Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1146 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1146: Nourishing and tonic. (1 more)

Highland Palace, in the restaurant.

Mu Liang, Huxian and others are having breakfast.

Qin Yu and Dianes rarely appeared in the restaurant today.

Mu Liang said gently: "Feiyan should be back today."

Early in the morning, Wei Youlan received the news from Yue Feiyan using the resonance bug: The transport spacecraft has entered the salt water area and will arrive in Black Tortoise today.

The fox fairy looked at Yue Qinlan and asked, "I haven't seen you in a few days. Sister Qinlan, do you want her daughter?

Yueqin's blue eyes gleamed half jokingly: "I don't want to, she likes to run outside."

"No wonder.

"I was talking about her yesterday."


All the girls laughed, knowing that Yueqin's blue mouth was wrong.

Liyue asked softly, "Where are Charlotte and Sibeqi?"

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "They have gone a long way, and they won't be able to come back tomorrow. "Three, five, zero."

Alina turned her head and asked, "Don't you want to leave tomorrow?"

According to Mu Liang's plan, Black Tortoise City should move tomorrow.

"This is not a conflict." Yue Qinlan took the soft white rice porridge cooked by her mouth.

Mu Liang explained: "The little Black Tortoise can move, and the transport spacecraft can catch up."

"It seems so... Alina blinked her pink eyes.

Mu Liang smiled and asked, "How is your new writing?"

Alina said with a serious face, "I have written four pages. I will continue to write when I have a break."

"Well, write well." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

The city of Black Tortoise lacks books and can only gradually enrich it.

"I will." Alina was encouraged, and she became more determined to write a good adventure travel journal.

Mu Liang looked at the Fox Fairy and asked calmly, "How is the business situation in the business district?"

The business district has resumed operations and shops have reopened.

"There are no outsiders, and the daily income in the business district is pitiful." The fox fairy slid down the fox's tail.

"When I go to the New World, I should be able to earn more." Mu Liang said slowly.

He now focuses on the New World, which has a large population. As long as he sells some rare things in the New World, he won't worry about earning Magical Beasts.

The old continent has been laid out, relying on the transfer base and transport spacecraft, you can continuously earn Magical Beasts spar.

"Hope." Fox Fairy's beautiful eyes gleamed.

Mu Liang looked at Qin Yu again and asked, "How many recruits did the recruits recruit?"

"Currently only a thousand people have been recruited." Qin Yu said softly.

"So little? Mu Liang frowned slightly.

Qin Yu explained: "At present, there are only so many people. More urban residents still choose to be stable and safe, and choose to go to work in the workshop.

Yueqinlan looked at Mu Liang and said gracefully: "There is still a shortage of people.

Mu Liang nodded slowly and said softly, "Wait for Feiyan and the others to come back, and see if they can bring back many people.

Yue Feiyan and Sibeqi met many refugees on their way to the transit base.

There are still many refugees hiding in the transit base. They will come to Black Tortoise City with the transport spacecraft, which can add a lot of fresh blood to Black Tortoise City.

"Then I have to prepare to accept those refugees." Yue Qinlan thought thoughtfully.

Mino turned his head curiously and asked, "Mu Liang, the ghost tide has passed, so what are you doing with so many new recruits?"

Mu Liang patted the bunny-eared girl on the head: "The danger in this world is not just a wave of ghosts. We can only become stronger and stronger. We can't stop and look comfortable when dealing with other dangers.

"I see... Minor nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, I'm full, you eat slowly." Mu Liang put down his chopsticks and stood up.

As soon as he left the kitchen, he ran into Hoarfrost in the main hall.

Bai Shuang asked, "Your Excellency Mu Liang, are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Mu Liang responded.

Baishuang's face was full of joy, and he said excitedly: "Great, I am going back finally."

"Don't worry, I will send you back." Mu Liang smiled.


Hoarfrost nodded vigorously and said gratefully: "Thank you!!

She was in a complicated mood. She remembered meeting Mu Liang for the first time, and then ignoring him back then. She didn't expect it would develop like this now.

"Anything else?" Mu Liang asked softly.

"Well, do you still have lychees?" Baishuang's little hand was behind her back, a little embarrassed.

She ate the lychees given by the little maid yesterday and kept thinking about it all night.

Although there are a lot of fruits in Hai Ting Kingdom, there are no lychees and no lychees are delicious, otherwise it won't make her think about it.

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, and asked in surprise, "Is there no lychee on your side?"

"No, it's the first time I have eaten it." Hoarshuang didn't think much, and answered truthfully.

"I understand, I'll let Xiaolan pick some for you later." Mu Liang's beautiful eyes shone, and there was an idea in his heart.

"Thank you." Baishuang thanked again, and then happily went to Wei Youlan...

"Are there no lychees... Mu Liang's lips rose.

He looked at Xiao Zi who was standing at the gate of the palace, raised his hand and beckoned.

"Mr Mu Liang, what's the matter?" Xiao Zi walked quickly.

Mu Liang said gently: "Bring me the lychee core you collected."

He instructed several maids to collect the finished lychee cores, so that they could grow lychee on a large scale in the future.

"Okay, I'll get it." Xiao Zi ran away excitedly.

Mu Liang had the idea in his mind that since there are no lychees in the New World, it is entirely possible to turn lychees into a unique variety of Black Tortoise City. After large-scale planting, they can be sold to the New World.

The lychees planted under the tree of life, even if it is a catty of one hundred elementary and medium fierce beast spars, should be bought by many people.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

Xiao Zi returned happily, holding a colored glass jar in his arms, which was filled with black and red lychee cores.

"Mr. Mu Liang, all are here." Little Zi moved forward with a hand.

"Yeah." Mu Liang opened the lid, turned and walked towards the back garden.

Xiao Zi hesitated, but hurriedly followed.

The two came to the back garden.

Mu Liang poured the cores of the fruit on the ground, raised his hand to display the Realm of life, covering the lychee core.


The strong vitality spread out, and the cores began to sprout and take root.

In just ten seconds, all the pits sprouted and grew into small saplings measuring 20 cm in length.

Xiao Zi's beautiful eyes widened, and she stared without blinking, admiring Mu Liang more and more in her heart.

2.3 It was the first time for her to see Mu Liang gave birth to green plants, and the shock in her heart could not be added.

"It's amazing...Xiao Zi exclaimed in a low voice.

"Xiao Zi, dig them up and install them so that they can be sent to the orchard for planting." Mu Liang warned, turning his head.

There is no more land in the back garden for planting lychee trees.

Although the lychees grown in the orchard will be nearly as good, you can also make a lot of money by selling ten elementary and medium fierce beast spars per catty.

After all, unlike the mother plant of lychee in the back garden, it is nourished by the tree of life nearby, and the growing fruit is a kind of nourishing and tonic."

"Okay." Xiao Zi nodded obediently.

She squatted down and carefully dug up the soil to separate the litchi seedlings.

Mu Liang took a look and then turned and left. He had other things to do, and the follow-up events were handed over to the tree of life.

ps: [1 more]: the second more positive code.

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