Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1088 As long as the hoe is swung well, there is no corner that cannot be dug. (1 more)

On the fourth floor of the oasis, Bu Weier looked a little nervous and excited, watching the medical soldiers feeding the injured city residents the secret medicine for healing.

A healing secret medicine is divided into two halves, one half is taken orally, and the other half is externally applied, so that the body will heal faster.

"With the healing secret medicine, will they be better?" Bu Weier couldn't help asking.

The medical soldier stopped for a while and turned around and said: "Some people are too seriously injured. Whether they can save their lives depends on whether they can hold on.

Although the secret medicine used by medical soldiers is not the best, it is not the worst.

"So" Bu Weier opened her mouth,-sighed inwardly.

The medical soldier continued: "Many people have also contracted the'virtual ghost' infection. This requires another secret medicine to suppress the infection."

Bouvier's beautiful eyes lit up, and she asked: "Do you have any?"

"We don't have it on our body now, but Lord City Lord has it." The medical soldier said indifferently, and then concentrated on treating the wounded.

"Mu Liang has" Bu Weier thoughtfully.

She knew that Mu Liang had angel tears, but she didn't know that there was a secret medicine to suppress the "virtual ghost infection".

Amidst Buweier’s earnest urging, the entire treatment ended in one hour.

"Keep it well, and you will be cured in two days." The medical soldier left a word and left to return to Yue Qin Xinlan.

"Great... Buvir looked at the sleeping city residents and guards, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Thanks to the medical soldiers, most of the dying people were brought back from the ghost gate. Only eight people were seriously injured and the secret medicine could not be saved.


Bu Weier took a deep breath, turned and walked away from the fourth floor of the oasis, planning to thank Yueqinlan.

She came down from the oasis, and Yueqinlan was still talking to the four Elders of the oasis.

Yue Qinlan held her right arm in her left hand, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you going to wait until the ghost tide is over before you leave?"

"Uh, can't it?" Oasis Four Elder asked blankly.

Today is the third day of the ghost wave. No one knows when the ghost wave will end. It is safest to stay in Black Tortoise.

The corners of Yueqinlan’s lips rose, and said gracefully: "Of course it can.

"Great, thank you!!" Oasis Four Elder blushed and thanked.

Yue Qinlan thought for a while, and said calmly: "Since you want to stay in Black Tortoise City temporarily, go to the air-raid shelter, it's safer there."

During the virtual ghost tide, it is obviously irrational to stay in the oasis.

"Air-raid shelter?" Bellian and the others looked at each other, with a puzzled look on their faces.

"I'll know later." Yueqin Lanmei explained too much, raising her eyes to look at Buweier who came down from the oasis.

"Your Excellency Yueqinlan" Bu Weier stepped forward.

She bends down and salutes solemnly, and said in a sincere tone: "Thank you for your help so that they can survive."

"You should say this to our Lord City Lord." Yue Qinlan stepped towards retreated.

Bouvier didn't feel embarrassed either, but smiled more on her face: "Okay.

"After their injuries stabilize, let's send them to the underground air-raid shelter."

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "When the ghost tide passes, the injury should heal, and then we will arrange a place to live.

Buweier's eyes flashed, and she made up her mind: "Respect your arrangements."

From today onwards, she and the residents of Beihai Dacheng are all from Black Tortoise.


In the direction of the city wall, the sound of war drums still shook the sky.

"There is a ghost attacking the city, I'll go help." Bu Weier said seriously.

Yue Qinlan waved her hand and said softly, "I don't need it for the time being. I'll take care of myself first."

Bu Weier insisted: "I can."

A trace of astonishment flashed under Yue Qin's blue eyes, and he nodded slowly: "Okay, I'll take you there."

"Your Excellency Yueqinlan, let's help too." Bellian said sincerely.

Oasis chose to take refuge in Black Tortoise, but she didn't have that thick skin and didn't help.

Oasis Elder spoke: "Four Elders stay and take care of them, and then let's go together."

He has other plans in his heart, he is ready to sell well in front of the Black Tortoise City Lord, and show it well, maybe there will be other gains.

For example, the tears of angels that can treat "virtual ghost infection".

"Good." Oasis Two Elder had no objection.

Oasis Four Elder shrugged, satisfied with the arrangement.

Yueqinlan didn't stop it anymore. It could help Mu Liang relieve the pressure, so why not do it?

On the way to Shanhaiguan.

Bellian couldn't help but exclaimed: "Your Excellency Qinlan, every time you come to Black Tortoise, you can shock me."

Yueqin's blue lips smiled, knowing that Oasis III Elder was referring to the rock turtle getting bigger again.

She turned her head and whispered softly: "Your Excellency, if you like Black Tortoise, you can choose to live permanently or find a job here."

Bellian was startled, her red lips slightly opened and she looked at Yue Qinlan.

...For flowers...

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?" She frowned slightly.

"Literally, don't think too much." Yue Qinlan smiled elegantly.

She recalled what Mu Liang said: As long as the hoe is swung well, there is no corner that cannot be dug.

The city of Black Tortoise lacks people, lacks capable people, and the people on the oasis are very good.

Bellian's brows have been frowning, and Yue Qinlan's words echoed in her mind.

Boom boom boom~~~

The huge roar made her come back to her senses, focusing on the towering city wall in front of her.

Yuyueqinlan led the way, and everyone went through the Shanhaiguan fortress to the outside of the city unimpeded all the way.

As soon as I walked out of Shanhaiguan, I heard the roar of the city defense army.

"Hit me, hit me hard." Dianes brandished her long knife.


The sound of fighting is endless.

Bellian and the others saw many acquaintances, and Messak was shuttled between virtual ghosts, leaving a corpse wherever he went.


Between Qin Yu's hands opened and closed, purple lightning jumped, killing a virtual ghost.

Oasis, Elder's heart was shaken. Although there were many virtual ghosts, they could not cross the towering city wall.

Bu Weier looked up, Mu Liang's figure was in mid-air, killing five ninth-order virtual ghosts.

"Five ninth-order virtual ghosts!!" Oasis Elder's eyes widened, and his heart was horrified.

Those are five ninth-order virtual ghosts, but they have been defeated steadily under Mu Liang's hands, and he can't even touch the corners of his clothes.How strong is Mu Liang?

"Sister Qinlan, why are you here?" Liyue jumped down from the observation tower and landed beside Yue Qinlan.

"They want to help, I'll bring them here." Yue Qinlan gestured to Buweier and the Elders from Oasis sideways.

Liyue's silver-white beautiful eyes were shining, and she silently nodded to Bu Weier and the others, turned around and continued to kill Xugui.

Buweier's eyes were firm, she took the spirit weapon and strode forward, focusing on the high-rank virtual ghost to start.

"Don't stand stupidly, do it." Oasis Elder took a deep breath.


Bellian made a move, and a strong wind blew out of nowhere in front of Shanhaiguan, which swept hundreds of low-level virtual ghosts into the sky.

With the joining of Buweier and others, the speed of Xugui's defeat accelerated.

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code. So,

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