Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1105 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1105: You can become stronger by eating. (1 more)

Black Tortoise, in the study in the Highland Palace.

Mu Liang sat on the chair and Yueqinlan sat on the opposite side, reporting the losses caused by the Black Tortoise City in this ghost wave.

Yue Qinlan flipped through the notepad and said: "The loss in the inner city is not great. Only three highland guards were injured when cleaning up the ghost in the inner city, but none of them are in danger of life.

"That's good." Mu Liang cast his eyes down and nodded.

"Twenty-three houses were damaged, and three of them collapsed."

Yueqinlan turned to the next page and continued: “The green plants affected by the tree of life have been arranged for people to plant them back.

Mu Liang looked down and listened. Yue Qinlan's report was very detailed, but everything was important.

"This is the situation in the inner city. The losses in the outer city are still being counted. They should be able to finish the count after dawn." Yue Qinlan put down the notepad and looked up at Mu Liang.

"Thanks." Mu Liang raised his eyes and looked at her.

Yue Qinlan shook her head and stood up and came to Mu Liang, stretched out her hand, put her hands on his temples, and gently rubbed them.

She said softly: "Your spirit looks much better."

"Hey, I slept, and I feel better." Mu Liang's lips rose up, feeling the warmth from his temples.

"Fox fairy and Jialuo went to Shanhaiguan." Yue Qinlan said suddenly.

"I see." Mu Liang responded softly.

The Foxtail Woman and Gallo went to Shanhaiguan to help. This ghost tide caused a lot of casualties to the city defense army, and there were many things to do.

"You are tired too, go to the break." Mu Liang raised his hand and patted the back of her hand.

Yue Qinlan shook his head and said softly: "Compared with you, I am not tired.

"I am a man, not the same." Mu Liang smiled.

"Where is it different?" Yue Qinlan rolled her eyes with a smile.

Mu Liang wanted to say something, but he heard the cry of gluttonous beasts coming from the outer city.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

"What's the matter?" Yue Qinlan's hand movement paused, and her pretty face became more nervous.

"It's not a bad thing, I'll go and see." Mu Liang stood up as he said, and walked out.

Yue Qinlan blinked her beautiful blue eyes. Since Mu Liang said that it was not a bad thing, there was nothing to worry about.

Mu Liang left the palace, soared into the air and flew towards the outer city, rushing to the location of Rongrong Beast.

It is dark now, and most areas of the outer city are very bright. This is the credit of the Shining Beetle and Lantern Beetle, and it is for the city defense army to clean up the virtual ghosts.

In an empty place, Rongrong Beast lay on the ground, roaring from time to time.

After cleaning the corpses of the virtual ghosts in the inner city, I came to the outer city to help.

"What's wrong with the sacred beast?" The city defense army began to discuss nervously.

It looks like "It seems you are struggling?" Someone said uncertainly.

"Send it, it's really a bit like being overwhelmed."

The onlookers were both curious and anxious, for fear that Rongrong Beast would have a problem.


Mu Liang descended from the sky and appeared in front of Rongrong Beast.

"It's the lord of the city!!" Seeing that the city defense army saw Mu Liang appeared, he quickly and respectfully gave a military salute.

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded in greeting.

"The Lord of the City is here, so it should be fine."

"Yes, Lord Santos will solve the problem...

The city defense soldiers lowered their voices and discussed, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ho Ho Ho~~~"

The owner of the gluttonous beast yelled weakly when he saw it appeared, as if he was acting like a baby, but it made people hear the emotion of grievance.

"Okay, eliminate food." Mu Liang smiled and condensed a group of life elements on the gluttonous beast.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

The gluttonous beast jumped his eyes and roared comfortably.

After it absorbed the life elements, its momentum began to rise gradually, showing signs of breakthrough.

Mu Liang's eyes flashed, and he said loudly, "Everyone, step back a thousand meters.

"Yes!!" The city defense army responded in unison, turning around and walking away quickly.

Not long after the city defense army left, the body of the gluttonous beast began to grow bigger.

The eighth-level fatten beast is already 180 meters tall, and its body is getting bigger and bigger as its momentum rises.

After half an hour.

The gluttonous beast's aura climbed to ninth-level, and finally slowly stabilized.

At the same time, its size has also increased to 360 meters in height, and it has become a giant.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

Rongrong Beast lowered his head and got closer to Mu Liang.

"Hahaha, you are too big, just touch it." Mu Liang said with a clear laugh.

He stretched out his hand to carry a few hairs on the Rongrong Beast's head, and patted its head comfortably.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

Rongrong Beast cried out with satisfaction.

"Okay, you continue to eat." Mu Liang thought, and gave Rong Rongzeng instructions to continue to help deal with the corpse of the virtual ghost.

The Gourmet Beast nodded, turned around and opened his big mouth, sucking the surrounding corpses of the virtual ghost into the big mouth of the blood basin.

After the evolution of the gluttonous beast, the space in the body has become ten times larger, and it can swallow more virtual ghosts.

………For flowers…

The city defense forces were busy again, and together with the worker ants, they transported the corpses of virtual ghosts from all directions.

With a move of his mind, Mu Liang opened his four-dimensional attribute panel.

Trainer: Mu Liang.

Stamina: 4382.2. Speed: 4394.0.

Strength: 4397.9. Spirit: 4395.6.

Lifespan: 24 years old, 141930 years.

Taming point: 4052. Evolution points: 9,0267,3892.

Abilities: Fountain of Life (ten first-level), devour (ninth-level), puppet guard (seventh-level)


Domesticated Beast: Gourmet Beast Talent: Devour (ninth-level).

Running duck talent: eighth-level.


Trapping grass talent: puppet guard (seventh-level).


Mu Liang paid the most attention to the ability. When he saw that the gluttonous beast's ability had become ninth-level, he determined that the gluttonous beast had really evolved, and he didn't need to rely on the evolution point.

"You can become stronger by eating?" He had a weird expression.

He felt the two spaces inside his body, the size had increased from 200,000 cubic meters to 2 million cubic meters.


Mu Liang's black eyes were big, and he couldn't help but exclaim. The storage space in his body could put a small piece of land on it.

He just understood that even if the tamed beast does not need to evolve, it can make his own strength stronger, and the abilities he gained will also evolve at the same time.

"It saves a lot of evolution points." Mu Liang smiled.

Eighth-level domesticated beasts evolve to ninth-level, but it takes 100 million evolution points.

Mu Liang looked towards the evolution point. The nine-digit evolution point made the corners of his mouth slightly rise.

Part of these more than 900 million evolution points were transformed from the fierce beast spar sent by Buweier.

A few hours ago, Bu Weier asked a few bags of beast spar to be sent to the palace to express his gratitude to Mu Liang for taking in the people in Beihai Dacheng.

"When will we gather 100 billion evolution points?" Mu Liang sighed secretly, and there is a long way to go.

He glanced at the gluttonous beast while he was eating, and was happy to devour the corpse of the virtual ghost.

"It's still a child." Mu Liang chuckled a few times, then turned and left the outer city.

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code. again,

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