Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1117 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1117: Train. (1 more)

The seventh floor of the high ground, in the spirit tool workshop.

In the studios of Ali Xue and Ali Ya, the two sisters are immersed in making parts for the locomotive.

A Liya put a processed fierce beast bone on the table, and said, "Sister, come and help build the vein!"

Although the two sisters are already high-level spiritual masters, they are the weakest high-level masters.

It would be very difficult for anyone to make a high-level magic weapon alone, but it would be much easier for two sisters to make it together.

"Okay." A Lixue put down his work, turned around and came to Little Sister's side to help build the pulse path.

What they are doing now is the connecting parts inside the locomotive, which are used to connect the bearing and the steam engine.

A Lixue's lavender eyes lit up, and she focused her awakening ability.

A Liya also used her awakening ability, her gray eyes were shining with dim light, and the fierce beast spar became translucent, and the small veins inside could be clearly seen.

She reached for the magnifying glass and placed it in front of her, concentrating on finding a place that could be closed so that the pulse path could be constructed.

A Liya was responsible for finding the gaps in the materials, and A Lixue started to modify the veins. It was not the first time that the two cooperated, and everything seemed to be going well.

The two were busy for half and 15 hours before the first vein was constructed.

"Take a rest." Aliya closed her beautiful gray eyes, her eyes were a little sore, and she needed to rest for half an hour to recover.

A Lixue took a glass bottle with a light green liquid and put it next to Little Sister: "This time I insisted on it longer.

"Yeah." A Liya raised her face, dripped the light green liquid medicine into her eyes, and her mouth responded vaguely.

The light green liquid medicine is diluted with angel tears, which can relieve Alia’s eye fatigue after using her awakening ability.

With the increase in the number and time of using the awakening ability, Aliya has been able to use the awakening ability for half an hour without interruption.

"So comfortable." A Liya closed her eyes, the cool feeling made her very comfortable.

A Lixue said excitedly: "Today we should be able to assemble the locomotive."

"It should be possible." A Liya stretched out her hand and gently pressed her temple, quietly waiting for the tingling sensation of the double burst to disappear.

After half an hour, the tingling sensation in the gray-haired girl's eyes disappeared completely.


A Liya opened her beautiful eyes and sighed lightly.

"Go on." She said crisply.

"Yeah." A Lixue replied.

The two of them continued to build their veins, and forgot the time when they were too busy.

After all the parts of the locomotive were made, it was dark outside.

A Lixue glanced at the swinging clock on the wall, and the hour hand was already at the position of the number eight.

She moved her sore neck and smiled bitterly: "It's a wrong time. Today is not finished."

Ali Ya Cai said with her eyes: "It should be done tomorrow."

"Then let Lord City Lord come again tomorrow." A Lixue nodded, and helped Little Sister to sit down.

She said softly: "You take a break, and I'll take care of the rest."

"Okay." A Li Ya nodded her head.

A Lixue put the finished parts in the trolley and left the studio with a drag.

The locomotive is not small to assemble, and it is more convenient to assemble it outside, and there is no need to skim it in the follow-up test.

In the Spirit Tool Workshop area, there is a small square that is not open to the public. Above the square is the floating cloud square on the eighth floor of the high ground, which happens to ensure the privacy of the Spirit Tool Workshop.

A Lixue found the colored glaze track made in advance and fixed it on the square.

The power of the locomotive is provided by a steam engine. Without electricity, the track can be made of colored glass, and the degree of rigidity is no worse than that of the steel rail.


A Liya began to assemble the locomotive, doing everything by herself, for fear that there would be a lot of problems if any link went wrong.

She worked alone for more than half an hour, and Little Sister came to help.


The stomachs of the two cried together.

Go find "Something to eat." A Lixue looked at Little Sister.

"Then I'll get something to eat." A Liya replied.

She thought for a while, turned back to the studio, took the lunch box and left the spiritual tool workshop, ready to go to the cafeteria to pack and eat.

When she came back, A Lixue had already installed the base of the locomotive, was installing the wheels, and adjusting the angle just happened to be stuck on the glazed track.

"Let's eat first, and then we can make it together." A Liya shouted.

"A Lixue answered without raising her head: "Here.

Today’s dinner is sweet potato cakes, rice, red beasts, and a bowl of tomato egg drop soup.

The food is still steaming and looks very tempting.

"It looks delicious." Li Xue pressed her pink lips.

A Liya said crisply: "Drink some soup first, your mouth is dry and cracked."

"So are you." A Lixue poked Little Sister in the face.

After the ghost tide passed, the two sisters stayed in the spirit tool workshop, in order to build the locomotive as soon as possible.

Ali Ya snorted and said, "Eat while it's hot."

"You eat more, you are all thinner." A Lixue looked at Little Sister's sunken cheeks, feeling a little distressed.

A Liya touched her cheek when she heard the words, and said suspiciously, "Is there?"

Of course. "A Lixue nodded earnestly.

A Liya smiled and said charmingly, "That's pretty good, it looks thinner and better."

"You're already skinny enough." A Lixue said in a bad mood.

A Liya broke the subject and said, "Sister, what do you think of Future City now?"

"I don't know." A Lixue chewed.

Can the future city survive the wave of virtual ghosts?

"Hmph, those who do evil, it is best to be killed by the virtual ghost." A Liya grinned her silver teeth, and her face was full of 303 angrily.

Her eyes were a little red, and when she thought of Future City, she thought of her dead father, and her mood dropped suddenly.

"Although the big Elder and the others have done a lot of evil, those city people are innocent after all. If the virtual ghost rushes into the future city, many people will die." A Lixue sighed.

She most wanted to let the big Elder and the second Elder of the future city die, but she didn't want other city residents to suffer.

"Huh.... Aliya snorted coldly, chewing the rice as if venting anger.

A Lixue whispered: "Ask Master Qinlan tomorrow, maybe there is news about the future city."

"Well, I can just invite Master Mu Liang over." Aliya nodded.

A Lixue said with a serious face: "Then the locomotive will be assembled tonight, and the test will be done tomorrow. Only if successful can I call Master Mu Liang."

"It will be successful, I have a hunch." Ali Ya lifted her chin confidently.

"That would be better." A Lixue chuckled slightly, when Little Sister was comforting herself.


Ali Ya's mouthful of chewing rice and delicious food made her feel better.

Rice has been planted on a large scale, but there are still very few people who can afford rice. This shows how good the highland canteen is.

ps; (1 more): the second more positive code.

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