Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1116 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1116: Don't worry about betrayal. (3 more)

In Shengyang City, Li Ergu and Zhengmei are supervising the city residents to repair the city wall.

The ghost tide passed, although Shengyang City relied on the strange ghosts and caused little casualties, but the city walls collapsed a lot and needed to be repaired as soon as possible.


Citizens stood on the wall, waved the stone hammer in their hands vigorously, and slammed the stone into half of the wall.

They were sweating profusely and bumped into each other under the supervision of the guards.

The collapsed city wall is nearly five to six kilometers long, and it will take tens of thousands of city residents to repair it for half a month before it can be repaired.

"I hope there will be no beasts attacking the city." Zhengmei glanced sideways at Li Ergu.

"Just after the virtual ghost tide, the nearby ferocious beasts might have been eaten up by them, and there won't be any ferocious beasts." Li Ergu twitched his mouth.

"makes sense.

Zheng Zhu nodded, agreeing: "You are still smarter."

"...You are too stupid." Li Ergu didn't have a "three zero three" aura.

The sister frowned and asked, "What happened to you today? You seem to be absent-minded, something on your mind?"

"Nothing." Li Ergu waved his hand and looked up at the city residents on the wall.

Shengyang City has protected the citizens, and now it is their turn to repair the wall. No one can leave unless the wall is repaired.

"No, you definitely have something on your mind." Zheng Riddle said confidently.

After the ghost tide incident, the relationship between the two has become much closer.

"...Li Ergu looked sideways at Zhizhu, and was silent for a while.

Zhi Zhu singled out his eyebrows, as if I was waiting for your answer.

Li Ergu sighed and said in a low voice: "I want to find Qiu'er, and then go to Black Tortoise to find Xiaogu.

Qiu'er is Li Ergu's wife, not in Shengyang City, but in another big city three days away from here.

Zhengmei opened her mouth in surprise, and after thinking about it, she replied: "Let's go, anyway, the ghost tide has passed, and Life can be easier in the future."

"But...Li No.2 hesitated again, and finally got a commander position in Shengyang City. If he left like this, it would inevitably be unwilling.

Zhi Zhu looked at Li Ergu's eyes and understood what he was worried about.

He raised his hand and patted Li Ergu's shoulder, and said earnestly: "Family is more important."

"I understand." Li Ergu let out a long sigh and made up his mind.

Zhi Zhu looked towards the city gate, where there were two rows of strange ghosts, who were also supervising the work. It is precisely because of their existence that the city residents did not dare to slow down their work, otherwise they would be slapped to death by the strange ghosts.

Zhi Zhu lowered his voice and said, "But if you want to leave, you'd better be careful not to be discovered by the city lord.

"Well, I'm thinking of a way." Li Ergu nodded.

"It's best to wait until night before leaving." Zhi Zhu suggested.

Li Ergu shook his head and said hoarsely: "No, strange ghosts are more like ghosts at night. If I meet them chasing me, I can't hide."

"Yes." Zheng's expression became serious.

The strange ghost is like an imaginary ghost, and it is completely black. When the night falls, it can easily hide in the night without being discovered.

"I have to find an excuse to talk to the lord of the city." Li Ergu's eyes flickered, thinking something in his mind.

Zhi Zhu's spiritual light flashed, and suddenly said: "Go to the transit base to buy food!

??" Li Er was shocked.

"You told Lord City Lord that there is not enough food in the city. The Black Tortoise hasn't arrived for a long time. You can go to the transit base to purchase food and come back." There was a light of wisdom in the eyes.

"It seems that the baggage can't help but raise the corners of the mouth.

Zhi Zhu sighed and exhorted: "Be careful."

"I will." Li Ergu nodded.

He hesitated and continued: "It's too dangerous to stay by his side and do things."

"Yeah." He lowered his eyes, knowing that Li Ergu was talking about City Lord Shengyang.

Since the study of alien ghosts and the beginning of mass production, the character of Shengyang City Lord is like a different person, becoming more and more tyrannical and impermanent. If he angers him, he will be arrested and turned into alien ghosts.

In the City Lord's Mansion, one-fifth of the people have become strange ghosts, because when the virtual ghost tide will come, those people want to leave Shengyang City, and the price is to become strange ghosts.

"You must pay attention to your safety. I always feel that his eyes are wrong when looking at us." Li Ergu reminded in a low voice.

Zheng Mei's eyes showed irony, and she chuckled: "He wants to turn us into ghosts, so that he can completely control them, so he doesn't have to worry about betrayal."

"You all understand!" Li Ergu's face was surprised.

"A fool can't see it." Zhi Zhu curled his lips.

Li Ergu was silent for a while, and asked silently: "Then why don't you leave?"

"Who said I won't leave?" Zhi Zhu asked rhetorically.

"Huh? Li Ergu blinked his eyes.

"Hehe." Zhengmei sneered a few times.

The two of them glanced at each other, smiled silently, and understood what they were thinking.

Li Ergu suggested: "You can also go to Black Tortoise, which is very suitable for elderly care."

"Look again, don't worry." Zheng Mei raised her eyes, her gaze fell on the wall, and she was silent again as she watched the scrawny citizens.

"What are you doing?" A gloomy voice sounded not far away.

City Lord Shengyang came out of the city and walked towards the two with his back.

"I'm talking about purchasing supplies." Li Ergu's face was as usual.

"Purchase supplies?" City Lord Shengyang narrowed his eyes.

Li Ergu frowned and said bitterly: "Hey, there is not much food in the city. It won't last a few days. If the Black Tortoise doesn't come again, you can only go to the transit base to make a deal."

"You can wait for the Xinghuang merchants to come." Shengyang City Lord said a little relieved, and looked at the city wall with his back on his back.

Li Ergu was speechless for a moment, and smiled bitterly: "My Lord, the ghost tide has just passed, where are the surplus merchants who have left for food?"

"...The corner of Shengyang City Lord's eyes jumped.

On weekdays, Li Ergu handles food trading, and he doesn't understand the situation of the merchants.

"The base is not close to us." He whispered.

Li Ergu shook his head and said calmly: "It only takes four days to get to Jinyuan City, not too far."

Shengyang City Lord turned his head and said: "Then you go, I will let the ghost follow you and help carry the goods."

When Li Ergu heard that his pupils shrank suddenly, his own plan 2.3 was discovered?

"What?" City Lord Shengyang asked suspiciously.

"My Lord, if the ghost goes to the transit base, I'm afraid I won't be able to get in... The Zhengmei said.

Shengyang City Lord nodded thoughtfully, and said hoarsely: "Then let them stay outside the transit base, and you will move the traded goods outside."

"Okay." Li Ergu can only grit his teeth, intending to take a step and take another step. If there is no chance to get rid of the strange ghost, he can only find another chance.

Shengyang City Lord nodded in satisfaction, turned around and said: "Well, clean up and leave in the afternoon.

"Good." Li Ergu sighed secretly.

"Be careful." Zheng Zhu opened his mouth silently.

Li Er nodded, turned and entered the city.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization.

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