Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1115 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1115: Equivalent to excellent awakening ability. (2 more)

At eight o'clock in the evening, in the palace restaurant.

Fox Xian and others are already seated, chatting, waiting for Mu Liang's arrival.

"Mu Liang hasn't come yet?" Yueqinlan walked into the restaurant with Haidie.

The fox shook his head, Juan said: "No, he went to the back garden, he should be coming soon."

"Miss Haidie, please sit here." Wei Youlan stepped forward and gently opened the dining chair beside Jia Luo.

"Good." Haidie nodded, and received friendly smiles from the women.

Xiaoman brought new tableware and placed it in front of Haidie, and poured a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice.

There are too many fruits in Black Tortoise, so every dinner in the palace will have an extra glass of juice without adding any water.

Conch's beautiful eyes lit up, and her throat couldn't help but move.

"Guru Guru~~~"

Yue Feiyan covered her belly, with a pretty face, staring at the three big burgers and couldn't help swallowing saliva.

"Be patient." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Yue Feiyan puffed her cheeks, and said, "Mother, in two days I will follow the transport spacecraft to the transit base for inspection work."

"Well, go." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

This matter Mu Liang has already told her that compared to when she first went out to do errands, she now has a lot less worries about her daughter.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

There were hurried footsteps, and Yao Er took the new maid into the restaurant.

Yue Qinlan looked at the two walking people and smiled gracefully: "Here.

"Pick-up, is this a new maid?" Yue Feiyan stared at her beautiful red eyes, and looked at Xiao Zi curiously.

Xibeiqi showed her little tiger teeth and praised: "She looks very cute.


Xiao Zi blushed and saluted respectfully: "Hello everyone, I am Xiao Zi."

Alina said in surprise: "Ahlie, the same name as Lei Spirit Beast.

"Well, easy to remember." Yue Qinlan smiled.

Yue Feiyan said charmingly, "Let Xiao Zi know, don't be angry."

Lei spirit beast is particularly proud, especially after Mu Liang evolved it to eighth-level, his personality became more and more proud.

"The little Zi has to be careful." The girls looked at the little Zifa maid jokingly.

"I, I will... Xiao Zi said nervously.

"Don't tease her anymore, I'll be scared later." Fox Fairy Mei narrowed her red eyes, and she was very happy.

Xiao Zi was very nervous, but smiled happily, with much less sadness in her heart.

Mu Liang and Minuo walked into the restaurant one after another.

He smiled and asked, "What are you talking about, laughing so happily."

"Master Mu Liang!" Yao Er shouted crisply, and the little hand tugged at the back of Xiao Zi's clothes by the way.

Xiao Zi shook her body and hurriedly yelled out: "Master Mu Liang.

"Well, it looks pretty cute." Mu Liang praised with a smile.

Xiao Ziqiao's face flushed, and the lord of the city praised her, feeling a little excited.


The next moment, all the girls' eyes fell on Mu Liang.

"What's wrong?" Mu Liang raised his eyebrows slightly. Is this saying something wrong?

A smile flashed under Yue Qin's blue eyes, and said gracefully: "No, sit down quickly."

"Well, move the chopsticks." Mu Liang sat down and took a bite of the burger.

"I'm moving, comfort~~~" Yue Feiyan hadn't finished her words, she had already bitten the big hamburger.

"Today's burger is still so delicious." Sibeqi bulged her cheeks.


"...Xiao Zi pressed her pink lips and swallowed her saliva secretly, looking delicious.

Yao Er whispered: "Don't worry, you can eat later."

"Yeah." Xiao Zi nodded, looked at the people at the dining table, and then noted their appearance.

The Fox Fairy turned his head and asked, "Mu Liang, I heard that you let Xue Ji go to the New World?

"Well, her ability is very suitable for this mission." Mu Liang explained casually.

New World?

??" Haidie and Xiaozi were both taken aback.

The Fox Fairy said to himself: "I hope she won't be in danger and can bring back the information of the New World."

Xue Ji "Miss has reported that she is safe." Buff said obediently.

Before Xue Ji left, Mu Liang told her to always report her safety.

"She is very clever, and there should be no accident." Liyue said softly.

Alina said angrily: "She used to be a thief, but she is clever.

The little purple eyes are slightly big, can thieves join Black Tortoise City?

"Actually, it's okay to let the tiger go west." Mu Liang said and looked at the orange-haired girl who was struggling to eat.

"Huh?" Hu Xi raised his head and looked at him in astonishment.

Mu Liang said calmly: "Your awakening ability, coupled with the ghost armor, can easily escape the enemy's encirclement."

"Ah, why don't you let me go?" Huxi asked, tilting his head in confusion.

Mu Liang said in a gentle voice: "Thinking about it, Xue Ji will change her face and is more suitable for production in the New World, so she can find out a lot of news."

"That's it... Huxi nodded with a bulging mouth.

"There is another reason, because your strength is not high." Liyue said lightly.

"You don't need to say this sentence." Huxi bit the hamburger in his hand depressedly.


The girls couldn't help laughing again, and there was a lot of laughter in the restaurant.

Xiao Zi looked curiously, her mouth raised.

Yue Qinlan turned her beautiful eyes, turned her head to look at the purple-haired girl who was standing blankly, and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, Xiao Zi, are you the Awakener?"

"Yeah, I am." Xiao Zijiao nodded her head.

Awakening "What is the ability?" Mu Liang asked with interest.

Xiao Zi was embarrassed and said, "I don't know how to introduce it, but I can show it.

"Will it be dangerous?" Liyue asked vigilantly.

"No." Xiao Zi shook his head quickly.


Mu Liang patted the crumbs on his hand and smiled, "Then you can use your awakening ability to see."

"Okay." Xiao Zi said and glanced at Mu Liang, then closed his eyes and used his awakening ability.

Invisible fluctuations appeared in the purple-haired little girl, and then in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the little girl's body became translucent, giving people an unreal feeling.

"Is this?" Yue Qinlan blinked her blue eyes.

"You can throw things at me." Xiao Zi said weakly.

"I'm coming." Yue Feiyan picked up the glazed plate on the table, and said that he was about to throw it over.

"Wait, it's too dangerous." Yue Qinlan held her daughter's hand in an angry tone.

"I'll do it." The fox fairy picked up a napkin from the table, picked it up into a ball, and threw it at the little girl with purple hair.

A magical scene happened. The paper ball went straight through the little girl's body, without any sense of obstruction.

"Songsong? Xibeqi" and the others widened their eyes.

Xiao Zi said embarrassedly: "This is my awakening ability, and object attacks can't hurt me.

"Awesome!!" Yue Feiyan exclaimed, her red eyes gleaming.

"Equivalent to excellent awakening ability, is any attack ineffective?" Mu Liang raised his brows lightly.

"So far I haven't encountered an attack that can hurt me, and I'm not sure about the rest." Xiao Zi whispered.

Yue Qinlan nodded slowly and said: "That's also very powerful, and it can do a lot of jobs.

"As long as you can help." Xiao Zi nodded obediently.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. again,

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