Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1150 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1150: The characteristics of Black Tortoise. (2 more)

early morning

Yo Yo Yo~~~

The city of Black Tortoise, the Acropolis and the inner city sounded melodious bells at the same time, and a new day began.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

The sleeping rock turtle woke up, its huge head raised up, making a loud roar.

The surrounding sea was surging, and the waves slapped against the rock shell-tortoise's body.


The rock turtle began to move, heading in the direction of the sea of ​​mist.

In the inner city high ground, in the palace study.

Mu Liang raised his eyes to look east, and said calmly: "Little Black Tortoise has started to move."

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "At the speed of Little Black Tortoise, you can reach the Misty Sea in three days."

Mu Liang raised the corners of his lips and said warmly, "Well, it's really exciting.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

The study door was knocked, and Buff pushed the door and walked into the study.

She said crisply, "Mr. Mu Liang, someone from the pottery workshop has sent a message saying that what you want has already been made."

"So fast?" Mu Liang's black eyes lit up.

"Are you going to have a look?" Yue Qinlan asked gracefully.

"Of course." Mu Liang nodded.

Yue Qinlan stood up and smiled like a flower: "I'm going to prepare the carriage."

Soon after, Mu Liang and Yue Qinlan left the high ground in a carriage and headed to the pottery workshop.

After arriving at the pottery workshop, Mu Liang walked into the workshop surrounded by highland guards.

"My Lord of the City!!" The person in charge of the workshop walked out quickly and respectfully greeted Mu Liang's arrival.

"Take me to see blue and white porcelain." Mu Liang waved his hand.

"Yes, Lord City Lord, come with me." The person in charge smiled, walked aside and stretched out his hand to lead the way, welcoming Mu Liang and others to the innermost pottery workshop.

The deepest part of the pottery workshop is the pottery kiln.

In front of the huge kiln, the staff is moving out to return the clock.

The sagger is also made of ceramics, which can withstand high temperatures, and it contains burnt blue and white porcelain.

The sagger is mainly to prevent direct contact between the kiln fire and the ceramics to be fired, resulting in contamination.

The saggers were moved out one by one and placed on the ground carefully. Some saggers have been opened and the ceramics inside can be seen.

"Lord City Lord, look." The person in charge bent down, and the sagger took out a head-sized jar from it.

The main body of the jar is very light blue, and there are cyan flowers on it, which looks like a blooming peony.

Mu Liang's eyes glowed, and he reached out his hand to take the ceramic jar. The jar was warm and smooth to the touch, without a trace of Impurities.

Yueqin's blue red lips slightly opened, and he exclaimed: "It's so beautiful!!"

"Better than expected." Mu Liang stretched out his hand and tapped the can lightly, making a sweet, crisp sound.

The ceramic jar in his hand is the best ever seen on this continent.

The person in charge breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and the smile on his face relaxed a lot.

Yueqinlan rubbed the ceramic jar body, and exclaimed: "You can sell it at a good price if you put it in the Treasure Building."

Mu Liang turned his head and asked, "Is all this kind of ceramics inside?

"Yes, there are fifty-six in total, and there are various sizes and styles." The person in charge nodded.

Mu Liang lifted his chin and gestured: "Open it all and take a look."

The person in charge responded: "Okay."

The remaining saggers were opened, and the warm air flow spread out.

The staff moved carefully and removed all the ceramics from the sagger.

The person in charge counted the number and said respectfully and regretfully: "Sir, only fifteen ceramics are intact, and the rest are flawed and damaged."

Among the fifteen ceramic products, there are bowls, plates, tea sets, and various styles of ceramic bottles. The smallest is as big as a palm, and the largest is half a meter high.

"Well, think of a way to increase the yield." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Yes." The person in charge nodded respectfully.

Mu Liang stepped forward and picked up a teacup to play.

The body of the teacup is white with a blue dragon-shaped pattern. It looks beautiful, like a work of art.

Yue Qinlan exhorted: "Burn a complete set of tea sets and send them to the palace.

"Yes." The person in charge nodded repeatedly.

Mu Liang reached out and pointed to a few ceramic bottles, and said calmly: "These few will also be moved to the palace and placed in the main hall for decoration."

"Okay." The person in charge was delighted.

It is a great honour for him that the porcelain he burned can be placed in the Highland Palace.

Mu Liang thought for a while and exhorted: "Try it and see if you can burn a porcelain bottle of the same height as a person."

The person in charge said with a serious face: "I will try and I won't disappoint Lord City Lord."

Mu Liang raised the corners of his lips and said calmly: "Well, there will be a bonus when you burn it."

"Understand." The person in charge's eyes light up, and he can't wait to make a new attempt.

Let's go "Go back." Mu Liang turned around and walked out with a ceramic bottle in his hand.

Yueqinlan and the highland guards followed.

The person in charge and the staff delivered to the door.

Mu Liang and Yue Qinlan returned to the carriage, playing with a narrow mouth porcelain bottle 20 cm high in their hands.

He said softly: "Take this to Hoarshuang to see."

"Okay." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully, understanding what Mu Liang meant, and wanted to try Hoarfrost's reaction.

Half an hour later, the carriage returned to the inner city heights and stopped in front of the palace.

Mu Liang and Yueqinlan got off the car.

"I'm going to look for Baishuang." Holding the porcelain bottle, Yue Qinlan waved to Mu Liang, and walked towards the side hall where Baishuang lived.

In the side hall, Baishuang nestled on a wooden chair, flipping through the adventure travel notes written by Alina.


"It's so funny.... Her purple-golden eyes are shining, and she's already fascinated by it.

On the next bed, the Golden Bhikkhu was resting on the quilt, sleeping soundly.


Kim Picchu raised his head and yelled twice, turning his direction and continuing to fall asleep.


The door was knocked.

Baishuang, "Your Excellency, are you there?" Yue Qinlan's elegant voice sounded.

After hearing Yue Qinlan's voice, Baishuang stood up reflexively, her face full of surprise.

She turned her beautiful eyes, and quickly responded: "Yes!!"

She opened the door and let Yue Qinlan in.

Yueqin said in blue, "I'm here to tell you that Black Tortoise has already begun to move, and you will be able to reach the Misty Sea in three days."

"Really!!" Hoarfrost said in surprise.

"Of course it is true." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

Bai Shuang exclaimed excitedly: "That's great, I'm going back finally.

She blushed, showing how happy she was in her heart.

Yue Qinlan looked at it with a smile, still holding a ceramic bottle in her hand.

Hoarfrost calmed down and gave a playful smile in embarrassment, and then succeeded in being attracted by the ceramic bottle.

She was surprised: "Send, is this ceramic?!"

"Yeah." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

"Can I take a look?" Hoarfrost's eyes showed surprise, her beautiful eyes staring at the ceramic bottle unblinkingly.

"Yes." Yue Qinlan said and moved the ceramic bottle forward.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. again,

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