Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1145 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1145: Ability to awaken in every situation. (3 more)

Ta Ta Ta~~~

The sky was pitch black. In a mountain forest full of dead branches, Li Ergu's mouth was galloping in the darkness with blood on the corners of his mouth.

From time to time, he turned his head and looked behind him, even in the darkness around him, he could still feel that something was chasing him.

"Damn it, don't give up." Li Ergu shouted angrily, and couldn't help but spout another mouthful of blood.

He is a little weak in physical strength, but he dare not slow down at all, otherwise he will die.


Behind him, the sound of dead branches being trampled off sounded one after another, which made his heart grip.

Li Ergu's face was hidden, and his feet kept moving.

It's dark all around, but his sense of direction is not bad. This is what he learned from hunting in the dark all year round.

Before Li Ergu went to Shengyang City as the commander, he used to be a bard hunter, met his wife, and after being pregnant, he chose to stop in Shengyang City for stability.

He distinguished the obstacles in the direction of advancement, avoided the dead wood, and directly rushed past those that could not be avoided, so that there were no major injuries on his body, but small injuries were all over the exposed skin.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The harsh voice sounded, obviously getting closer and closer to Li Erxiao.

His scalp is a little numb, and regret is growing in his heart.

"I've known it a long time ago and I'll bear it." Li Ergu cursed secretly.

After he left Shengyang City, he headed south to prepare for Jinyuan City, but he had been following four strange ghosts all the way behind him, following every step of the way.

After seven days without incident, Li Ergu never found a chance to get rid of the ghost.

He didn't want to go to Puyuan City, but wanted to find his wife. He was afraid of taking the strange ghost with him, so he wanted to get rid of the strange ghost before leaving.

Only half of the plan was implemented, but the strange ghost noticed something was wrong, and immediately pursued him.

This chase lasted for a day and a night, during which Li Ergu did not drip in, let alone eat, and could only run desperately.

He is human, so he will be tired.

But the strange ghost is no longer a human being, and if you can't feel the ticket, you can chase him until he can't run.


Li Ergu panted heavily, but did not dare to stop, otherwise he would be chased by the ghost immediately.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

"Damn it!" Li Ergu's heart became more and more aggrieved when he heard the weird cry behind him.

He waved his backhand without turning his head, and several huge bone spurs exploded on the ground, stopping the two strange ghosts.

It can only be stopped for a few seconds.

Li Ergu panted louder, but did not dare to slow down.


He halted and broke a few dead branches, and the cry of the strange ghost behind him suddenly got closer.

"Ah!!" Li Erxiao roared and continued to run wildly, even if his feet were already dripping with blood.

He thought of his daughter and his wife, he just wanted to survive.

What to do, what to do?

Li Ergu gritted his teeth and wanted to fight the ghost to the death, but he couldn't see the hope of life.

If it is one or two virtual ghosts, he can still defeat it.

But there are four virtual ghosts behind him. He has no chance of winning, and he will be torn to pieces when he stops.

Suddenly, there was a light at the end of his sight. It was a familiar light.

"It's saved!!" Li Ergu's eyes showed joy, and he faintly guessed where he was in front of him.

There was hope in his heart and he ran faster.

After running for hundreds of meters, he felt that he had left the forest and was running on a barren plain.

Without obstructions, Li Ergu's speed was even faster.

In contrast, the four ghosts behind him were also faster.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The strange ghost roared, seeming to be very angry.

Li Ergu didn't care, but rushed forward.

In front of him, was a city wall tens of meters high, with bright lights on the wall and the sky full of stars behind the wall.

"The transfer base is finally here!!" Li Ergu's eyes were beaming with joy.

He turned his head and glanced not far away, and vaguely saw another big city, namely Jinyuan City.

But for him, the transit base is obviously closer.


On the city wall, a beam of light struck over and fell precisely on the embarrassed Li Ergu.

On the city wall, the garrisoned city defense army controlled a huge searchlight and looked at Li Ergu with a serious face.

The searchlight is big, half a meter in diameter, like a huge flashlight.

This is made of colored glaze. Inside is a lantern beetle. After it shines, it is refracted by a concave-convex mirror to turn the light into a beam.

"Who are you?" the city defense army shouted with a serious face.

"Help, there is a ghost who wants to kill me." Li Ergu shouted, his voice hoarse, like a broken suona.

"Wonderful ghost?" The city defense army on duty frowned. What is that?

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The evil voice sounded, and immediately attracted the attention of the city defense forces.

The second searchlight was turned on, illuminating the ground behind Li Ergu, and showing four ugly ghosts in front of the city defense army.

...For flowers...

"What is that?" someone exclaimed.

The bold city defense army guessed: "It should be a fierce beast, it may be the strange ghost he said."

"Do you want to attack?"

"Fight, save people first."

The city defense forces decided in a few words, the sniper rifle was set on the wall, and the muzzle was aimed at the alien ghost in the distance.

Li Ergu's face was ugly, he was almost at the gate of the transfer base, but the other party did not respond.

"Am I really going to die?" His heart sank.

The next moment, there was a cracking sound above his head.


Under the searchlight, gunpowder smoke was still floating, and the bullet had crossed a distance of 100 meters and hit the head of a strange ghost with precision.


Li Erxiao paused and looked back with feelings.


Due to the running inertia of the hit, the strange ghost ran forward for another distance, and then fell to the ground and couldn't get up again.

"Dead?" Li Ergu's eyes widened.

"Yes, the marksmanship has improved a lot!!" The city defense soldiers praised the city wall.

"Okay." The soldier holding the sniper rifle blushed, knowing in his heart that he was able to hit the ghost due to his own awakening ability.

His name is He Luo. He is eighteen years old this year. He is an awakened person. Whether it is archery, spear, Flying Daggers, etc., he has a hundred shots.

"Quickly, there are three more." The other soldiers urged, and then closed their mouths, worrying about disturbing him.

"Okay." He Luo's eyes flashed brilliantly, and he pulled the trigger as soon as he aimed.


The city defense forces had not seen clearly, the bullet once again accurately penetrated the forehead of another strange ghost.

Great, "There are two more." The soldiers exclaimed.


Two more gunshots sounded, and two strange ghosts fell to the ground in response.

"Okay." He Luo breathed a sigh of relief, closed his gun and stood up, with the muzzle pointed at the sky. This is a rule.

"All four shots went headshots. How did this happen?" the soldiers asked excitedly.

"This, just practice more." He Luo stretched out his hand and scratched his head, with a simple face, but he didn't want to reveal the secret.

ps: (3 more); ask for customization. again,

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