Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1135 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1135: Does Mu Liang like me? (2 more)

Highlands, palaces.

In the study, Mu Liang listened to Yueqinlan and Buweier reporting the affairs of Black Tortoise City in recent days.

"Mu Liang, the three major inland transfer bases, has each built six processing plants.

Yueqinlan opened the notepad and said gracefully: “Among the six processing plants, fur processing plants, food processing plants, and sanitary ware plants have all been put into production, and the other three plants are still undergoing final improvements. Put into production."

The sanitary ware factory, which mainly produces toothbrushes, toothpaste, and soap, will also be sold to the New World in the future.

From Muida's mouth, not everyone in the Haiting Kingdom knows how to clean the mouth, just because the potion for cleaning the mouth is not cheap, and only the nobles and the royal family are willing to use it daily.

This news is a business opportunity for Mu Liang, and that's why it built a sanitary ware factory in the transit base.

"Well, continue." Mu Liang tapped his finger on the desktop lightly.

"Feiyan and Charlotte have both arrived at the transfer base, and they will be back tomorrow."

Yue Qinlan continued: "The transit base where Xibeqi is located can also reach Jinyuan-City tomorrow."

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded blankly.

Yue Qinlan tilted her head and said gracefully: "Bu Wei'er, you are the rest."

Bu Weier was stunned: "Ah, me?"

"Of course." Yue Qinlan raised his chin.

"Okay," Bu Weier sighed slightly and opened his own notebook.

She looked at Mu Liang and said in a serious tone: "Master Mu Liang, the reconstruction of the inner city has been basically completed, the greening has been restored, and the farmland in the inner and outer cities has also been restored...

Bravel's report is very detailed, as long as she thinks it is important, she will not bother to say it again.

"Very good." Mu Liang was surprised, and Bu Weier had the shadow of Yueqinlan doing business.

Yue Qin Lan Chao Mu Liang blinked his blue eyes, lowered his voice and said, "She has a talent for management.

"I can see it." Mu Liang smiled, and Yueqinlan can really relax in the future.

Bu Weier sighed and looked at Mu Liang Zhizhi: "My work report is over.

Mu Liang looked sideways at Yue Qinlan, and asked in a gentle voice, "Anything to add?"

Yue Qinlan smiled and shook his head, and said gracefully: "No, I didn't say anything wrong."

"Then it's okay." Mu Liang said clearly.

"Okay." Bu Weier's lips raised.

Babble babble~~~

A sweet voice sounded.

A green light appeared in the study, which flickered for a while and became solidified, becoming a life element spirit.

Mu Liang's black eyes lit up, and he said with joy, "Ling'er, have you recovered?"

"Yeah, I have recovered and become stronger." Linger said and waved her little hand, looking very cute.

Only then did Mu Liang take a serious look at the appearance of the life element elves, she is already 1.2 meters tall, like a lively twelve-year-old girl.

Bouvier looked at the life element elves curiously, focusing on the three pairs of transparent wings behind her.

The spirit of life element flapped its wings and plunged into Mu Liang's arms.

"How strong is it?" Mu Liang asked with a smile.

Ling'er waved her small hand proudly and said: "How many times stronger than before, I can also stop the ghosts that are twice as many as last time.

Awesome". Mu Liang praised it without hesitation.

Although the life element spirit has grown up, his IQ is still like a child.

Linger used her face to look at Mu Liang's face and said coquettishly: "Hehe, I will protect my father."

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled and rubbed the head of the life element spirit.

Bu Weier turned her head and asked in a low voice: "Do Ms. Mu Liang like children very much?"

"It should be." Yue Qinlan shrugged.

Buweier's eyes flickered, and her brain refilled: "Mu Liang is so handsome. If he has his own child in the future, he must be very cute."

Yue Qinlan glanced at Bu Wei'er and said gracefully: "Then it depends on who has the blessing to be Mu Liang's wife."

Bouvier opened her mouth, as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

In her opinion, Yueqinlan is the most likely to be Mu Liang's wife. She is beautiful, capable, and strong.

Yue Qinlan asked with a smile, "What do you want to say?"

"No, it's okay." Bu Weier shook her head, shut up and said nothing.

"Father, I'm hungry." Linger said along his mouth.

"Okay." Mu Liang stretched out his hand upon hearing the words, and the life elements gathered into a ball and fell into the hands of the life element elves.

"Thank you father. Ling'er" said in surprise, swallowing with the life element in his arms.

Mu Liang reached out and poked Ling'er in the face, and said amusedly: "There is not enough.

This time, the ghost lake, thanks to the life element elves, minimized the loss of the inner city, which should be rewarded.

"Yeah." Ling'er responded with a charming voice.

She remembered something, raised her head and said with her mouth open: "By the way, my father, I can go to the branch."

...For flowers...

"Is there no limit?" Mu Liang's eyes widened slightly.

Ling'er raised her chin slightly, and said proudly, "I can go wherever Star Realm can be covered."

Mu Liang exclaimed, "That's great.

Linger can freely appear on the branches of the tree of life, which means that the major transit bases will be safer.

Yue Qinlan stood up and said gracefully: "Nothing else, I'll go ahead.

"Well, let's go." Mu Liang hugged Ling'er and nodded.

"I'm going back too." Bouvier stood up and was about to leave.

Mu Liang suddenly said: "You will wait again."


"Okay." Bu Weier was stunned, glanced at Yue Qinlan subconsciously, and nodded Mumu.

Yue Qinlan kept walking and left the study gracefully.

Bu Weier looked back at Mu Liang and asked curiously: "Mu Liang, what do you want?"

Mu Liang shook his head and asked calmly, "Are you still used to living in Black Tortoise?

"Well, this is very good, better than any other place." Bu Weier nodded seriously.

"Hey, that's good." Mu Liang cast his eyes down and nodded.

He asked indifferently, "I can help you make a high-level spiritual weapon, what do you want?"

"Oh, really?" Bu Weier opened her red lips slightly, her face was stunned, and then she turned into ecstasy.

"Yeah." The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose.

This is a reward for her.

Bu Weier hesitated, and whispered: "I want a defensive high-level spirit weapon, not too cumbersome, can it?"

Mu Liang thought for a while and agreed, "Yes, it's not difficult."

"Great, thank you sir Mu Liang." Bu Weier was shocked and grateful.

"Okay, let's go back." Mu Liang waved his hand.

"Yes." Bu Weier stood up, saluted respectfully, and left the study briskly.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

She walked in the main hall and paused. The more she thought about it, the more things went wrong.Why did Mu Liang suddenly give her a high-level magic weapon?

Could it be that Mu Liang likes me?

"Impossible." Bu Weier shook her head quickly, feeling that this idea was unrealistic.

After all, there are more than one or two women in the palace who look better than her.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. again,

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