Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1126 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1126: Kuitian Great City. (2 more)

The Air Force soldiers returned, bringing fruits and dried sweet potatoes.

"These are the only ready-to-eat foods," the Air Force soldier said angrily.

"This is fruit!!" Qing Wu's orange eyes widened and couldn't help exclaiming in exclamation.

Yue Feiyan picked up the fruit and stuffed it to the little girl, and urged: "Eat, aren't you hungry?"

"Will you give it to me?" The green potato looked unbelievable. It looked a little dull, but it made people feel pitiful.

Yue Feiyan nodded repeatedly and said, "Well, I'll eat it for you, eat it quickly."

"The precious green mist hesitated, holding the huge apple and swallowing.

Yue Feiyan pushed the apple in the little girl's hand forward, and said seriously: "Eat it, it's nothing, we eat it every day."

"Eat every day!" Qing Wu's eyes widened again.

She hesitated, her body's hunger prompted her to lower her mouth, biting the apple "March 20" while crying.

Damn it~~~

Tears slid from the little girl's cheeks and took away some dust.

Qing Wu sipped the apple, crying: "It's delicious, it's so sweet....oooooo, it's so delicious."

"Eat slowly, there are more." Yue Feiyan said softly.

"Yeah." Qing Wu nodded, but the movement on his mouth did not slow down.

In a short while, the fist-sized apple was eaten with its core and pulp.

"It's delicious." The green mist licked the corner of his mouth still, and stepped on his white lips with the back of his hand.

"Eat another one." Yue Feiyan took out another apple and placed it in the palm of the little girl's hand.

"Big sis, you are so kind." Qing Wu cried again.

Yue Feiyan sat on the floor and said soothingly: "Let's eat, and after eating, tell me about the situation here."

"Good." Qing Wu nodded obediently, biting the flesh.

A few minutes later, she slowly stopped choking, and whispered: "On the third day of the blood moon, many ghosts came to attack the city, and the sky was blocked..."

The little girl said in a low mood. The ghost came to attack the city and killed a lot of people. There were corpses everywhere, and screams and calls for help filled the whole city.

She hid in the stone house, where her father and mother used the corpse of the virtual ghost to block the innermost part, and was not found and killed by other virtual ghosts.

When the ghost tide passed and Qing Wu crawled out of the piles of corpses, he could no longer find his father and mother, except for two broken bone knives and one animal leather shoe worn by his father.

When the ghost tide passed, Qing Wu and the others met with the surviving people. In the original big city of more than 70,000 people, only less than two thousand people were left alive.

"Where are they?" Yue Feiyan asked.

"Hidden, I'm afraid there are still virtual ghosts that haven't left." Qing Wu answered truthfully.

Yue Feiyan asked seriously, "Then do you want to leave here?"

"Where to go?" Qing Wu asked curiously.

"Go to Black Tortoise City, there are many green plants there." Yue Feiyan said crisply.

Qing Wu asked curiously: "How many green plants are there?"

"It adds up more than Kuitian Great City." Yue Feiyan stretched out his hand and gestured.

Kuitian city is the dilapidated city at the foot.

"Wow~~~" Qing Wu's face was full of yearning, and his heart was already beginning to move.

"Do you have any relatives here?" Yue Feiyan stood up and pulled the little girl up.

"Without Qing Wu, his mood fell again.

Yue Feiyan said angrily: "That's right, come with me to Black Tortoise City, there is no longer a place to live here."

"Good." Qing Wu didn't think much about it, but thought that the person who could give her precious fruits to eat would not be a bad person.

"Take me to find someone else?" Yue Yan took the little girl's hand.

Qing Wu raised his face and asked, "Does Big sis take them away too?"

"Well, it's contaminated here, and you will get sick if you continue to live." Yue Feiyan nodded.

Before she left Black Tortoise, her mother had told her that she could accept refugees, and then brought her back to Black Tortoise.

Big sis, "You are really a good person." Qing Wu said moved.

"I know." Yue Feiyan Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She was a bit embarrassed to be praised three times in a short period of time.

"Big sis goes this way." Qing Wu took the hand of the red-haired girl and walked to the other street.

Yue Feiyan was dragged away, her eyes were on her surroundings, and she did not relax her vigilance.

Air force soldiers followed in the sky, with their hands on the crossbow, also very vigilant.

Qingwu took Yue Feiyan across three streets, came to a large collapsed stone house, and stopped at an entrance to the underground.

"They are right below." She said crisply.

The little girl took the secret healing medicine and ate two more apples. At this time, she became more energetic and no longer looked trembling.

Yue Feiyan exhorted: "Go down and ask them to come up, just say that someone is coming to rescue them."

"Okay," Qing Wu responded and moved down the underground cave.

Yue Feiyan looked around, and the underground cave in front of her didn't seem to be formed naturally, but it looked like it was dug out.

"There are also earth element awakeners?" She became serious.

"I'm back...

Qing Wu talked as he walked, so as not to be hurt by the man on duty at the entrance.

"I'm back." She walked into the dark underground space with her short legs.

The entire underground space was dark, without a trace of light.

Because the underground air is inherently thin, if the fire is regenerated, it is equivalent to the sweet potato, and it will also cause the air to be consumed faster.

"Where have you been, why have you been there for so long?" A hoarse male voice sounded, and the words were full of worry and dissatisfaction.

"I'm too late, I'm out looking for food... Qing Wu lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"Oh, it's okay." The man breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't blame the little girl anymore.

Another voice sounded, also very weak: "Then have you found something to eat?"

"I didn't find it." Qing Wu shook his head, but then said: "But I met the kind Big sis and gave me two fruits to eat."

"Good-hearted Big sis, give you fruit!!" The husky male voice sounded again, but this time he was shocked.

"Nonsense, how can anyone be so kind and give you fruit to eat."

"You are afraid that you have been deceived!

In the dark crypt, there were constant voices of questioning, and without exception, they were very weak.

"No, really not." Qing Wu was anxious.


She hurriedly argued: "The kind Big sis is just outside, saying that he wants to take us away and go to Black Tortoise.

There was silence in the crypt for a few seconds.

The hesitant hoarse voice sounded again: "Go to Black Tortoise City!!"

Nearly two thousand people were present, and at least half of them knew about the city of Black Tortoise. It was the news that the Lord of the City came back from participating in the Sacred Land Council.

The city of Black Tortoise, there is paradise, there are green plants everywhere, and there is endless fresh water.

"They really said it was Black Tortoise? Someone asked again.

"Yes." Qing Wu nodded aggrievedly.

"Go out and take a look." An excited voice sounded.

Several figures walked out of the darkness in succession, pulling the green mist to the outside of the cave.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. .

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