Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1114 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1114: Don't be suffocated. (1 more)

Ta Ta Ta~~~

When Yue Qinlan and Yao Er walked into the living room, Hai Die was leaning against the hot tea intently, her pretty faces full of enjoyment.

And Xiao Zi still lowered her head, her little hand between her legs, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Master Qinlan!" Haidie stood up subconsciously, still holding the teacup in her hand.

Xiao Zi also returned to her senses, and stood up anxiously, her purple eyes erratic and she didn't dare to look directly.

Yue Qinlan smiled and said gracefully: "Sit down, don't be nervous."

"Okay." Haidie touched her pink lips.

She was in a complicated mood, remembering that she was once the lord of an island, but she did not expect to say hello respectfully to others now.

Yue Qinlan glanced at Haidie and said clearly, "You should call me Qinlan from now on.

"Sister Qinlan?" Haidie tried to call out.

Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully: "Well, that's it."

"Good" Haidie suddenly became more comfortable, and even the gaze of Yue Qinlan softened.

Yue Qinlan looked at the purple-haired girl, who was sitting in a panic, giving a feeling of stiffness in her body.

She asked in surprise: "Don't be too nervous.

"I... Xiao Zi opened her slightly whitish lips, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"Please tell me." Yue Qinlan raised her eyebrows lightly. Did she scare 303 people so much?

Xiao Zi blushed and groaned like a mosquito: "I want to go to the toilet

When she first arrived at the Highland Palace, she was already suffocated, but she was timid and didn't dare to ask where the toilet was.

Yue Qinlan twitched the corner of her mouth, then chuckled.

She covered her mouth to cover the corners of her mouth, and said gently, "Yao'er, take her to the toilet, don't be suffocated."

Haidie also Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, knowing that the little girl is timid, but I didn't expect to be so small.

Presumably, "I'm afraid of life." She smiled and looked at the elegantly sitting woman.

"It's normal to come for the first time." Yue Qinlan nodded with a chuckle.

After a while, Yao Er came back with the little girl with purple hair. The expression on the latter's face was much more relaxed, but her little face was still flushing.

Xiao Zi sat in the meeting position, relaxed a little, and secretly looked at Yue Qinlan.

Yue Qinlan asked with a smile: "Your name is Xiaozi, right?"

Xiao Zi nodded slightly and said in a small voice: "I am."

With her slender legs folded, Yue Qinlan asked gracefully: "Okay, can you tell me why I came to be a maid?"

"I" Xiaozi looked towards the sea (bfcd) butterfly subconsciously.

Hai Die watched her nose and nose with her heart, with a look of don't ask me.

Seeing that she didn't look at herself, Xiao Zi could only bite the bullet and tell the truth: "I want to eat and live on my own."

"Just so?" Yueqin's blue eyes were surprised, and the little girl with purple hair was simpler than she thought.

"Yeah." Xiao Zi nodded vigorously, her expression becoming a little disturbed.

Yue Qinlan continued to ask: "Are your parents still there?"

Xiao Zi's mood suddenly fell, tears in her eyes.

She bit her lower lip, her shoulders trembled lightly, and choked up: "I'm not here anymore, I was killed by a virtual ghost...

Yue Qinlan fell silent.

Xiao Zi ran into tears with the back of her hand, and said hoarsely: "My lord can continue to ask...

"Okay." Yue Qinlan took a deep breath and asked a few more questions. Yao Er didn't say anything, which meant that Xiao Zi didn't lie.

Conch blinked her beautiful eyes, her heart lost.

Yue Qinlan asked the last question: "Is there still something on the Acropolis?"

"No more." Little Zi curled up her toes.

Yue Qinlan nodded, and said, "Yao Er, take Xiao Zi to the dormitory. You will arrange the rest."

"Yes." Yao Er nodded obediently.

Xiao Zi was stunned and looked at Yue Qinlan blankly: "I, did I pass the interview?"

"Of course." Yue Qinlan smiled lightly and nodded gracefully.

"Great!!" Xiao Zi stood up excitedly, her eyes redder, but this time it was because of happiness.

Yue Qinlan waved her hand and said warmly: "Go, change your clothes and come to the restaurant, and start studying tonight.

"Yes." Xiao Zi nodded vigorously, her eyes falling on Yao'er.

"Come with me." Yao Er smiled sweetly, turned and walked ahead to lead the way.

When the two maids left, Hai Die also stood up.

She said clearly: "Sister Qinlan, then I will go back first.

"Don't worry, let's go back after eating. It just happens to have a hamburger tonight. You can taste it." Yueqinlan said with a smile.

"Okay." Haidie's beautiful eyes lit up, and she agreed simply.

Yueqinlan's face was weird, listening to Haidie's tone, she looked like she couldn't ask for it.

Haidie's sight was erratic, and her pretty face was rarely blushed.

On the other side, Yao Er brought Xiao Zi to the side hall where the dormitory was located.

Yao Er pointed to an empty bed and said: "This is your bed. The cabinet here is empty, so you can use it."

The dormitory is not very spacious, but it is definitely not crowded, and the furnishings are all available, not inferior to the suites in the Samsung Building.

"This is great too!! Xiao Zi has big pink lips and her beautiful eyes are shining.

Yao Er lifted his chin and said proudly, "Of course, this is all given to us by Mr. Mu Liang."

"Is Lord Mu Liang the Lord City Lord?" Xiao Zi asked nervously.

Yao nodded at some point, and said with a serious face: "Yes, in the future you will also call Master Mu Liang, as well as Master Qinlan and Master Fox Fairy."

Hmm, "I remembered it." Xiao Zi answered earnestly.

"Here are your skirts, there are two sets in total."

Yao Er opened the closet, took out two sets of brand-new maid outfits, and urged softly: "You go take a shower first, and then go to the restaurant with me. It's time for dinner."

"Okay." Xiao Zi first gave the animal skin coat on his hand as a gift, and then carefully took over the maid outfit that Yao Er handed over.

At Yao'er's motion, the little girl with purple hair went to the bathroom to wash.

"Pitiful person too." Yao Er muttered, took out a new quilt, and began to help Xiao Zi make the bed.

A minute later, Xiao Zi came out of the bathroom with a wet body, her hair still dripping.

Her body was red and hot, and she felt guilty in her heart. She thought that taking a bath in fresh water was too extravagant, so she didn't dare to wash it for too long.

"Send it, why is it so fast?" Yao Er was stunned for a moment, and when she met Xiao Zi's embarrassed eyes, she immediately understood something.

With her hands on her hips, she said, "I have to wash for ten minutes in the future. Don't worry about running out of water. There is a sewage treatment plant in Black Tortoise. The water can be reused."

"Ah, reuse?" Xiao Zi was startled.

Yao Er couldn't help but chuckle, and said with a smile: "You will understand in the future. Now, dry your body first, put on your clothes and go to the restaurant with me. Time is not in a hurry."

"Okay." Xiao Zi nodded obediently, and his movements became swift.

ps: [1 more]: the second more positive code.

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