Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1113 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1113: What is this word for tiger and wolf. (3 more)


The melodious bell rang in the Black Tortoise city, and after six times, only the remaining sound lingered.

Bafu gently opened the study door and walked into the study room and said, "Master Mu Liang, the news came back from Shanhaiguan, that Miuda's fleet has already set off."

"Well, what about Xue Ji?" Mu Liang raised his eyes and asked.

Bhaguan shook his head and said angrily: "Xue Ji Miss hasn't contacted yet, it should be inconvenient.

"I see, wait a minute." Mu Liang frowned. Had the Variety Witch been discovered?

"Okay." Bami obediently responded and turned and left the study.

She hurried back to the contact room, waiting for the Variety Witch to report her safety.

When Yue Qinlan came to the study, the little maid left not long ago.

She saw Mu Liang's face at a glance, and asked in surprise, "Why frown, is there something wrong?"

Mu Liang raised his eyes and explained, "I asked Xue Ji to follow them to the New World."

Yue Qinlan was stunned, and continued to ask: "What then?"

Mu Liang sat up straight and said in a low voice: "The fleet has set off, and she has not reported that it is safe. I am wondering if it was discovered by the other party."

Yue Qinlan calmly said in a relaxed tone: "She trained with Liyue and the others. She knows how to hide herself. Maybe something else is delayed, so wait."

"Yeah." Mu Liang reached out and took Yue Qinlan's hand.

He turned his head to look at the woman's face, and said gently: "By the way, there is something for you to arrange."

"Let's talk, what's the matter?" Yue Qinlan blinked her blue eyes.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "Go and move out the useless grain reserves, and when the transport spacecraft is ready, they will be transported to the transit base."

In order to deal with this virtual ghost tide, Black Tortoise has stocked a lot of food. Now the virtual ghost tide has passed, and Black Tortoise alone can't eat it. It can be sent to various transit bases for trading.

"Okay, I will arrange it." Yue Qinlan nodded.

Mu Liang patted the back of Yueqinlan's hand and chuckled, "You can bring Bu Weier and let her get familiar with her work, so you can relax in the future." "

Bravel has signed the queen bee contract and is already a member of Black Tortoise.

We "think of going together." Yue Qinlan's lips rose.

Mu Liang smiled and continued: "This time the transport spacecraft is out, if there are refugees, they will all be picked up if there are no problems. Black Tortoise is still too few people."

Human beings are productive forces. If conditions permit, naturally the more the better.

In addition to productivity, the city defense army and the air force must recruit new recruits, which are all indispensable.

"Good." Yueqin's blue eyes were shining.

Once the ghost tide has passed, most of the inland areas must be miserable, and the number of refugees will not be small.

Yueqinlan stretched out her hand and gently kneaded Mu Liang's earlobe, and asked gracefully, "Anything else?"

Mu Liang's black eyes flashed with a gleam, and he lifted Yueqinlan up with a loud sound, and was about to go to the lounge connected to the study.

"Send to send!!"

A panic flashed across Yue Qinlan’s face, and she groaned: “It’s almost time for dinner, it’s not right now.

"It's okay, don't eat dinner, just eat you!" Mu Liang didn't care.

"...Yue Qinlan gaped, what kind of words are this tiger and wolf.

Suddenly, the study door was knocked.


"... Mu Liang's footsteps stopped, and the air pressure around his body became much lower.

Yue Qinlan breathed a sigh of relief and patted Mu Liang's shoulder lightly. Mu Liang said, "Let me come down quickly. It won't be affected by people seeing it."

"That's it again. Mu Liang whispered his lips silently, and gently put Yueqinlan back on the ground.

He decided to give himself a lucky halo next time, so as not to be disturbed every time.

Yue Qinlan held back a smile, ignoring Mu Liang's faint sight, and quickly sorted out her dress.

"Don't worry." She stood on her toes gently, leaving a touch of moisture on Mu Liang's face.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose, and he reached out and flicked Qinlan's forehead next month: "I'll look for you later."

"Ah!" Yue Qin's blue eyes trembled.

"Huh what?" Mu Liang leaned forward.

"No, it's nothing." Yue Qinlan held her chest with her hand, her heart beating very fast, she was a little expectant, and a little nervous.

"Mu Liang Lord?" Bhaguan's puzzled voice spread into the study.

The herder turned and sat back on the dragon chair, and agreed, "Come in."


Bhaguan pushed in and said with a blushing face: "Xue Ji" has news from Miss. Everything is going well, so adults don't need to worry.

"That's good." Mu Liang relaxed.

Yue Qinlan embraced her arms in front of her, and said gracefully: "Am I right?"

"Yes, that's right." Mu Liang smiled and said several compliments.

Yue Qin Lan Qiao's face was reddened, and she rolled a pretty eye.

In the eyes of Mu Liang, this is regarded as being cute and acting like a baby.

Buff continued: "Master Qinlan, Conch Miss is here, with a little girl, saying that he wants to see you.

"Got it." Yue Qinlan replied.

Mu Liang asked in surprise, "Who?"

Yue Qinlan explained: "She recommended a little girl to be a maid in the palace. I'll see if it fits."

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded thoughtfully.

"I will let Yao'er follow." Yue Qinlan said casually.

Just in case, the identity of the little girl needs to be verified.

"Well, it's okay." Mu Liang waved his hand, and the maid had to sign a queen bee contract, so there was no need to worry about spies coming in.

"I'll take a look, you will remember to come out for dinner later." Yue Qinlan said, and stepped out of the study.

In the living room, Haidie and Xiaozi were sitting together. The former drank Star tea calmly, while the latter held the teacup and stared at the exposed toes uncomfortably.

Xiao Zi was wearing a pair of tattered animal leather shoes. The toes had been worn out and a few toes were exposed.

This pair of shoes was made by her mother, so she kept wearing them if they were torn.

Conch softly calmed and said, "Don't be nervous, the people here are very nice, and you will have a good time working here."

(Good, good) "Hey, the little purple responds like a mosquito.

After a while, she raised her head and asked in a weak voice, "Master Haidie, can I work here like this?"

"It should be okay, as long as you don't do anything to damage Black Tortoise City." Conch is also not sure, after all, she doesn't understand the maid recruitment standards.

Xiao Zi shook her head vigorously and said excitedly: "No, Black Tortoise City has taken us in. I am very grateful and will not do anything to damage Black Tortoise City.

"Don't be nervous, relax." Haidie smiled bitterly.

"Okay," Xiao Zi lowered her head again, staring at her toes not knowing what she was thinking.

Conch put down the tea cup and moved his nose, smelling a tempting fragrance.

"Are you making dinner... she muttered softly."

The food in the palace is the best in Black Tortoise. Can you have a meal later?

. . . . . . pregnant.

ps: (3 more): ask for customization.

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