Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1096 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1096: They go up to die. (1 more)

Boom boom boom~~~

The giant sand king slapped his palms continuously, and shot the virtual ghosts in the sky to death.

Although the SARS giant is large, it is not flexible enough. There will still be ghosts to avoid its attack and fly into Black Tortoise.

It's a snap...

Mu Liang shot, and purple lightning appeared, turning the water in front of him into an ocean of purple electricity.

Jie Jie Jie..

The virtual ghost screamed, and was swallowed by dense purple lightning. Pieces of virtual ghost were chopped into coke and sank to the bottom of the sea.

"Huh! Mu Liang snorted coldly.

He no longer keeps his hands, and wants to solve the virtual ghost in front of him as soon as possible to minimize the casualties and losses of Black Tortoise City.

Jie Jie Jie..

Mu Liang was aware of it and looked up. In the distance, a huge virtual ghost rose into the sky at a huge crack in the sea.

Other virtual ghosts evaded one after another, seemingly afraid of the giant virtual ghost.

"Eleventh order!! Two-seven zero" Mu Liang's face became solemn, and he felt the aura emanating from Xugui's body.

The eleventh-order virtual ghost is thirty meters tall, with eight strong and long arms, and the three pairs of wings on the back are covered with dark red scales, reflecting the dark light under the bloody moonlight.

On the city wall, Fox Fairy and others' faces also became solemn.

Bu Weier exclaimed: "What kind of ghost is this, I have never seen it before!"

She has seen the eighth and ninth-order virtual ghosts, and has never seen the eleventh-order virtual ghosts.

Oasis Elder's face changed drastically, and he trembled and guessed: "Or is the tenth order the eleventh order?"

"This breath should not be the tenth rank... Fox Fairy Rose's red pupils contracted, and her heart was full of worries.

"It's not Tier Ten, then Tier Eleven?"

The faces of Dianes and others are hard to look like, the eleventh-order virtual ghost, has Mu Liang ever been able to fight?

Qin Yu said solemnly: "Give it to Mu Liang, we just need to guard Shanhaiguan.

If even Mu Liang can't hold on, they will die if they go up.

"Yes, guard the Shanhaiguan pass." Diane gritted her teeth, shouting and rushing towards the approaching virtual ghost, her hands getting more and more fierce.

"Go to die, die!!" Yue Feiyan gritted her teeth.

She flapped the wings of the Vermillion Bird armor into the sky, and vigorously waved the Vermillion Bird fan in her hand. The huge fireball was fanned out and hit the crowds of virtual ghosts.

The red-haired girl vigorously waved the Vermillion Bird fan, and the fireballs flew out one by one, falling down like money, annihilating a large number of low-level virtual ghosts.

She wanted to solve the imaginary ghost in front of her as soon as possible, so as to help Mu Liang, but the imaginary ghost in front of her was like endless, and Wu Jue surged forward.

In the air, Mu Liang confronted the 11th-order virtual ghost, and the control of the sand giant was handed over to the rock tortoise.

"Tier Eleven? It just happens to be able to test my strength." Mu Liang raised the corner of his mouth, his body ejected and took off, rushing towards the eleventh virtual ghost.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The eleventh-order virtual ghost roared, and his body disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Mu Liang, at an astonishing speed.

"Interesting." Mu Liang's black-eyed Wei Mi, the speed of the 11th-order virtual ghost, is not much slower than his eight times the speed.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The eleventh-order virtual ghost swung his claws and patted Mu Liang who stopped.

"Petrochemical". Mu Liang raised his eyes, his black eyes turned into cyan, and then his pupils split into three.

The movement of the eleventh-order virtual ghost was like a rusty joint, and the movement became stiff.

Mu Liang took the opportunity to shoot, stretched out his hand to make a fist, purple lightning bounced on his fist, and hit Xu Gui's head with a punch.

Pop in..

The eleventh-order virtual ghost screamed, his body flew out, his head cracked a few scars, but he quickly healed.

It was angry, and it opened its mouth and expelled ink breath and bombarded Mu Liang.

Gravity "twisted." Mu Liang opened his five fingers, and the space in front of him twisted, forcibly refracting the breath of the virtual ghost.


The twisted breath bombarded other high-rank virtual ghosts, killing nearly a thousand virtual ghosts.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The eleventh-order virtual ghost became even more angry, flapping his wings and fighting Mu Liang again.

Mu Liang did not retreat either, a touch of nine colors appeared on the surface of his body, like the scales of a nine color lizard, extremely hard.

He stubbornly resisted the claws of the eleventh-order virtual ghost, and his body was unharmed. Instead, he hit its jaw with a punch, causing it to fly upside down.

"Go on." Mu Liang played happily.

Every time he and the virtual ghost collide, the sea will overwhelm a hundred meters of huge waves, affecting tens of thousands of virtual ghosts.

The battle in the air made everyone on the city wall startled, and the posture seemed to overturn the sky.

Baishuang's face turned pale, hiding under the walls, feeling so small for the first time.

She swallowed her saliva and whispered in a trembling voice: "Magical Beasts are violent, and they are not as scary as these ghosts,

The fox fairy noticed Hoarfrost from the corner of his eyes, and said coldly: "Miss, if you are afraid, I will send someone to send you to the underground air-raid shelter."

"I" Bai Shuang opened her mouth, her arrogant temper drove her to deny aloud, but her body was very honest.

The Fox Fairy frowned, and said calmly: "I have no time to take care of you, pay attention to your own safety."

Bai Shuang straightened up and said proudly, "I can protect myself without your Excellency taking care of me."

She is a seventh-order magician anyway, and she still has the ability to protect herself.

The fox fairy didn't say much, turned around to control the two seventh-order virtual ghosts and let them attack other virtual ghosts.

Hoarfrost took a deep breath and couldn't be looked down upon.

She sang in a low voice, casting water magic to help resist the attack of the virtual ghost.


The sea surging up, condensed into a giant snake of a hundred meters long, biting into the empty ghost in the air with a huge mouth.

The fox fairy glanced at the purple-haired girl in surprise, but did not expect her to make a move.

"Huh, I'm also very strong." Bai Shuang yelled, waving his hand to control the water snake to continue its attack.

"Yes, yes." The corners of Fox Fairy's lips raised, and he answered perfunctorily, and then stopped being distracted.

There were too many virtual ghosts, and the attack of the city defense army became weak. Fortunately, Qin Yu was there.

After she put on the thunder armor, her strength is close to the ninth-tier strong, and every time she takes a shot, a swarm of virtual ghosts will fall.

"Fire me." Dianes roared, her eyes red.

She was already injured, and her physical strength gradually couldn't keep up.

Boom boom boom~~~

After the cooling, the cannon of the spirit weapon was activated again, and the artillery poured out to the crowds of virtual ghosts.

Oasis Elder wielded 2.3 crutches, exerting his awakening ability, compressing and compressing the air, reaping the lives of the ghosts mercilessly.


Bellian raised his hands, displayed his awakening ability, and the wind whistling, rolled up thousands of virtual ghosts, and made them fall to death with their heads on the ground.

"I'm here to learn Mu Liang." Alina took out a light blue pearl, put it in her mouth and swallowed it.

The next moment, she opened her mouth and exhaled cold air, relying on the empowering pearl to obtain the ice elemental awakening ability.

"Frozen to death you." Alina's pink eyes lit up, exhaling a breath of ice, covering the approaching ghosts.

The ice hanging covers... Xiangxugui, and freezes large swaths of virtual ghosts into ice sculptures.


"Successful." Alina's beautiful eyes shone, and she kept showing her ice element abilities.

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code.

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