Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1144 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1144: Hope for survivors. (2 more)

Mu Liang turned his head and said, "Go and get a drop of tenth-level angel's tears.

"I'll go." Fox fairy stood up, twisted and left the drawing room.

Soon after, the fox fairy came back with high heels, and the heel hit the ground with a crisp sound.

Yo Yo Yo~~~

The fox fairy returned to Mu Liang's side and put down the glass bottle containing the tenth-level angel's tears.

The glass bottle is not big, and there is a drop of emerald green liquid the size of a fingernail at the bottom of the bottle, which rolls as the bottle rotates, leaving no traces on the bottle body.

The dragon lord's eyes were fiery, and he forcibly resisted the idea of ​​taking it away.

Your Excellency "?" The Fox Fairy raised his eyes, and the rose red eyes under the long eyelashes were shining with dim light.

The dragon lord took a deep breath and took off the animal skin bag hung around his waist. It just contained 500,000 high-rank beast spars with the same value as the 500,000 elementary and middle-level beast spars.

He wondered, Does Mu Liang know how many fierce beast spars he brought today?

The fox fairy's legs overlapped, and seeing the dragon lord hesitating, his tone was light and fluttering: "If you are unwilling, please go back."

"Why don't you give up?" The dragon master flipped his wrist, and the animal skin bag was thrown in a parabola in the air.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and grabbed it, grabbed the animal skin bag in his hand, and stowed it into the portable space.

"Next." The fox used the same method to toss the glass bottle over.

The Dragon Lord stared his eyes wide, watching the 350 glass bottles swirling and falling in the air, his breathing could not help but speed up.

He stood up reflexively and reached out to grab the glass bottle.

The corners of the fox's lips were slightly raised, and the glass bottle was as hard as iron, and it would not break even if it fell on the ground, so she dared to throw it like this.

The dragon lord grabbed the glass bottle in his hand, and the tears of the angel inside still condensed into a drop, and did not spread out in the shaking.

His heart beats faster, his strength in his hands has increased a bit, but his worries are less.

He glanced at Mu Liang, and was about to put away the angel's tears.

"Don't take it now?" Fox fairy raised his eyebrows lightly.

She jokingly said: "If something goes wrong after leaving, we will not be held responsible."

The dragon lord heard this, and then looked at Mu Liang who seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

He hesitated, and chose to open the glass bottle and pour the tears of the tenth-level angel into his mouth.

The angel's tears turned into a cool breath after the entrance, and flowed down the throat to the abdomen, and after a few breaths, it spread all over the body.

"Ah!!" The dragon master let out a painful snort, gritted his teeth and held on.

The scarlet lines under his clothes were slowly fading, and finally disappeared.


Long (bfcd) rolled his throat and couldn't help bending over and vomiting. A large pool of black sewage was spit out, exuding a disgusting stench.

"It smells so bad." The fox fairy raised his hand to cover his nose, and there was disgust in his rose red eyes.

.... "I'm sorry." Longzhu was apologetically apologetic.

His attention was quickly diverted by the changes in his body. After spitting out the sewage, his body was unprecedentedly relaxed, as if it had been washed inside and out.

When Dragon Lord opened his collar, he only saw his chest covered with scars, and the scarlet lines that had been eye-catching were gone.

"It's great, it's really good!!" The Dragon Lord raised his eyebrows with joy, and the wrinkles on his face relaxed a lot.

He looked at Mu Liang excitedly, and his dissatisfaction disappeared at this time.

"Congratulations." Mu Liang smiled.

He raised his hand, and the water elements gathered and turned into a stream of water to roll up the sewage on the ground.

In the moment of Mu Liang's thoughts, the water flow slowly compressed into a mass, and then it was purified by high temperature to avoid secondary pollution.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang, many people in Soaring Dragon Valley in my Soaring Dragon Valley have been infected by virtual ghosts... The dragon lord's face is heavy, and I don't know how to continue.

The fox said calmly: "The tears of angels that can completely cure the virtual ghost's infection are gone.

"...The Dragon Lord choked silently.

Even if there is, there is no way, so many Dragon Guards are infected, but a drop of tenth-level angel's tears will cost 500,000 elementary and middle-level fierce beast crystals, and he can't get it out.

Mu Liang said calmly: "However, we have developed a secret medicine that can relieve the infection of the virtual ghost and can make the infected person live a few more years."

Really "!" The dragon lord immediately became energetic when he heard the words.

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Well, after a few years, we should be able to develop a more potent secret medicine, which will continue to last."

The Lord Long’s eyes turned, and he was unable to let Long Wei cure the infection of the virtual ghost, but it would be good to live for a few more years to relieve the infection.

He asked, "How to trade?"

"One thousand elementary and middle-level fierce beast spars." The fox fairy shook his two fingers gently.

This can be regarded as a preferential price from Black Tortoise City, giving some hope to the survivors of the ghost tide.

Long advocated Zhang Tong. The price is not cheap, but it is not expensive. It can be said to be a conscience price.

"You can consider and decide if you want." The Fox Fairy said gracefully.

The ghost tide has just passed, everyone is difficult.

The dragon lord gritted his teeth and nodded: "Don't think about it, I want two hundred copies, but I need to give me time to get the fierce beast spar."

Mu Liang said calmly: "Yes, when you come, you will go directly to the transit base to get the secret medicine with the fierce beast spar.

"Isn't it here?" The Dragon Lord was shocked.

Mu Liang glanced at the Dragon Lord and said calmly: "Black Tortoise is about to leave. You will get closer to the transit base, and I will give you the address.

Two days later, the city of Black Tortoise will leave here, go to the mysterious sea of ​​mist, and formally explore the new continent.

The dragon lord nodded slowly, but couldn't help but curiosity, and asked, "Where are the Black Tortoise city going this time?"

"The deeper part of the salt water area." Mu Liang explained casually.

The dragon lord frowned and asked puzzledly: "In the deeper part of the salt water area, there are storms that are endless day and night, except for the fog that can pass through the sky. What are you going to do there?"

He had been close to the sea of ​​mist, but he could not pass through the storm. The sky full of lightning was too terrifying.

Mu Liang smiled and didn't say much.

""Long insisted on his mouth, but from Mu Liang's smile he could see the meaning of estrangement and no comment.

"It's me who took the liberty." The Dragon Lord replied.

The fox fairy put down the overlapping slender legs and asked on her behalf, "Anything else?"

"No more." Dragon Lord shook his head, stood up wisely and prepared to leave.

He took two steps forward, then turned around and asked, "Your Excellency Mu Liang, do you know the situation in other big cities?"

"Beihai City, Ten Thousand Demons City, Sand City..." Mu Liang recites the names of more than a dozen major cities, all of which were destroyed in the Xugui Lake.

The reason why he knew of these news was partly from the transfer base, and the other part was the information he asked Baize Lion to use Yaotian's power to collect.

"Beihai Great City, Ten Thousand Demon City...!" The Lord Long's eyes were shocked, and his heart was not calm.

The population of these more than a dozen big cities has exceeded 150,000 in total.

The Dragon Lord sighed, and left.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization.

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