Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1095 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1095: Sand giant. (3 more)

Ho Ho Ho~~~

The rock turtle raised its huge head and raised its head to the sky with a long roar. This was a response to Mu Liang.

Mu Liang conveyed his ideas to the rock turtle and let it match himself.


The sea vibrated again, the sea surging up, cracks appeared on the seabed, and a large amount of sand began to condense.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, a torrent of thousands of sands gathered into the sky, blocking everyone's sight, and condensed into a sand giant with eight arms in front of Black Tortoise.

"Shrink." Mu Liang stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, making the SARS giant solid.

The shrunken sand giant stood in the sea, still tens of thousands of meters above the sea surface, and could already touch the clouds.

The giant sand king has no head, and his arms are extremely thick, like a few small mountains.

This sand giant was created by Mu Liang and the rock turtle. It is half the size of the rock turtle.

Everyone on the wall was stunned, and their jaws almost fell to the ground.

"This, this, Alina" gaped, unable to say a complete sentence for a long time.

"My God!" Huxi's eyes lighted up, and he cheered excitedly.

"It's saved. Black Tortoise City has saved Yue Feiyan and the others. They breathed a sigh of relief and saw the hope of life.

The corners of the Fox Fairy’s lips raised, and he sighed: "Mu Liang makes a move, and the scene is getting bigger every time.

Bai Shuang was already too scared to speak, she could only stare at her beautiful purple-gold eyes, her body trembling constantly, not knowing whether it was because of excitement or fear.

The visual impact brought by the sand giant is unforgettable forever.

"Slap them to death." Mu Liang raised his hand and waved.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

The rock turtle roared and controlled the sand giant to attack.

I saw the sand giant raised eight arms, palms together and hit the virtual ghost in the air.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The virtual ghosts in the air fled in a panic, but because of the large number of them, the movement was affected, and the speed slowed down instead.

Mu Liang raised his hand at the same time, and the gravity Realm spread out, covering all the ghosts.

The range is larger, and the influence of gravity is smaller. Although high-rank virtual ghosts can't fall into the air, it can also affect their movement speed.

Bang bang bang~~~

The eight palms of the sand giant struck together, roaring to the sky, and smashed thousands of virtual ghosts to death.

After the roar, the sand giant opened his hand, and the corpse of the virtual ghost fell down like rain, which can only be described as bloody.

"Continue." Mu Liang's expression remained unchanged, and the sand giant made another move, attacking the imaginary ghost in the air like a fly.

Bang bang bang~~~

More and more virtual ghosts died in the hands of the sand giants, but they also allowed more virtual ghosts to fly away and attack the back of the rock tortoise.

Mu Liang frowned and gave orders to the other domesticated beasts to contain those imaginary ghosts who wanted to enter the city.

At the Thousand Thorns Pass, the Thousand Thorns Flower awakened again, and the huge vines rose high, strangling the nearby virtual ghosts.

"Military merit is here, kill me!!" Kari shouted boldly.

"Kill. The air force soldier shouted excitedly, riding on an industrial front, and attacking the approaching virtual ghost with a military crossbow.


On the city wall, the colorful dreamy fog spread out, covering the commercial area and the military barracks, making the pressure on the city defenses less.

On Mermaid Island, the flying fish king flies into the sky, preparing to resist the attack of the virtual ghost.

Zheng An's expression changed and he shouted, "Everyone, all go into the air-raid shelter."

Na'an was pale, and urged anxiously: "Patriarch, you also go in."

"No, I want to stay to resist the virtual ghost, you go in quickly." Zheng An said seriously with a stern face.

He is the patriarch of the mermaid clan, and even the manager of the No.1 Acropolis, so he can't back down at this time.

"Then I will stay and help." Na'an stubbornly said.

Zheng An frowned and said solemnly: "Your awakening ability is not suitable for fighting, so go for refuge."

Naan shook her head vigorously and said stubbornly: "I'm very strong."

Zheng An raised the crutches in her hand, and when the mermaid girl didn't respond, a stick knocked on the back of her neck.

Patriarch "" Na'an stared at her beautiful eyes, rolled her eyes and fainted.

"Hey, when you wake up, the ghost tide will pass."

Zheng An sighed and turned around and shouted: "Come here, take her to the air-raid shelter."

"Yes." The mermaid woman hurried over, picked up Naan and turned to leave.

Zheng An turned his head and stared at the virtual ghost in the sky, with a cold tone: "Come on, see who is better."

"Quickly, close the door of the air-raid shelter, the virtual ghost is here!!


At the air-raid shelter under the Acropolis, the gatekeeper's fortifier started to turn the mechanism, and the gears drove the complex pulley block to slowly close the heavy glazed door to prevent ghosts from entering the air-raid shelter.

On the other side, when the breeding site was there, the ghost spider began to spit out spider silk, covering the entire breeding farm, forming a huge cobweb to protect the breeding farm below.

...For flowers...

The ghost spider is standing on the spider web, and the strange grimace on the abdomen is vivid, as if it is about to come alive.

It received Mu Liang's order to protect the farm and at the same time kill nearby virtual ghosts.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The ghost found the ghost spider and swooped down desperately.


The ghost spider raised his head, the spider's eyes lit up with a faint green light, and it displayed its talent, Qianying Spider Silk.

The virtual ghosts who swooped down stiffened, their bodies became uncontrollable, and they slammed straight into the ground.

Broken pieces.…

The ground was smashed into deep pits. Just when I wanted to get up, my body was entangled with spider silk strings.


The ghost spider raised its sharp legs and pierced the body of the virtual ghost like a spear, separating its corpse.

More and more virtual ghosts appeared, swooping towards the ghost spider.

It lifted its upper body, and the spider silk spewed out, covering the sky above the farm, enshrouding hundreds of virtual ghosts.

The cobwebs are extremely sticky, and the tied up ghosts can’t escape, and they all turn into cobwebs and pile on the ground in the end.


An angry voice sounded not far away, and the golden duck appeared quickly running.

It ran quickly, and because it was too fast, the dull hair on the top of its head stuck to the back of its head.

...The attack of the ghost spider.

The sprint duck spread its wings, and then rushed straight to the sky with a forceful one, relying on the eight times the speed, so that the virtual ghost could not catch it at all.


It opened its big mouth, easily bit the head of a virtual ghost, spit out the head of the virtual ghost in disgust, and continued to attack the next virtual ghost.

""The ghost spider tilted his head, attracted by the attacking method of the running duck.

It just stunned for a while, and then spit out more spider silk, grabbing all the ghosts passing by the farm.

In less than ten minutes, spider silk cocoons were piled up in front of the farm, and the number reached several thousand.


The running duck was tired and fell on the cobweb to rest. It used its wings to slip the virtual ghost blood on its mouth. Obviously, it hated the smell of virtual ghosts.

After the rest, it attacked the virtual ghost again, although it was not strong, it was not idle.

ps: (3 is more customized. It is.

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