Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1134 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1134: Great rivers and seas. (1 more)


The sea, the smallest piece of sea among the eight seas in the New World, borders the sea kingdom and is also named after the Haiting Kingdom.

Haiting Kingdom is a big port country, with 18 large and small ports, the largest of which is named Haiting.

The permanent population of the entire kingdom is as high as 5.32 million. If you include businessmen and people from other places, the population is more than 6 million.

The palace of the Haiting Kingdom is located in the coastal city of Saron'er, the main city of Haiting Kingdom.

The city of Saroner is very large, with a resident population of 300,000. Because of its proximity to the sea, the flow of people is very large. The actual population in the city is far more than 300,000.

The city of Saroner, which was full of voices on weekdays, is now much quieter. The city is in a mess, and the sound of crackling keeps ringing.

Citizens waved their hammers and nailed wooden boards to the wall to repair houses destroyed by Magical Beasts.

When the blood moon came, Magical Beasts became violent, and a large number of Magical Beasts rushed into Haiting Kingdom, causing serious losses.

Especially in the city of Sayon, the amphibious magical beasts appeared, breaking through the protective barrier of the palace magician, causing a lot of casualties, and most of the houses in the city were destroyed.

It has been ten days since the blood moon disappeared, and the city of Sayon is still being rebuilt.

The only place in the city that is safe and sound is the palace of the Haiting Kingdom. It is located in the center of the city of Sayon. The palace occupies one-eighth of the area of ​​the city.

When the violent Magical Beasts attacked the city, the 333 group of knights and magicians in the palace tried their best to resist, and then they reluctantly killed the Magical Beasts and kept the palace safe.

Inside the palace, in the Great Hall, King Haiding sat on the main seat, scanning the restless knights, magicians, dukes, and earls below with a dark face.

King Hai Ting asked in a deep voice, "Is there no whereabouts of the princess yet?

Hoarfrost has disappeared for nearly three months.

"Not yet." The knight commander bit his head and said.

King Hai Ting raised his hand and slapped the desktop hard, and said angrily: "Trash, I have been looking for it for three months, and there is no news at all?"

The great magician stood up and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I have a little eyebrow.

King Haiting's eyes lit up and urged: "Say it!"

"I found out that after Princess Baishuang bought the maid next to her, she left the palace with a stealth potion, and then got into an adventurous fleet." The great magician said with a sullen face.

"Then what?"


King Haiding leaned forward and asked, "Have you found the adventure fleet?"

The Grand Mage shook his head and bowed his head and said: "No, when the adventure fleet went out to sea, it was already destroyed by the storm.

"What!!" King Haihe stood up with a triumphant cry, his eyes cracking.

The Duke said anxiously: "Grand Mage, you can't talk nonsense like this."

The Grand Mage said hoarsely: "This is what I found. Maybe Princess Hoarfrost got off the ship halfway, and was not on the ship."

"Hoarfrost.... King Haihe's eyes went dark, and after a few physical examinations, he almost fell over.

"Your Majesty the King!!" The knight commander and others stood up in a panic, and were about to go forward to change their support.

"Get down, I'm fine." King Haihe waved his hand and sat back with the armrest.

He was panting heavily, his face was very ugly, and his hands holding the handrail were shaking.

The knight commander turned his head and glared at the Grand Mage, and said angrily: "Yueyi, what are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense." Grand Mage Yue Qinyi's tone was still calm.

The knight commander sneered: "You just want to piss your majesty, your heart is vicious!"

The Duke said angrily: "Yes, what is your intention?

Yue Qinyi's eyes were cold, and she stared at the knight commander and the duke with cold eyes, as if she was looking at a dead person.

"Enough, be quiet." King Haihe shouted angrily.

"Your Majesty, can't let this nonsense person go." The knight commander gritted his teeth and shouted.

King Haiding showed killing intent and said hoarsely: "Are you going against my meaning?"

"Dare not." The knight commander gritted his teeth, lowered his head and dared not continue.

He is a native of Sayoner City, and he is an outsider. Although he doesn't know why he became a person trusted by the king, in his eyes, the great magician is a person with unpredictable intentions.

King Haiding suppressed the grief in his heart and raised his head and asked, "How is the reconstruction work in each district going?"

The Duke said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the reconstruction of the Southern District has been 50% completed."

Your Majesty, "The reconstruction of the Western District has also been completed by 50%..."

Everyone reported the progress of the reconstruction work in an orderly manner.

The Haiting Kingdom is divided into four districts, east, west, south, and north, which are managed by the dukes.

"Complete the reconstruction work as soon as possible. Let's do this for today, let's all go back." King Haiding waved his hand.

He stood up and said, "Mage Yueyi, come with me."

"Yes." Yue Qinyi nodded, got up and followed King Haihe to the back of the chamber.

The knight commander, the duke, and the earl opened their mouths, and finally didn't dare to say anything more.

The knight commander and the duke looked at each other, turned and left.

The two left the palace and talked in a low voice.

"What did you do, how could she find out?" The knight commander said with a black face.

The Duke also looked cloudy and uncertain, and whispered: "I don't know, I'm already very careful."

"Hmph, if we really find it, you and I will only have a dead end." The knight commander's voice was cold, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The Duke shook his head and said with a sneer: "No, I have already cleaned up all the relevant people. If I continue to check, I can't find anything else."

"Hey, it's best." The knight commander snorted and left in strides.

"Huh." The Duke sullenly, staring at the knight commander's back, his low-eyed killing intent hidden well.

He whispered to himself: "Princess Hoarfrost, I hope you are really dead."

On the other side, Yue Qinyi followed King Haihe into a side hall, guarded by guards outside the door.

Your Majesty "." Yue Qinyi said softly.

Say, "What's the specific situation?" King Haiting turned and sat down, his face still ugly, but it was better than when he was in the Chamber of Deputies.

"Princess Baishuang really got into an adventure team, and then went out to sea, to the Misty Sea, and indeed encountered a storm in Misty Overseas." Yue Qinyi said coldly.

King Hai Ting paled, and his voice trembled, "So Hoarfrost is really dead?"

Yue Qinyi shook her head and said with a serious face: "No, I have asked Yilun to divination, Princess Baishuang is still alive, but I don't know where she is currently."

"Yilun...I'll just be alive." King Haihe breathed a sigh of relief suddenly, with hope in his heart.

Yilun is a well-known master of divination in the Kingdom of Haiding, and has never miscalculated so far.

"Your Majesty, I have found other news." Yue Qinyi whispered.

"Say." King Haihe raised his hand for a gesture.

Yue Qinyi said coldly: "The disappearance of Princess Baishuang is related to the Duke and the Knight Commander.


"Sure enough, it was them!!" King Hai Ting eyes reveal cold light, raising his hand to pat the table next to it to pieces.

ps: [1 more]: the second more positive code.

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