Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1151 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1151: One of the business cards of Black Tortoise. (3 more)

Baishuang was holding the ceramic bottle, cautiously like holding a baby, her purple-golden eyes staring unblinkingly.

She couldn't help but exclaimed: "The first time I saw such a beautiful ceramic bottle, it is better than those treasured by my father."

"Your father also likes ceramics?" Yue Qinlan asked crisply.

"Yeah, my father's collection of ceramics has exceeded a thousand pieces." Hoarshuang's words were a little more proud.

Yue Qinlan raised her eyebrows lightly, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Bai Shuang sighed and shook his head: "But although my father has many ceramics, none of them is better than yours."

"The ceramics of Black Tortoise City are not ordinary ceramics." Yue Qinlan said in a tender voice.

Bai Shuang tilted his head and asked curiously: "Send, is there anything special?"

"From the appearance alone, you can also tell the difference between good and bad."

Yueqinlan reached out and picked up the ceramic bottle, and said in a clear voice: These colors and patterns on the "Three Six Seven" bottles are processed by special techniques. From the perspective of gloss, bottle surface, and color, they are all top quality.

Bai Shuang was stunned when she heard it, and a pile of praises from Yue Qinlan lingered in her mind.

"It takes three days to burn a ceramic bottle like this." Yue Qinlan opened her eyes and said nonsense.

"It sounds like it's hard to make." Hoarfrost blinked her purple-golden eyes, she only knows little about making ceramics.

Yue Qinlan pretended to ask casually: "I am a little curious, what is the transaction price of such a large ceramic in your kingdom?"

Baishuang thought for a while and said, "More than 10,000 Tier 3 Magical Beasts.

Yue Qinlan nodded slowly when she heard the words, and had an answer in her heart.

Baishuang said softly: "Like this ceramic bottle, you should be able to sell 30,000 third-order Magical Beasts.

Yue Qinlan's eyes twitched, the price was beyond her expectations.

Baishuang suddenly asked: "Your Excellency, can this ceramic bottle be traded to me?"

"Do you want?" Yue Qinlan had a meal with her ceramic bottle in her hand.

Bai Shuang explained: "Well, I want to give it to my father as a gift, he will love it."

"Then I'll give it to you." Yue Qinlan moved the ceramic bottle in his hand forward.

"Send, really? Hoarfrost" widened her purple and golden eyes.

"Well, it's treated as a meeting ceremony." Yue Qinlan smiled.

Hoarfrost hesitated: "This, this is not so good...

"Take it, I like to buy it again in the future." Yue Qinlan stuffed the ceramic bottle into the hands of the purple-haired girl, waved her hand and turned to leave.

Baishuang's pretty face turned red, and she quickly said gratefully: "Thank you!!"

Yue Qinlan raised his right hand and waved, leaving gracefully.

"It's such a good person, Baishuang," biting his lower lip, the impression of Yueqinlan in his heart was much better.

She went back to the room, wrapped the ceramic bottle with animal skins, and placed it carefully beside the bed.

Yueqinlan returned to the palace study, and Mu Liang was drawing a ceramic bottle on paper.

"Give her the ceramic bottle?" Mu Liang raised his eyes and looked at Yue Qinlan. Seeing that her hands were empty, he immediately understood.

"Well, it's used for promotion." Yue Qinlan shrugged and sat down beside Mu Liang.

"What did you ask?" Mu Liang kept his pen in his hand, drawing exquisite ceramic products, such as bowls, cups, and porcelain bottles.

"Well, in their kingdom, ceramics are very precious... Yueqinlan relayed the news he heard from Baishuang.

After Mu Liang's pen, there was a little smile on his face: "Very good, then our ceramics can be sold at a good price.

Yue Qinlan frowned her pretty brows, and said in a puzzled way: "I don't understand, this is just a useless dead thing, why can it be sold so expensive?"

"It's normal. There is no shortage of food or water in the New World. As long as Life is in the big city, it can be very safe.

Mu Liang took Yuelan's hand and smiled and said, "Life is good, then you can have other pursuits and hobbies."

Yue Qinlan nodded slowly and thoughtfully: "Just like our Black Tortoise city, Life has changed for the better, and the city residents are willing to spend Black Tortoise coins to watch dramas...

"Well, similar to this principle." Mu Liang smiled.

"But having said that, our ceramic products are indeed very good." Yue Qinlan smiled.

"Of course." Mu Liang's lips curled up, and he was ready to turn his new ceramic products into a luxury item in Black Tortoise.

Exquisite ceramics can also become one of the business cards of Black Tortoise in the future.

He warned: "By the way, send someone to pick more leaves from the tree of life, and store more Star tea."

"Good." Yue Qinlan replied.

The leaves of the tree of life are large and small, the large is the main leaf, and the small is the new leaf, which can be made into Star tea of ​​different grades.

She got up and left, preparing for the deal in the New World...

Mu Liang's eyes were low, thinking of New World: "Friendly deal...or war."

Ta Ta Ta

The study door was pushed open.

Yun Ting Probe came in and said: "Ms. Mu Liang, Xibeiqi Miss and Charlotte Miss are back and are now in Shanhaiguan."

"Okay." Mu Liang raised his eyes and smiled.

Charlotte's return means that the fog beast has also brought it back.

More than two hours later.

Several carriages stopped in front of the palace, and the highland guards stepped forward and took out bags of fierce beast spar from the carriage.

Yun listened to come out of the palace and watched curiously.

Charlotte and Hibbeck descended from the sky and landed in front of the little maid.

Yun listened to greet with a smile: "Miss Charlotte, Miss Hibeck, you are back~~~"

"Is Mr. Mu Liang here?" Charlotte asked softly.

"Yes, in the study." Yun Ting nodded obediently.

After hearing the words, Charlotte stretched out his hand and gestured to the animal skin bags that had been removed from the car: "These are the fierce beast spars brought back from the transit base."

Yun heard a clear voice: "Move into the main hall first, Mr. Mu Liang should use it soon.

The highland guard nodded when he heard the words, and moved all the animal skin bags into the palace hall.

"I'm going to find Mr. Mu Liang!" Xia Luo rushed to the study, still carrying a cage in his hand.

In the cage, the fog beast was asleep and looked more energetic than when it was first caught.

When the transport spacecraft arrived at Flying Bird City, Charlotte picked up the fog beast from Mu Liang's avatar, and just brought it back.

"Wait for me." Xibeiqi exclaimed 2.3 and hurriedly followed.

"Master Mu Liang, we are back!!"


Sibeqi knocked on the study door.

"Come in." Mu Liang's clear voice came.

Sibeqi and Charlotte pushed in and saw the city lord with a chuckle behind the desk.

Mu Liang said softly: "I'm back, thank you for your hard work.

"No hard work." Charlotte shook her head and put the cage on the desk.

She said softly, "Master Mu Liang, this is the fog beast you wanted. I brought it back."


Mu Liang stretched out his hand and flicked the iron cage lightly. Fog Beast opened his eyes, took a look at Mu Liang, and then closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

"Interesting." He chuckled slightly.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization.

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