Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1127 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1127: It still hurts one's self-esteem. (3 more)

Outside the cave, Yue Paiyan embraced her hands in front of her, her red eyes under her helmet were piercing.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

There was footsteps in the cave, and she couldn't help squeezing the Vermillion Bird fan in her hand.

The first thing that came out was the green mist, and his little face was still gray.

Behind her were two men and a woman, all dirty, as if they were rolling in the mud and pool of blood.

Yue Feiyan frowned and looked at them, secretly guessing their identities.

"Uncle, this is the kind Big sis." Qing Wu reached out and introduced the red-haired girl.

Liao Yang looked serious, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Are you from Black Tortoise?"

"I am." Yue Feiyan sullen her face, creating a look that I'm not easy to mess with.

The woman behind the little girl spoke.

Yu Yu asked nervously, "I heard Xiao Wu said, you want to take us to Black Tortoise City?"

"Hey, if you are willing to go, you can leave with us." Yue Feiyan nodded calmly.

Yu Yu hurriedly stretched out his hand and said, "Yes, I am willing."

Liao Yang glanced at Yu Yu, then frowned, "How do you prove that you are from Black Tortoise?"

Yue Yanyan frowned when she heard that, and said softly: "Is this still to prove?"

Before Liao Yang could speak, Yue Pai Yan Jiao snorted: "15 Please make it clear that I am not begging you to go. It doesn't matter whether you want to go or not."

She was very depressed. She wanted to help, but she was still questioned.

Liao Yang showed embarrassment, and quickly defended: "Uh, I didn't mean that..."

"Good Big sis, Uncle Mai is not a bad person." Qing Wu whispered.

"Yes, I'm just more cautious." Liao Yang said embarrassingly.


Yue Feiyan looked better, and said straightforwardly: "You have nothing to be deceived by me, right?"

"...Liao Yang nodded in disbelief. Although it is true, it still hurts one's self-esteem to say so.

"I don't have time to waste here, I have to go to Fengcheng." Yue Feiyan continued.

"Don't you go to Black Tortoise City?" Yu Yu said in amazement.

Go to "Fengcheng and then Black Tortoise." Yue Feiyan agreed casually.

"Oh oh... Yu Yu didn't think much, but still wanted to follow Yue Feiyan, and didn't want to go back to the dark underground.

Yue Feiyan glanced at the dark sky, and said anxiously: "I will give you half an hour to prepare. If you want to leave, you can gather outside."

"Wait, there are so many of us, how do we get to Fengcheng?" Yu Yu asked in confusion.

Yue Feiyan didn't explain, she turned her head to an Air Force soldier and said, "Go, let the transport spacecraft descend and release the stealth."

"Yes." The Air Force soldier responded and controlled the worker bees to fly upwards.

Yu Yu looked up at the sky with question marks all over their faces, but saw nothing.

"Send, it's gone!" Liao Yang exclaimed, seeing the Air Force soldiers and Gong Feng disappear.

Yue Feiyan looked at the show and stared at Yu Yu.

Sure enough, five minutes later, the doubts on the three people's faces turned into shock, and their jaws almost dislocated because their mouths were too wide.

"This, this, this, Yu Yu exclaimed again and again.

In the sight of the three people, the transport spacecraft appeared out of thin air, and was beginning to descend at a constant speed.

"Are there any questions?" Yue Feiyan asked with her hands on her hips one by one.

"No, no more, let's go with you." Liao Yang shook his head vigorously.

After seeing the transport spacecraft, he believed that these people in front of him were from Black Tortoise.

"I'll call other people out." Yu Yu ran to the cave excitedly, his excited laughter could not be suppressed.

"Big sis, are we going to sit here and leave?" Qing Wu raised her small face, her orange eyes full of curiosity.

"Hey, sit here and go to Black Tortoise City." Yue Feiyan knelt down and reached out to wipe the little girl's face. Some of the dried blood stains couldn't be wiped off. They had to be softened with water to wipe off.

"Big sis, you are such a good person." Qing Wu's tears flowed.

"...Yue Feiyan feels her head big, is the little girl in front of her made of water?

She quickly calmed down and said, "Okay, be good, don't cry."

"Okay, I won't cry anymore." Qing Wu flattened her mouth and tried her best to endure it.

Yue Feiyan couldn't help but smiled bitterly, "Forget it, don't worry about it, just cry if you want.

"No, I don't cry." Qing Wu took a few deep breaths, raised his hand and pushed his eyes hard, the tears really stopped flowing, but the eyes were still red.

Yue Feiyan breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, some people came out of the cave. At first there were only a few people. The number of people in the back grew more and more, and suddenly it passed a hundred.

These people didn't believe it at first, but when they looked up and saw the huge transport spacecraft, they suddenly became convinced, and they kept crying in exclamation.

"Great, Black Tortoise is here to rescue us, oooooo...

"It turned out to be true!!"

Outside the cave, there was a lot of crying. Those people who had been hungry for two or three days now had an expression of hope on their faces.

Yue Feiyan sighed and thought of a lot of things. The previous Yuetan tribe was better than the current situation.

After half an hour, the transport spacecraft slowly descended again.

Everyone, "I am Yue Feiyan, the person in charge of this transport spacecraft." Yue Feiyan took a step forward, looking at everyone present with a serious face.

Just now Liao Yang had already told her that everyone in the cave had come out.

"Thank you, my lord, for saving us." One after another, the voices of the city people's forgetfulness sounded.

"Before I go to transport the spacecraft, I want to tell you something clearly, so as not to make trouble afterwards."

Yue Fei sullenly said with a serious face: "After entering the transport spacecraft, you can only stay in the arranged cabin, and you can't walk around at will. Food will be delivered to you every day. Before arriving in Xuan 320 Wu City, if anyone All troubles will be expelled."

"Your Excellency, we won't make trouble."

"Yes, we are all honest people.

The city residents have repeatedly promised that they will not cause trouble.

Yue Feiyan nodded slowly, and said solemnly: "Very well, remember what you are saying now."


The transport spacecraft landed, the hatch on the first floor was opened from inside, and the Air Force soldiers marched out and stood on both sides of the hatch.

"These are all spirit weapons!" Liao Yang's pupils contracted, and he noticed the armor on the soldiers of the Air Force.

"Okay, go up." Yue Feiyan clapped her hands and urged.

It's getting dark, there is no time to waste here.

"Okay, go up quickly." Liao Yang nodded quickly.

Hmm "." Yu Yu's face was filled with excitement.

She didn't squeeze with others, but stood beside Yue Paiyan and waited quietly.

It took more than twenty minutes, and nearly two thousand talents boarded the transport spacecraft and were guided to the cabin by the crew.

"Go up." Yue Feiyan took Qingwu's hand and finally walked into the cabin.

She was a little weird in her heart, and she experienced the feeling of being a mother?

Boom boom boom~~~

The transport spacecraft took off again, ascending to high altitude.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization.

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