta Ta Ta..

"Your Excellency Mu Liang, I'm bothering you again."

The four Elders from the oasis came down from the oasis.

"Huh?" Mu Liang looked towards Shanhaiguan with a sense of feeling.

After a while, the drums slammed into the sky and the war drums were struck again.

"What's the matter?" Oasis Elder asked suspiciously.

"The ghost is here again."" Mu Liang responded casually.

He turned his head and said calmly: "You guys rest first, I have something to do, talk later."

He left a word, his body rose into the air, and went back to Shanhaiguan to supervise the battle.

Mu Liang was puzzled, he had already destroyed the nearby virtual ghost lair, why are there still so many virtual ghosts attacking Black Tortoise City?

"Need our help?" Bellian shouted, but didn't get a response.

Yue Qinlan's eyebrows became more sad, and she sighed inwardly.

She looked at the four Elders in the oasis and regained her grace and said: "He can solve it, so please rest well.

o o o oo o o o o o o

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization. .

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