Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1104 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1104: My legs are shaking. (3 more)

In Black Tortoise, the sky was already dark.


The Moon Wolf King looked up to the sky and screamed, his voice echoing in Black Tortoise.

In the high ground, Huxi and the others dragged their tired bodies and took the transportation ladder to the eighth floor of the high ground.

"I'm so tired, I really want to lie down." Alina took off her helmet and showed her beautiful face, but she was in a bad state of mind.

"Don't say it, I want to lie down now." Huxi leaned against Liyue next to him, looking unlovable.

They had just cleaned out the virtual ghosts in the outer city, and had been busy all day long, and finally they were able to rest.

The outer city is very large, thanks to the help of the worker ants of the giant pincer ant and the worker bees of the sky king wasp, so that the ghosts in the outer city have been cleaned up so quickly.

Baishuang's face turned pale, and she said weakly, "My legs are shaking.

She has been following the fox fairy and helped a lot along the way, which made the women change their views on her a lot.

"Let Xiaolan pour some hot water later. Soaking your feet will make you feel better." The Fox Fairy smiled.

"Yeah." Hoarfrost nodded, suddenly feeling that Life in Black Tortoise is also very good.

After more than half a month of getting along, she has already fallen in love with Black Tortoise.


The transportation ladder stopped on the eighth floor of the high ground.

"Master Fox, Liyue Miss, you are back~~~

As soon as the transportation ladder stopped, Wei Youlan hurriedly greeted him. 270

The fox fairy nodded and asked casually, "Hey, where is Mu Liang?"

"Master Mu Liang is in the study." Wei Youlan said angrily.

"Is he okay?" The Fox Fairy asked concerned.

Wei Youlan whispered: "It's okay, I'm too tired, I'm still asleep."

Alina sighed and said: "How can you not be tired if you control such a big sand giant and fight the eleventh-order virtual ghost."

"Thanks to Mu Liang, otherwise Black Tortoise will be over... Yan Bing said softly.

The girls nodded in agreement, and suddenly felt that they were not very tired.

Wei Youlan obediently said: "I have prepared hot water. Let's wash it first. This will make it more comfortable and dinner will be ready soon.

"Okay." The Fox Fairy replied casually, dragging his tired body into the palace.

She went to the study and wanted to see how Mu Liang was doing.

Liyue followed, and the others looked at each other and went to the side hall where they lived.

Foxtail woman and Liyue came to the outside of the study, and subconsciously relaxed their steps.

Fox fairy stretched out his hand and gently pushed open the study door, looking into the room from the crack of the door.

Behind the desk, Mu Liang fell asleep leaning on the dragon chair, a fan-shaped shadow formed under his thick eyelashes.

"Still sleeping (bfcd)." The fox fairy turned sideways, opening his mouth and making gestures.

Liyue took a look at the probe and gently closed the study door without going in to disturb.

Let's go. "Let's take a bath." The stone in Liyue's heart was put down, and she gently held the foxtail woman's hand.

The two twisted one step at a time, dragging their tired body back to the side hall.

More than an hour later, the women gathered in the restaurant again and smelled a tempting fragrance.

The table is full of delicacies, with as many as twenty dishes.

"So much to eat!!" Huxi's beautiful eyes were shining, and the halazi at the corner of his mouth almost flowed out.


Sibeqi swallowed unconvincingly, her stomach rumbling.

Not only her, but Liyue, Yue Paiyan and others are also hungry, their eyes can't move away.

"Where is Nijisha?" Yan Bing asked softly.

"She is still busy in the inner city, but she should be back soon." Yue Qinlan walked in.

She had just returned from the administration, and the ghosts in the inner city had been almost cleaned up.

She sat down and asked gracefully, "Where is Mu Liang?"

"He's still resting." Fox Xianmei said.

After the girls took a hot bath, their bodies became much more relaxed and their exhaustion weakened.

Yue Qinlan nodded and said, "After so many days, let him sleep."


Bai Shuang walked in, and followed behind to call her little maid.

She had planned to settle the dinner in the room alone, but was brought to the restaurant by Xiaomi.

"Sit down, you're welcome." The fox fairy raised his lips, and his slender fingers gestured to the dining chair.

Hoarfrost pressed her pink lips, hesitated and said, "Then I will be welcome."

She sat down, her purple and golden eyes could not be removed from the dining table.

"I'm not late, am I?" A clear voice rang out, and Mu Liang stepped into the restaurant, with a more energetic look on his face.

"Mu Liang, are you okay?" The beautiful eyes of Liyue and Yueqinlan lit up, their pretty faces full of surprises.

Mu Liang smiled and said, "I have been fine.

"It's okay." Yue Qinlan has a lot of smiles on her face, and she personally helped him open the dining chair.

"Sit all." Mu Liang sat down and stretched out his hand to signal the girls.

"Okay." The girls who stood up sat down, and the atmosphere became relaxed.

The pillars of Black Tortoise are okay, everyone is at ease.

Eat first, "Let’s say something later." Mu Liang picked up his chopsticks and took a green vegetable to his mouth.

"Yeah, I'm all hungry." Huxi whispered.

"Ah woo~~~"

Yue Feiyan bulged her cheeks, chewing and praised: "It's so delicious."

Yueqin's blue eyebrows jumped, and he taught: "Don't talk when you are eating, the food will spurt out later."

"Got it~~~" Yue Feiyan nozzle muttered.

"Does the food not match the appetite?" Mu Liang looked at Baishuang, she hadn't moved her chopsticks yet.

"No, it's not. Hoarfrost" Qiao's face turned red, and she immersed herself in the white rice in the bowl.

"Then you are welcome." Mu Liang chuckled slightly.

He saw Hoarfrost's performance on the city wall.

"Well... Baishuang looked at Mu Liang secretly, and felt a different feeling in his heart. It was admiration and admiration, and there was a trace of admiration.

The person she originally admired most was her father, but now her ranking has changed. The number one is already Mu Liang.

Mu Liang glanced at everyone present, and asked casually, "Where are Bu Weier and Bellian?"

"They were in the Acropolis, they shrugged off the invitation, they were too tired and didn't want to move." Hu Xian said in a charming voice.

The foxtail woman is very familiar with the world, Bu Weier and the Oasis Elder help defend against ghosts, they should be invited to dinner together.

"Well, let's invite them to a banquet in the palace the day after tomorrow." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

The Fox Fairy smiled and said, "Well, I think so too."

Just after the ghost tide, Black Tortoise still has a lot of things to do. If you want to hold a banquet to celebrate, you have to wait for the time to finish.

"Where are Qin Yu and Dianes?" Mu Liang asked again.

"The loss of the city defense army is not small, the casualties are still being counted, and they are still busy." Yue Qinlan explained.

In her words, the action that made everyone present chew was just one meal.

"I seem to be full... Huxi put down his chopsticks.

"I'm full too." Yue Feiyan suddenly lost his appetite, thinking of the tragic scene during the day, how many people died in the city defense army?

Mu Liang tapped his fingers on the tabletop lightly, and said calmly: "People are iron rice or steel. Eat more. You can't waste food. You can help when you are full.

"Yes." Everyone glanced at each other and responded in unison.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization.

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